(CNN) -- The boy writhes uncontrollably on the floor, but the church members remain calm, if increasingly loud. They're trying to drive a "demon" out of him. "You homosexual demon, get up on outta here!" they say. "You demon, loose yourself!" "You sex demon ... you snake!"

The shouts, the convulsions, the references to homosexual spirits -- they are all captured on a video posted on YouTube by the Manifested Glory Ministries. The video has sparked anger among gay youth advocacy groups and put the small church from Bridgeport, Connecticut, in the middle of an ongoing national debate on gay issues.

Patricia McKinney, pastor of the nondenominational church who describes herself as a prophet, said she has even been receiving death threats as a result of the video, but doesn't understand the outrage.
"I believe in deliverance, I believe in anointing, I believe in the power of Jesus," she said in a phone interview with CNN. "I've been threatened already, I've been attacked, and it doesn't make any sense to us. Really, what they're doing, they're putting me out there on the mat." McKinney says she doesn't refer to the events of the video as an exorcism, but rather a "casting out of unclean spirits." She said this isn't the first time that an event like this has taken place at her church, but it is the first one centered around homosexuality.

McKinney said the boy approached the church and told her he wanted to be a pastor, but was struggling with his sexuality. "We allow [gay people] to come into our church. We just don't allow them to come in and continue to live that lifestyle," she said. "God made Adam and Eve," she said. "He made a woman to be with a man, and a man to be with a woman."

Robin McHaelen, who worked with the 16-year-old boy at the center of the video in her position as executive director of True Colors Inc., a gay youth advocacy and mentoring program in Connecticut, said the video was taped in March. She would not identify the teen. McHaelen said she doesn't think the church acted maliciously -- but that's part of her problem with the video. The event, McHaelen said, reflects a culture and society that doesn't believe a person can be both Christian and gay. "That's what makes me so sad and so mad," she said.

"None of the people in this video were intending to hurt this kid," she said. "They performed this ritual in an attempt to rid him of feelings that he didn't want to have."
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE ACTUAL VIDEO: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/US/06/25/connecticut.gay.exorcism/index...______________________________________

(1) Does the methodology bring true deliverance?
(2) Were the civil rights of this young man violated?
(3) What do you feel will be the ramifications of this CNN interview against the Church at large by gay rights advocacy groups?
(4) Does the Pastor's explanations bring harm or hope to the ministry for unbelievers?

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"I do agree that the church overlooks certain sins and harp more on others, but please understand that NO ONE ON THIS EARTH HAS A HEAVEN OR HELL TO PUT US IN."

I agree. I have rarely known church folks to use the Bible to condemn themselves...only others.

don't forget lying, gossipping, gluttony (lots of biggums in that church), false prophets, materialism, selfishness, lack of obedience to Christ's commands, racism, sexism, voting for abortion,, women seeking and usurping men, etc, etc......why leave the other undone? Only those things we personally view as "sin" will be exorcised, I mean delivered.... The video was funny though, ineffective but good entertainment.

"don't forget lying, gossipping, gluttony (lots of biggums in that church), false prophets, materialism, selfishness, lack of obedience to Christ's commands, racism, sexism, voting for abortion,, women seeking and usurping men, etc, etc......why leave the other undone? Only those things we personally view as "sin" will be exorcised, I mean delivered...."

I agree. It is interesting that their own personal sins don't need to be "exorcised", or so called "delivered." They just use Grace as a license to continue in their sins.

Does this mean thats demons need not be cast out any more because all people have issues, including the Ministers as well? Is "you aint perfect either" a valid excuse to say why "I" do not need to come out of my mess or why demonic activity shouldn't cease within my life?

"Does this mean thats demons need not be cast out any more because all people have issues, including the Ministers as well?"

Well if their "issues" were supposedly caused by demons as well, how can demons cast out demons?

"Is "you aint perfect either" a valid excuse to say why "I" do not need to come out of my mess or why demonic activity shouldn't cease within my life?

Is any sin excusable? If so, which ones and why?

Every Christian sinner I know have managed to justify and excuse his or her own sins. If you can justify and excuse other sins, why can't the homosexuals do the same?

What makes this sin worst than others?

Besides according to Jesus:

Matthew 7:3-5
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast
out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Amen Ach

"Scripture is very clear on the steps to take..these steps, if taken will not only humble the person but show Yah your commitment to him and not wanting to live in your sin....People want to go around supposidly casting out demon, but they themselves have no power"

This is what Jesus said about people who are not doing the Will of His Father, but claiming to cast out demons:

Matthew 7:21-23
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Apostle Greene, absolutely not!
Amen Apostle!! I'm glad SOMEONE here gets it! This comes from actually confronting demonic warfare for real.
Your quote don't forget lying, gossipping, gluttony (lots of biggums in that church), false prophets, materialism, selfishness, lack of obedience to Christ's commands, racism, sexism, voting for abortion,, women seeking and usurping men, etc, etc......why leave the other undone?

Not really trying to leave out the above mentioned deeds, I was just trying to make a quick point to Brotha Seeking the Truth, which is why I said equal attention should be given to all sin. Since this topic was about homosexuality I thought I'd cover a couple of the sins that many homosexuals bring up for their defense. It is my belief that a certain spirit goes with all sins just as the sister stated in the video. I have seen people lie and not bat an eye. It just rolls right off of there tongue with no convictions whatsoever.
This was HILARious hahahaaaaa!!!!
I am going to use this one.
But this is so true.
They love casting out a homosexual demon but you never hear about the fornication demon or the adultery demon!!!
I do believe in deliverance and casting out demons, but the best way to become delivered is through the washing and cleansing by His Word. The closer you get to the level of loving what Christ did for us on the cross and knowing that when we sin we put Him back on the cross should create the regeneration process of repentance. What good is being "cast" out without the knowledge of knowing whom has delivered you. Without the walking in the power of His word and dilligently seeking God and working out your own salvation with fear and trembling, all the laying on hands and talking in tongues ain't gonna amount to nuffin. If one is not willing to allow Christ be their Lord and not just their Saviour is fooling themselves. We must seek to desire to become Disciples and go through the repentance process to truly be redeemed. There is too much activity and acting out in church and a rush to put a video camera to capture a "demon" possessed spirit to advertise just how "spiritual" and "holy" this church is to gain more members to put them in the pew seats and not enough espository understanding to uncover the mysteries of God, that creates a more hunger and thirst for Christ. And we wonder why most folx backslide and leave churches after they had a church experience and not a Damascus one.


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