I don't know who will be able to see this but as a Christ Follower I have to speak up.  First, everyone who dump on Ms. Bell or defended the waitress, Take a chill pill.  Yes, as Christians it is our responsibility to be the hands and feet of Christ. BUT!!!.......We are also of this world, which means we don't always do the Jesus thing 24/7.  I know for me I fail to live up to Jesus' standard every day.  Just because we say we are Christians does not mean we won't hurt our fellow man or in the case letting the pen be mightier than the sword.  If any one can proof to me they have been perfect ALL DAY Long, then you may cast the first stone.

Now, the situation that started this is stupid...I am sure Ms. Bell sees the error of her ways.  I loved to talk to her on the phone and in person, to hug her and tell her what she did was jacked up but I love her and so does Jesus.

Ms. Apple-bees Waitress,

Be very thankful I am Not your Manager, because not only would you be fired, you would be leaving in hand cuffs.  Just because we have the technology does not mean to use it to post to Facebook, twitter,Pinterest, or what ever the other name are.

If we as believer would pray before writing something or clicking that picture on our iPhone, this would be a better place to live!!!!

Proud to be Called A Jesus Freak

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Hey Jesus freak.....first of all going to church on sunday's doesn't make you a Christian more than standing in a garage makes you a car!!!!The innocent waitress went to work and did her JOB....I assume you don't have one based on your verbiage (if anyone can PROOF to me) you meant prove ....anyway after PROVIDING A SERVICE to the ignorrant ass pastor her LIVELYHOOD raped from her in a flash because of something WRONG the PASTOR did!!! You want to have someone arrested for doing NOTHING WRONG, you should be asshamed of yourself too. Are you looking for a freel meal too?If you bitches can't afford to to eat and tip appropriately than stay the fuck out!!!! Fat Bitch....I'll bet she cleared the house out.
Dear [Delusional] Jesus Freak & Pastor Hell (not a typo)
Eat a d***!

alois bell, you are an evil person who deserves to be in the firestorm YOU created!! not only did you ruin some ones day who was only trying to make yours better, you got them fired over your own embaresment!! i hope all of your days are misserable. youre a cheap @*!k and you should be fired from your position!! how dare you call yourself a christian!! you should be apologizing to the server, not getting her fired!! maybe your cheap ass should raise money for the server now that youve taken away her lively hood.


"Be very thankful I am Not your Manager, because not only would you be fired, you would be leaving in hand cuffs.  Just because we have the technology does not mean to use it to post to Facebook, twitter,Pinterest, or what ever the other name are."

And there it is. Typical christian hypocrisy. Alois Bell deserves forgiveness and understanding, while the waitress on the other hand should be taken away in handcuffs? Really? So what you're saying, if I understand you correctly, is that if Jesus himself had created this situation and then been put to shame for it, would have reacted not with humility and sorrow, but by placing the blame on the server and demanding her livelihood to be stripped from her? Nice religion you've got there.

In order to make this situation right (that was blown out of control by Ms. Bell's over reaction) Ms. Bell should issue a public apology to the waitress she tried to stiff, and Ms. Bell should allow the waitress who posted the receipt to apologise to her, and to request the mgt. at Applebee's to allow her to come back to work.  Isn't that one of the focuses of your religion, asking for and receiving forgiveness?

    Ms. Bell needs to stop apologising to herself for embarrassing herself with her arrogant comment, trying to show how pious she is, she only appears sorry that she was exposed as being arrogant, pridefull, and cheap.

Trust me Ms. Bell if you follow my advice, you will all come out looking like mature, intelligent adults, and this will all be a bad dream, instead of right now where you look very selfish and immature, and by allowing the other waitress the chance to apologize, you give her a chance to be an adult about this as well.


Thank you for your comment.  It is exactly what i was trying to say but didn't quite achieve.

Fuck you Alois Bell greedy bitch I hope you end up homeless again and your whole church tanks with you.

susette please tell me you also arent a pastor... Actually more people should start posting alot more stuff on the internet so these fake , phony , liars , can get exposed , exactly like she did. It seems alful unholy like that you would comfort the black lady who was the most ignorantist human being that day and is only sorry because she got caught. But yet you would put the white girl in handcuffs that lost her job because of the evil lying pastor. you sound like you should go to pastor Bells church and give a sermon , youd fit right in. 

also that waitress is not apologizing for anything. she did nothing wrong other than expose a fake , phony liar. she has already been offered money, and already offered employment. I hardly doubt shes to worried about 3 dollar an hour applebees and getting ripped off by a bunch of frauds every sunday. Im sure she already has an attorney because theres some things that you all dont know. Like do you know that until today Applebees themselves had receipts from customers that wrote praises to applebees on recepits posted on applebees facebook page. After someone called them out on it they removed the pictures of those recepts off their page. it was too late though other people keep posting them right back. So how can applebees fire someone for doing the same exact thing they did up until today. They posted pictures  receipts praising them and the waitress posted apicture of a rerceipt that made alois look like the ignorant fool she is. so yeah susette good luck getting her arrested haha

And one last thing... If you cant afford to eat out stay the hell home.

people arent leaving church because of me sir thats for sure. I dont run around town pretending to be a pastor. I dont go into restaraunts treating some 3 dollar an hour server like a dog. I dont get people fired with some holier than thou attitude. I also work in an industry where i deal with lowlifes like ms bell everyday. They prtend they are something special, try to demand this, run and get that, but when the bill comes they turn into low life sinners. So if people are leavin the church because of people like her so be it. Maybe you all need to adjust your sermons to deal with how to treat people and also tell them not to eat out if your going to have to embarrass yourself and look like a foolish lying hypocrite when the bill comes

To all those defending this lying pastor, heres 86,000 people in one day that posted about it. She turned more people against religion in one day than the devil could ever hope to do




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