I know that we are quick to jump up and say "send aide to Haiti, those poor victims!", and some are just as quick to say that Pat Robertson is a jerk for what he said. I personally would agree with sending aide to Haiti, and I will also be praying for them, However I will not be praying for what people think that we should be praying for. The human mind possesses ingenuity, and if determined enough, they shall recover. The recovery however is up to them in this one area: REPENTANCE! Pat Robertson was right about ALL that he said. Quite frankly, I not only agree with everything he stated, I will add to it. Those who doubt the validity of the devil having a contract on Haiti know little about two things: 1) Haitian spiritual history, 2) spiritual warfare.

Things like this tie closely into the belief of the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, the offices of the Apostle & Prophet, miracles, signs, wonders, and actually realizing that we are STILL within the Book of Acts, just a few chapters later. If you knew anything about Haiti, you would have known that just by looking at it, the country was literally cursed. Therefore, if you are truly a Christian, then I would advise that you pray first for REPENTANCE of the people of Haiti. If they want to have any hope of recovery, they need to truly turn to CHRIST JESUS.

What say ye?

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"Trevor - you said they were cursed because of something some guys said 200 years ago and I asked you in the above post - were they not cursed as far back as 400 years ago?"

Do I look like I know or even care about the sins they committed 400 years ago? I'm focusing on the sins of a particular deal made. Why do you find it convenient to drift off into never-land with this subject as if that matters? The deal was made at a particular time, and that is the focus here.

"Well you keep on warning the people after their calamities and keep on studying that Hebrew and the deep Greek and the pseudo books and the youtube and keep ponificating about it all."

Riiiiiiiiight, I'll just do that......

And you keep on doing what you do. You know, whatever it is that you do......

This is what the black church does.
They kick you while you are down THEN have the nerve enough to claim they are doing the will of God.
I don't have any scripture to prove this doctrine.

The reason WHY no one went there (because God ALWAYS sends warning before destruction) is because there was no money there to get.
Black preachers especially are so focused on propserity they miss the true calling of ministry- saving the lost. They after money, homes, building their reputations and kingdoms, status, and learning new ways to trick people into giving them their hard earned money.
People need to wake up and put these greedy sheisters out of business!!!
I can answer your questions in one clean stroke, but that would rob you. Let me therefore answer it bit by bit:

"Tell me Trevor with all due respect If you knew that this country was cursed BEFORE the quake why is it that you sounded no alarm, raised no banner of alert?"

First and foremost, hello, SO GLAD TO MEET YOU! Those words mean alot more than just being polite, and pointing out your rue introduction (with all due respect). Those words actually mean "Do you know me, and the ministry that I am called for?" How exactly would you know if I did or did not sound an alarm concerning this very subject before? You wouldn't, would you? But for the sake of answering your question, I have PLENTY of Haitian friends, as well as other West Indian friends, for I myself am part Trinidadian. Therefore, the occult is nothing new to me. What you see practiced in Haiti is practiced throughout the islands, just not on such a wide scale. This subject is nothing new to me, for I had to teach on this very subject last year to my ministry, preparing them for witchcraft of such a kind. Would you know this? No, because 1) that was for my ministry, not for simple BPN discussions, & 2) you never met me before.

"Better question, why are you still here in the states if you knew all this was coming? Prophets who are given such insight were often sent to the area where the judgement was about to hit. There is precedent for it biblically."

You really must not understand the Prophetic office, do you? Just because I am aware of the dying condition of a place DOES NOT MEAN that I will be sent there. Take Prophet/Father Abraham for example. Did GOD send him to Sodom & Gomorrah once HE made Abraham aware of the madness that was occurring there? Or did Abraham not just observe what was to happen from a distance, and yet intercede for them? What about Jeremiah? He prophesied to the nations, BUT, was he sent to them all? And what of CHRIST Himself? there was a time that HE spoke woes over many cities, and they were not cities of Israel. In fact, JESUS never left Israel other than going into Egypt as a babe.

I do not have a mandate to go to Haiti (not yet at least). I have a mandate for other places, and an assignment to help and train other people. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not aware of whats going on over there. It would be a stupid idea to think that I don't know whats going on because I am not assigned to the place, and its an ignorant idea to think that because I am made aware of a place, I am automatically assigned to go there.

Wisdom says to know of a situation before you speak on it. I suggest that you take wisdom's advice, and pay close attention to what is being spoken here on this post. People who are going to stick their nose in this subject, be it to go and minister personally in Haiti, or just to be nosy and make comments, need to be aware of whats going on there, and this is what I am doing: bringing awareness of a spiritual dilemma.

Now, I have a question for you: You made no comment on the information given. You made no mention of it at all, be it in agreement, or disagreement, but simply came and gave your opinion about what I'm doing about it, or why didn't I say something sooner. I would like to know 1) did you know about the witchcraft of Haiti, and 2) do you believe that such a level of witchcraft even exists?
Rudeness??!!?? Sir with all due respect I find it interesting that you would speak of rudeness when your postings in this thread have done nothing but shout out how rude you are about an office you believe you hold. Most prophets I know are humble about their standing, they rarely shout it out to the heavens, And yet here you are, attempting to change the subject a little by calling me rude, your arrogance shows through and through this thread. Most prophets old and new testament alike show some form of humility yet here YOU are telling everyone that the apparently "do not understand the office or the prophetic. Teachers teach with humility. Pastor rule with the same. a prophet who does so with pride, as you appear to do, do a disservice to their office. I have little time for niceties when it comes to dealing with prideful ministers.
1) You still did not address my questions or the subject matter written in the original posting. I at least addressed yours, even if you say I did it in a rude manner.

2) Yes, you were rude about it. Its plain and simple.

3) Since when were the Prophet shy about their office?
Humble does not equal shy.... Moses was called the meekest man and yet there was nothing shy about him. And was he not a prophet? Jeremiah was humble about his office, and yet not as boastful or as arrogant as you appear to be. Isaiah was humble in his office, there was no boasting in him. I think you confuse arrogance with confidence my brother.
With regard to your question, being cogent of the rumors concerning a pact with the devil I was aware of it, but knowing the history of the country and seeing what happens when Europe and other nations of the world turned their back on the country after the defeat of France by blacks it is no wonder there is overwhelming poverty in the country let alone the issue of the corrupt leaders that have ruled that nation over the last century. How they raped the country of its resources. Rumors like that have been held for just about every island in the area. There is no proof, and citing the poverty, I just gave you historically documented reasons as to why the nation finds itself in the state that it does.
Telling sinners that they need the Lord in a rude fashion as you advocated is a moot point, most of them already know that they are sinners, some are actually more proficient at it than others. If our service to them emulates the service of Christ, it opens doors to share the gospel. In a manner after the way Paul did in Acts 17 using the culture of the Greeks to reach them. Pointing out sin right now is not apropos, when Jesus came across the blind man of whom people thought that his parents had sinned some great sin, He did not point out the sin, HE HEALED THE MAN. We are not called to point out sin in the world, even Paul said he was not qualified to point it out, the stuff that happens outside the church; I Corinthians 5:12 12What [business] of mine is it and what right have I to judge outsiders? Is it not those inside [the church] upon whom you are to pass disciplinary judgment [passing censuring sentence on them as the facts require]? Are you saying that God has done something to contradict His word and that somehow in your office as a prophet you now have the right to do something that Christ did not do, something Paul said he did not have the right to do??
Tell me if your house was burning down, and you left the candle burning that started the fire in the first place, would you really care for me telling you that it is yor own fault that you are losing your home, and possessions? Or would you rather me help you put your life back together by supporting you in some way?

Your attack on Bro. Trevor is totally uncalled for; however, he can certainly defend himself and his office.

I am merely speaking as a sister in Christ and I see where you are seriously offended by his posting concerning sin within mankind. Trevor and others like us are not saying anything different than was has already been said. There is no new thing under the sun.

I have not witnessed or heard where Trevor personally contacted anyone in Haiti to point out the sins of mankind. What I see through his posting is public awareness for us to be edified. Never once did he object to lending a helping to the Haitians nor has he discouraged anyone else from doing so.

If you don't like what is being said about the Haitians or anyone else when it pertains to sinful behavior, so be it. You're entitled to your opinion.

Now, what are YOU doing to help the Haitians at this point and how long will you be willing to continue helping them rebuild their country?

Shalom in Christ
Thank you Chaplain. A much needed and much appreciated defense.
You're welcome Trevor.

It's amazing how we (Christians) can spend countless hours on BPN and probably other networks arguing over various doctrines, such as salvation, women preachers/pastors, office of apostles/prophets, keeping the Sabbath, obeying Gods commandments, and the list goes on and on. Everyone claiming to know and understand the scriptures, but when it comes to being accountable for our sins, we start building a defense with statements like, "who can speak for God?" or "no one has the right to judge," and Jesus healed and feed thousands and worked miracles and always showed his love.

We're so busy asking God to "bless me, deliver me, help me, etc." And not once does anyone talk about other nations under attack and under demonic influence. No one wants to accept the hard truth that evil is what it is and it's in the hearts of man. Evil doesn't just exist within Satan and his demons.

Sorry . . . just venting a little bit.

Nevertheless, I am going to speak "what thus saith the Lord" and it's not always going to sound fuzzy wuzzy.

Shalom in Christ
Ditto Minister Mallet.
BLESS YOU Minister Mallet!

(See, thats ANOTHER reason why I advocate for female preachers!)


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