I would like to address the problem of Acts 15. Make sure all of your pre-conceived understandings of what I am about to say are set aside, and open your mind. Before one jumps forward to the conclusion of Acts 15, one must ask themselves,"Why did the Jerusalem council come together, and what was the problem?" The problem is laid out in Acts 15's premise, verses 1-2:

Acts 15:1-2,"But some men came down from Judea and were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.” And after Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and debate with them, Paul and Barnabas and some of the others were appointed to go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and the elders about this question.

As we see here in Acts 15's premise, the reason why this council of Jerusalem came together, was because certain men were teaching that If you are not circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved. Paul and the Apostles came together to discuss this very matter., and its so much to the reasons they came together.

First off, we have to consider some key things before actually diving into Acts 15. Background information is critical here. Notice that these men, who were most likely Jews, was teaching that circumcision saves you, and that it is according to the custom of Moses. I have come to tell you that there is not one single verse in God's law that even hints that circumcision saves a person.

The bible does shows us that God commanded his people to be circumised, because it is the sign of the covenant He made with Abraham. The consequence of not being circumcised was being cut off from his people, and not be apart of Israel, and the covenant. The scripture states In Genesis 17:10-13,"And this is the covenant which you shall fully keep between Me and you, and between your descendants after you for their generations; every male of you shall be circumcised. And you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised by you, every male throughout your generations, and the servant born in the house and he that is bought with money, of every son of a stranger, who is not of your offspring. He that is born in your house, and he that is bought with money shall surely be circumcised, and My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant."

The scripture clealy shows us what circumcision really is according to the written law of Moses, and not from traditions. Get circumcised as a sign of the Abrahamic covenant. Each person, including the Gentiles that went with Israel, had to undergo this commandment.

The bible shows us that Abraham was saved before circumcision was ever a law. Romans 4:3 states,"Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.” You can attest to this fact. So, the premise of Act s 15 is really showing us that its not actually the written custom of Moses that tells us salvation comes through circumcision, rather, it is the written customs of man that teaches this.

Take note of Jesus' words in Mark 7:6-8: This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.

Notice the phrase where Jesus said that they leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men. That's exactly what's happening here in Acts 15. It is the mere posing of man's traditions on the followers of Jesus and the Israelites. And so they are bringing these traditions into question at the council. These traditions are what ancient, and modern Rabbis refer to as "fences", which guard around the written law to conceal the truth of actual interpretation.

Another key thing to understand is that Jews back then, and even in this day and age, still hold the Oral law(Talmud) in higher esteem than the actual written law that is outlined in the 1st five books of the bible. In their world, and today's world, a Rabbi's word will take 1st place over,"This is what the LORD says, or it is written." This is the exact background of Acts 15.

So, now you understand that its not the custom of Moses that command circumcision for salvation, but its the custom of man that does, for Jesus said,"You leav e the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.

Now, the Apostles are there confronting this very premise, and Peter made the truth of the Gospel very clear to them all. He stated this truth in Acts 15:11,"But we believe that we will be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they will.”

Do you see that? Peter refuted any salvation by the law, and made the Gospel statement, that we are saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus, and that the Gentiles will be saved the same way. Paul attested to what Peter said concerning salvation in Christ when he said in Eph 2:8-9,"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." There is no separate law, or salvation for the Jew & Gentile. All are one in Christ, and all are saved by Christ, and not the law.

Lets get to the four laws that all the Apostles agreed upon to give the Gentile believers as the intial acceptance into the Messianic Jewish community. It is the common misunderstanding, and possible deception, to believe that these four laws that were given to the Gentiles are the only laws that they will ever have to follow in their walk with Jesus. But, is this actually true?

Let us take a closer look at these 4 laws:

abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols

From scripture, and historical background information, we know t hat things that have been sacrificed to idols are food. Even Jews are not to eat anything sacrificed to pagan gods. In the Greco-Roman world, this practice was carried out in the pagan temples, where they would have feasts, and eat meat that was given to idol gods for their own pleasures. This actually breaks the 1st commandment in Exodus 20:3,"You shall have no other gods beside Me".

from blood

Dealing with Blood, Lev 17:12,"Therefore I said to the children of Israel, ‘No soul of you shall eat blood, and the stranger that abides among you shall not eat blood." Technically, the Apostles were agreeing that Gentiles follow Torah here. The word stranger here refers to Gentile peoples, for the record. If Gentiles are to live with, and be in covenant with Hebrews, then they are to adhere to their laws.

from what has been strangled

To get a clear understanding of what this actually means, one must look into the culture of the Greco-Roman people. It is shown that when these pagans do their sacrifices to eat them, they would strangle the animal, and technically, blood will be trapped in their flesh. The animal is not properly drained. Jews were commanded to stay away from this as well. Them eating strangled animals will violate the command to not eat blood. Thus, Gentiles were commanded to keep Torah here.

from sexual immorality

Lev 18 clearly gives us laws dealing with sex, and that Jews should stay away from any sexual conduct that violates Torah. Gentiles were to do the same thing, and hence, they are following Torah on here.

What am I showing? I am showing that Gentiles still obeyed Torah, and I am also showing you that these four laws were what the pagans actually did. In other words, they ate meat given to idols, things strangled, ate blood, and fornicated.

But why give them just these four laws to obey? The answer is interesting here.

Jews of that time were already offended that uncircumcised people(Gentiles) were going into the courts, and synagogues, learning their laws. They did not even want to be around Gentiles. In order to not offend the Jewish community, and, in other words, make them feel good, the Apostles wanted these Gentiles to keep these four basic laws that everyone agreed on to get them accepted into the community. By the Apostles agreeing to these four laws, they would be accepted by the Jews, and this would lead to the understanding of verse 21.

James also states a great statement that most Christians miss. He stated in acts 15:21,"For from ancient generations Moses has had in every city those who proclaim him, for he is read every Sabbath in the synagogues.”

In other words, Every city has someone teaching God's laws every Sabbath, and eventually, the Gentile believer would learn of their new God, and his laws every sabbath. In fact, this is the only time they could hear the Old Testament---The Sabbath! By doing this, th ese new Gentile believers would also be learning about the Sabbath day and how to keep it. It would not make sense to cram every law of the Torah down their thrats right then and there, therefore, they would learn all the law every Sabbath. James gave those laws to get them accepted into the community, and to start them off with the law, which is the right thing to do with Gentiles who were not born into the Hebrew faith.

One may mention Acts 15:10 where it talks about putting yokes around the necks of the Apostles, and others that want to follow God. The yoke is not the law of God. The Law of God was never looked on as a yoke of burden. If that was true, then all the prophets would have been in trouble, and they would not have blessed God's law. Paul said in Romans 3:31,"Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law." Its no use to uphold a law that is burdensome, and cannot be kept. God's word declares that we can keep his law, and its not a burden. Duet 30:11,"For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off."

In fact, Paul stated in romans 7:12,"So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good." No burden at all. 1 John 5:3 states that Gods commandments are NOT burdensome. So, the yoke he mentions is not referring to the Law itself, but of the TRADITIONS OF MAN, which these traditions forces the law to become a burden to men.

This is why they did not want to put everything on these new Gentile believers. They would eventually learn the Law every Sabbath(Acts 15:21), so that they will learn the TRUTH of the law so that it would not be a burden resulting from Men's traditions. I believe I have addressed this problem of Acts 15, and I hope your mind stays open to learning of the wonders of God's holy law and prophets, for it is the foundation for which all of God's word incepts(begins).

1 John 5:3,"For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome."


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Yuri: I somehow missed the scripture reference you gave that specifically mentioned what the disciples were doing a "work". Can you repeat that please?

Apparently our Messiah does not agree with you. You are siding with the Pharisees who tried to accuse Him. He said he kept his Father's commandments.

"I have kept My Father's commandments" (John 15:10).

Are you saying that he did not? If so you are calling Him a liar.

Within the TORAH is where you find the most GRACE demonstrated in the Bible. Keeping the Sabbath was never intended to override the provision of necessesities for man or beast. To allow unnecessesary suffeing for man or beast.

If your Messiah ever violated the Torah, He is a sinner and needs a Savior Himself!

That being said, the fact that he allowed the bending of the traditional Rabbinic regulations regarding the Sabbath gives to alleviate hunger and suffering, does not give you the wholesale permission to totally ignore it.

Can you give us the name of a biblical personage who forgets and ignores the holiness of the Sabbath as you do?

Jesus/Yahshua nor any of His disciples ever broke the Sabbath and substituted another day SUPPOSEDLY in honor of the resurrection. You have the Catholic Church to thank for teaching your church founders that tradition. It does not come from the Bible.

Interestingly our Messiah said your worship is vain, when it is patterned after the commandments and doctrines of men....
Jesus did not keep the Torah BUT Jesus did not break the Law. Again, Jesus' disciples kept the Law by working on the Sabbath.

Jesus NEVER SINNED yet he did do "works" on the sabbath day, in spite of the Torah commanding no work on the sabbath day...

Yuri, these statements shows your lack of understanding Torah. You have spoken blasphemy concerning Jesus, stating that he sinned by allowing his followers to profane the sabbath by picking corn.

You said that Jesus worked on the sabbath. Let me show you what happened to people when they sin by working on the sabbath. Exodus 35:2,"Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death." Yuri, Jesus would have been stoned to death because he worked on the sabbath.

You made several contradictions. You said Jesus did not keep Torah, but he did not break the law. Thats illogical, for if he did not keep it, then that means he broke the law!. The bible says Jesus was OBEDIENT to death. He also said he kept his father's word. You are of the carnel mind, Yuri, and cannot understand the things of God.

One question James... Did Jesus do mighty "WORKS" on the sabbath or not... YES or NO???
Obviously you have not done a word study on the term interpreted "mighty works" in references to what our Messiah was doing on the Sabbath. That word in question is dynamis G1411 which simply in this reference to him primarily means "Miracles".(also translated power, virtue, strenght might)

It is used in the following texts:

[20] Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not:

[21] Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

[23] And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.

[54] And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?
[58] And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.

[2] And said unto his servants, This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead; and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him.

[2] And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?

[14] And king Herod heard of him; (for his name was spread abroad:) and he said, That John the Baptist was risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him.

[13] Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, which have been done in you, they had a great while ago repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.

[37] And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen;
This word is clarified in Acts 2:22, to simply refer to his MIRACLES::

Act 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles (G1411) and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:
Are you intending to say that any miracle performed on the Sabbath is 'work" and breaking the Sabbath? If so you are really in the camp of the Scribes and Pharisees, since they condemed Him for the same things.
Interestingly during His trial before His crucifixion


And you and I both know that if the Jews could have accused Him of Sabbath breaking at that public trial, they would have since they were trying to find a reason to put Him to death.

So how can YOU who are not even familiar with Jewish law, accuse Him of Sabbath breaking now 2000 years after the fact???

So yes Messiah performed mighty works/ miracles on the Sabbath.
Please show us your evidence from the Bible, providing us with your text proving that performing miracles on the Sabbath is breaking or profaning it.
So you do understand that the Jews clearly understood "miracles" as "work" as therein is the definition.

The issue is not if Jesus worked on the sabbath... He obviously did!; it is clear that He did; rather, the issue is did Jesus break the law by working on the sabbath and it is clear that He did not.

Why will your beliefs not let you see the obvious???

The bible says over and over Jesus WORKED miracles... but you say "work" does not mean "work." What are you blind, brainwashed or bored... I mean, do you have a hand in your back and talk with a funny voice???

Not only did Jesus WORK miracles on the sabbath... He told a man to pack his bed on the sabbath day... Jesus, himself, compared picking corn to getting a sheep out of a pit and said both WORKS could be done on the sabbath day.

If you had a background in Hebrew law, then you would know that when the law says work concerning the sabbath, it means your "job". It means to rest from their daily duties. Miracles are not works that go against the sabbath. Your carnel mind will not allow you to see this.

Picking grain on the sabbath was not a sin. The law explains many things on what not to do on the sabbath, and picking grain is not one of them. It was HUMAN TRADITION that called it sin, and not the WRITTEN LAW. If picking grain on the sabbath was a sin, then Jesus would have rebuked his disciples.

He would have accused them of sin, and Messiah himself would be accused of sin, thus needing a savior himself. Why can you not see this, Yuri. I know you have alot going for you. You are the chairman of this, president of that, a pastor, many degrees, etc.

I know that you have a reputation, and that converting to obedience to the law would destroy it all. I will pray that you do come to obedience to the law. God will provide a much better plan for you!

No one is brainwashed, or blind but you. The carnel mind cannot understand the things of God. How can you define sin WITHOUT the law? Did Jesus or Paul redefine sin without the law?
1) The bible says Jesus "WORKED" miracles on the Sabbath. You say that WORK is not WORK. I asked you to define work; you will not do it.

2) You say that after Peter's vision, the same things that had been required of Gentile to be one with the Jews are same as since the days of Abraham. I asked you “what then is the point of the vision given to Peter, if Gentile requirements are the same?” You will not answer that.

3) I asked you “what is the ‘wall of partition’ that was dividing Jew from Gentile, if not the requirements that kept them in the outer court of the temple?” You will not answer that.

4) I asked you to define an "ordinance" and your will not do it? Which obviously you don't know what that is.

Bro... I don't need you to spew your faulty philosophy again and again; I need you to answer these very real questions that seem to disqualify your Judaizer-like theory in NT revelation.

BTW: it is obvious that you don't know what the word "carnal" means contextually either?
1) The bible says Jesus "WORKED" miracles on the Sabbath. You say that WORK is not WORK. I asked you to define work; you will not do it. I explained it to you. I even gave OT scripture to show you what works are according to the Torah. Works in the Torah is your daily job. Torah says you are to work 6 days, and then on the 7th day, you rest from your work. Jesus doing miracles are of the Father, and it does not transgress the law. Your carnel mind will not allow you to see this.

2) You say that after Peter's vision, the same things that had been required of Gentile to be one with the Jews are same as since the days of Abraham. I asked you “what then is the point of the vision given to Peter, if Gentile requirements are the same?” You will not answer that. The point of the vision, if I may, is to show Peter what he knew to be unclean, was now made clean. But, God was not showing him its now ok to eat pork, shellfish, and all unclean animals. This vision was similar to a hyperbole, for which God exagerated to prove his point. Jews viewed Gentiles as unclean as the unclean foods. If you have no Torah foundation, then you will not understand me, or Anna.

3) I asked you “what is the ‘wall of partition’ that was dividing Jew from Gentile, if not the requirements that kept them in the outer court of the temple?” You will not answer that. i answered it. The law of God was not the dividing factor, rather, the traditions of man divided them. Traditions did not allow Jews to be around Gentiles, or even in their house, but if they are, according to the word, the light of the world, then they would do so. God's word says his house shall be a house of praise for ALL peoples. The law of God DOES NOT divide, but brings together, under ONE GOD.

4) I asked you to define an "ordinance" and your will not do it? Which obviously you don't know what that is. I gave you this answer several times. Ordinances also mean regulations. If he abolished regulations in this verse, then as I stated above concerning the division, it was TRADITION.

Bro... I don't need you to spew your faulty philosophy again and again; I need you to answer these very real questions that seem to disqualify your Judaizer-like theory in NT revelation. You have a carnel mind, for you do not understand the things of God, or even the definition of what a Judaizer is. You only assume. You have NO foundation in Torah, yet you try to teach them who breathe, live, and sleep it. Yuri, if you claim to love God, but keep not HIS commandments, then you are a LIAR, and the truth is NOT in you. You cannot be trusted. You do not love God, because you do not keep his laws. But there's stil time to obey him. OBEY, YURI!
>>> The point of the vision, if I may, is to show Peter what he knew to be unclean, was now made clean. br />
So let me see... you are saying that God is show Peter that the Gentile are clean yet this has no new applications... they still have to do all the same "cleansing" rites they always had to do to be one with the Jews?
>>> The law of God was not the dividing factor, rather, the traditions of man divided them. br />

So let me see if I understand you... The the "wall of partition" that divides the outer court of Gentiles from the inner court of Jews in the Temple... was designed not by "Law of God" but by the "Tradition of men?"
>>> 4) I asked you to define an "ordinance" and your will not do it? Which obviously you don't know what that is. I gave you this answer several times. Ordinances also mean regulations. If he abolished regulations in this verse, then as I stated above concerning the division, it was TRADITION. br />

Your definition is false... the greek word used here means "DECREE" or "LAW" and not mere oral tradition.

From the base of G1380; a law (civil, ceremonial or ecclesiastical): - decree, ordinance.


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