Can We Eat Pork, Shellfish, And All Torah Forbidden Foods Under The New Testament?


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((((FUNNY))) The torah boyz

LOL! Its DEM Torah boyz
Bro Watson,

Do you think that Israel was healthier for not eating pork or scavenger sea animals for instance?
Bro Watson,

I wouldnt have to be on an island to eat a slab of ribs, believe me.
Just about everytime I go home to Philly - if I pass a rib truck I am pulling over and gettin' some.

What I am asking is if God told Israel to stay away from those foods - like dont eat animals that eat the filth of other animals or garbage - do you believe He told them that because it was healthy for them?
just 4 clarity bru watson do we throw the torah out???
For clarity, no we do not. It was a foreshadow of things to come. You never disregard the prophetic word. We are, however in the manifestation of what the prophets spoke of. Joel spoke of these days; Moses spoke of these days; Isaiah spoke of these days, and so on....all that the OT was speaking of looking ahead, we are living in now. Torah was prophetic, looking forward to the spiritual life in Christ JESUS.

We look to obedience, but you, trevor, and many others, are the sons of the perdition... the sons of disobedience.
According to Jews, yes....

Yes, we do throw it out.
Dem' Torah Boyz?? Sounds like a Hip Hop group from the Durrty Souf', gold grill, locks in their hair and all!!!

Thats how we role da'hurr


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