Can believers of Jesus Christ assist or promote productions that showcase homosexual acceptance?

I would like to know if the word of God means abstain from all appearance of evil relates to those believers of Jesus Christ who are marketable and beckoned to help in productions that clearly showcase homosexual acceptance. Should they do the production and set aside their religious faith as it is just fictional characters or is their evil intent behind bringing these productions to the mass population... meaning subliminal messages.

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It is my opinion that all people should study homosexuality. Homosexuals are individuals do not receive a balance of hormones during gestation this results in physical and emotional that sometimes causes the individual to display attributes of the opposite sex and seek a relationship with the same sex. I have a problem with uneducated people explaining the supposed source for this behavior. They are speaking not from a knowledge of homosexuality. I used to be narrowminded until I went to school and studied psychology. I no longer follow people who speak out of ignorance.
With all due respect if that were true God would not call it an abomination and say its worthy of hell..but as usual theres Satan whispering in the ear of humanity and asking the question he asked Eve, has God said?

with more due respect you have an interpretation of the bible   why not research older versions and you willfind some interesting things.  then look at the life of King james because we were told to accept his version.



education does not need apologetics and apologetics should apologize.

Narrow minded is a good thing, I'd rather be narrow minded in the things of God than open minded to believe Satan's lies and teach Satan's lies, and thus be under his power... homosexuality is of Satan.. or maybe you think God is narrow minded?
1st Corinthians 6 - 9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

notice the word were meaning they are no longer that way because Christ has washed them and delivered them from that sin, if you are homosexual God may and is able to deliver you also ask him he's able..
Narrow minded is NEVER a good thing. When you mind does not expand then you folow what someone else told you and not what you have studied yourself. If someone can go back to older texts and read what was written before the (enlightened ones) began changing the bible daily then do it and you will be more knowledgable. If a person can be changed from homosexual to heterosexual then tje reverse can also be done. Name one instance of a hetero being changed to a homosexual.

People have this orientation because of the ack of or excess or certain hormones during the estation period. Now I know many christians will have a problem with that statement but many christians believe education is a tool of the devil.
But the truth is education is an instrument to bring knowledge to people and those who refuse to learn are tools.
" ...If a person can be changed from homosexual to heterosexual then tje reverse can also be done. Name one instance of a hetero being changed to a homosexual... "

Dear Sister,

You mean you have never heard any beautiful testimony of people that glorified God in how they used to live a life of homosexuality THINKING because they were TAUGHT that they were homosexuals because God MADE them that way...But someone from God came along and shared the good news of the gospel that in Jesus He died so that we could die to ourselves and base passions and be raised as NEW CREATURES in Christ - not living according to the flesh anymor. And how they CHANGED.

You say you are any EVANGELIST - what is the 'good news' you are bring to unsaved folk?
What are you telling those living perverted lives?
Are you telling them - they have NO hope?
Are you telling folks attracted to their siblings and having incest - there is no hope and that GOD made them to lust after each other so dont change?
What are you telling people that feel that their sexual drives are so strong or that their hormones are in over drive and having just one partner just wont do? What do you tell them...that thats just the way God made you and dont seek to be renewed?

What kind of mission have you been on?

God save us from Christians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What about the cleptomaniac - the person that has the so called clinical condition of STEALING?
Do you tell them - dont seek to change? And that God's arm is TOO short to save and heal and change and renew?

first read what I wrote.
you wrote
You mean you have never heard any beautiful testimony of people that glorified God in how they used to live a life of homosexuality THINKING because they were TAUGHT that they were homosexuals because God MADE them that way.

Is that anywhere in my post?

You wrote You say you are any EVANGELIST - what is the 'good news' you are bring to unsaved folk?
What are you telling those living perverted lives?
Are you telling them - they have NO hope?

Did I write that anywhere in my post.

I have found your post to be similiar to those of peope who do not haave a clue.

I am already saved from uneducated christians
Sister, your are right , you did not say those words, And then you seemed to imply that it was hormonal (God made them that way) thus dont be narrow minded.

I may have jumped the gun.

Tell me exactly WHAT you do mean. I'm a little slow. :)
When it comes to Gods word yes..because theres only one God even Jesus taught this, read for yourself?
Matthew 7:13-14
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
the narrow gate or way means how we think or act in relations to the word of God..

having a narrow mind as i stated before concerning the word of Gos means sticking to what God said alone God says homosexuality is sinful and an abomination,the narrow mind believes that as its written the broad mind tries to change it to mean something else thus making excuses for that type of sin/trying to justify it..the bible teaches us to have the mind of Christ not our own minds, because our own minds are corrupt..without the spirit of God within us..the broad way of thinking leads to destruction...the Christ way of thinking ( narrow ) leads to life
now as for the other excuse for sin you mentioned
"People have this orientation because of the ack of or excess or certain hormones"
again if this was so God would not have said its a sin or an abomination and NOT TO DO IT..
well someone hsould have told David and Jonathan
Narrow minded is never a good thing.  homosexuality has been proven to be caused by the balance of hormones during gestation.  this is if you believe science but most people do not study with an intent to learn anything they study to find a basis for what they have heard or have beene told to believe.


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