An honest word to Christianity & Christians on this site. Please read every paragraph

Yahuah is the only one who we are to heed our ears to when He speaks. Yeshua only spoke what His father told Him, so in essence, the voice of Yahuah was in Yeshua. We listen to Yeshua because listening to Him is like listening to Yahuah our father. The sad thing is that many rather listen to a misquoted Apostle name Paul first, then heed the voice of Yahuah second. If Paul says its ok to eat blood, and Yahuah says not to eat blood.... the majority, as evident, would eat the blood because Paul said so.

Is that how we are to live? By the words of man, or by the words of Yahuah? Wide is the way to destruction, and many go there, but narrow is the way to life, and very few enter thereof. Most people would rather hear a false prophet than the voice of Yahuah. That was Israel's problem. They wanted false prophets and divinations to guide them, and they abandoned the voice of Yahuah and His teachings.

I believe that is what Christianity is doing. Christianity was built on the misquotions of a PHARISEE named Paul. According to Christianity, Paul says its ok to break the Sabbath, eat pork & shellfish, murder, committ adultery/fornication, eat blood, etc. It is ok to do these things because we're no longer under the Torah, but we are free in Christ. YAHUAH, on the other hand, says we are not to do, and eat such things. Is being free in Christ gives us the green light to violate the Torah?

Why be blinded by the fact that the earliest Christians kept the Torah? Why be blinded by the fact that the first Church was established in Jerusalem, where the Torah was being kept.. where the first 14 bishops were Hebrews? If Yeshua came back, will He recognize modern Christianity as something HE practiced with His Apostles?

Yeshua is our example... not Paul. Yeshua commanded the Apostles to go into the nations and teach them everything HE commanded. If Yeshua kept Torah, then why would He command His Torah keeping Apostles to teach people not to keep Torah? If Gentiles are coming into a HEBRAIC covenant, then why must we be different in obedience than the native Hebrews?

Paul was a Pharisee by his own confession. Believe it or not, but not all Pharisees were evil and hypocritical. Hillel the elder was a Pharisee.. a very compassionate one actually. In fact, Hillel was the grandfather of Gamaliel..... the man who nurtured and educated Paul in all the ways of Torah & the Prophets. 1 corin 11:1 shows Paul saying,"Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ." WHAT??? Imitate a Pharisee?????? Yes.. that is what Paul said. Imitate a Torah keeping Pharisee as he imitates a Torah keeping Messiah!

In conclusion, sinning is violating the Torah, and those who violate Torah are worthy of death and destruction. The Messiah had to be a perfect Messiah, without any violations(sin) of the Torah. If any time Yeshua violated the Torah, then He no longer is qualified to be our Messiah. According to Christianity, Yeshua broke the following laws of Torah:

1) The Sabbath.. in fact, he permitted the breaking of the Sabbath
2) The eating of unclean foods.. in fact, Yeshua said that eating unclean foods does not really matter to Yahuah

The reason why there are two is because Christianity only addresses these two, and honestly, these two are enough to DISQUALIFY Yeshua as being our Messiah. Why is Christianity following a sinful Messiah who broke and permitted these Torah laws?

The Messiah of the bible never broke any of His father's Torah, and He never taught others to break it. The Messiah of the bible kept and taught the Torah, and commanded His Apostles to go teach the Torah in the world. The Torah was apart of what Yeshua commanded. So, my word to Christianity is, focus on the voice of Yahuah & Yeshua, THEN, judge any Prophet & Apostle by their words. If their words are not in line with Yahuah & Yeshua, then they are to be utterly rejected, but if their words are in line, then they are true Prophets & Apostles.

The sad thing is that Christianity's focus is on the former--- the willingness to hear false Prophets & Apostles over the voice of Yahuah Himself, and His set apart Torah. I call all Christians on this site to repent of their violations of Torah, and set their hearts on the listening of the VOICE OF YAHUAH, and to the study & practice of His Torah, and faith in a TORAH KEEPING MESSIAH!

Shalom Aleichem,

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I hear ya Brother. I was just suggesting a different approach.


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