Can We Eat Pork, Shellfish, And All Torah Forbidden Foods Under The New Testament?


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I can do that, but first you have to respond to my past questions that you ignored. Until then, I will see it as you taking me for a joke, and therefore I will not respond whatsoever. Is that agreed upon?

Ok. Im gonna be honest, and once I be honest, I'd love to see the answer to my question. What is your question?
Trevor, now what does this tell you????

Ok. Im gonna be honest, and once I be honest, I'd love to see the answer to my question. What is your question?
(It tells me two things: he lied before, and he purposely dodged my comments)

Come on.. lets reason, and not accuse.. Whats your question?
Whose accusing? I just made a statement that has evidence. If it is wrong, then it can be proven wrong by your response to my question.
Genesis 9:3-4 "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat."

When GOD made this covenant with Noah He also allowed for them to eat whatever meat was available. This was allowable because GOD blessed all living things before hand with Adam:

Genesis 1:24-25 "And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good."

As far the scriptures state, the covenant that GOD made with Israel through Moses on Mt. Sinai was for Israel, an Israel ONLY. Therefore, here are my questions:

-Why is it now that GOD has contradicted Himself in saying that ALL man is supposed to adhere to such?
-Show where all men who believed upon YHWH, not just Israel, were to adhere to the commandments stated on Mt. Sinai, because there were others outside of Israel that believed upon YHWH.
-Are not all that GOD created clean and blessed according to His own words?

Now, as for the Sabbath & circumcision:

-Show where the Sabbath was a day regarded and kept BEFORE Moses went up on Mt. Sinai.
-Show where all the people that believed upon Him had to adhere to the Sabbath, NOT where all the people who were apart of the nation of Israel.
-Show where ANY of the Apostles taught within their doctrine, which are the Epistles, that the Sabbath day was still to be kept by the Church.

I do not have a solid answer for Genesis 9 just yet. I am in the process of trying to understand this commandment "before" the Torah. Nevertheless, scripture shows us that we only go forward, and never backward. No scripture states that we are going back to how the days of adam and Noah were. We shall be under the Messianic kingdom under Torah(Deut 17).

Show you where Non hebrews had to adhere to Torah... Exodus 12:49 is a start.

According to what He gave to Moses to give to his people, the unclean foods cannot be eaten. What you're doing is that you're favoring one word over the other. If you read the Prophets, no where does Yah ever say that its ok to eat any meat because Noah did it. No no, ALL were to keep Torah... the words He gave to Moses.

There's no record of anyone keeping Shabbat before the Torah. Again, does that give you the excuse to not keep Shabbat. Did Yahushua use this excuse, or did He keep Shabbat?

The only ones that kept Shabbat who was not Hebrew were the ones who attach themselves to Israel. No other people did this. Do you know who?

There are really no verbal commands in the epistles saying "keep the Sabbath." Heck, there are none that says "do not commit beastiality." So, why give excuses to violate Torah? You will see these scriptures of keeping Torah as ACTION of carrying out Torah.

Acts 13:42: As they went out, the people begged that these things might be told them the next Sabbath.

Acts 13:44: The next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.

Acts 17:2: And Paul went in, as was his custom, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures.

Acts 18:4: And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and tried to persuade Jews and Greeks.

These are proofs that they were setting apart the Sabbath through their actions... obeying Torah.
For the Sabbath:

JESUS likened Evangelism as to fishing: you go to the best spots most likely a spawning ground and cast out your net. Paul was an Apostle Teacher, and Evangelist, so he knew that he had to head to the Jewish spawning grounds in order to "fish for men". The ONLY reason why it mentions that Paul went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath is because that was the most ideal place to find the Jewish people. This point can be demonstrated for the Gentiles. Where was the best place to find the intellectual minds in order to present the Gospel? Mars Hill! Was that a Synagogue? No it wasn't, but it was a place of gathering for religion and philosophy to be discussed. For the Gentiles, Mars Hill was the place, for the Jews, the Synagogue was the place to catch the most "fish".

Concerning the Torah:

Lets us first establish the fact that ALL of Genesis is the Torah, so there for there is no "commandment before the Torah" when referring to Genesis. You are correct in that we are to go forward, however, GOD will contradict what He established before. The only way He shuts an old law down is to establish a new covenant altogether that replaces the old one. The covenant of Noah is totally different from the covenant of Sinai. The covenant with Noah is a covenant for all mankind, and will never be undone. Mt. Sinai's covenant was clearly stated by GOD to be a covenant with Israel. I'm not playing favorites, I'm going by what GOD said. He had people who worshiped Him in spirit and in truth who were NOT under the covenant of Sinai because they were not apart of the nation of Israel. You said "non-Hebrews", I said "not apart of Israel" meaning the nation. There is a difference. Ishmael was a Hebrew technically. So was Esau, and all Abraham's physical children if you REALLY want to be technical. Those that were serving GOD and were not under the Covenant of Sinai, however, are different:

-Pharaoh Necho
-King Nebuchadnezzar
-King Melchizedek
-Jethro, Moses' father-in-law

Did these men serve GOD? Yes! Did they fall under the covenant of Israel? NO!

By the way, thanks for being honest about not having a solid answer for Genesis 9, instead of dodging it.

I must wash my hands with you. It is not that I am unable to give answer, rather, it is because you will never listen. May Yahuah reveal His Torah to you, that you may walk as Yahushua walked, before it is too late.

OK, now you're a liar! You JUST said that you didn't have a solid answer, and NOW you're saying "its because you'll never listen"?? Gimme a break!!!

How many times are you going to do this?

Its because I care too much to get the truth out to people I care about, but the Prophets been through the same thing. They have given truth of Yah's word to the people, but their hearts were too hard to accept it. This will be my last time speaking with you concerning the Torah.


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