Christmas - A Season for Miracles Wrought By the Master's Hand!


A few days ago, I hurriedly rushed out of the subway to catch a bus that was about to pull off. As I started to climb on, suddenly, I was stopped by the sound of angelic voices.

Just to the right of me, over in the corner of the platform, stood a choir singing "Silent Night." This divine Christmas Carol coupled with their harmonious voices and beaming smiles touched my soul.

"Isn't this what Christmas is really all about," I thought to myself, as I waved the bus away and walked over to them. I simply had to listen!

As a wonderful spirit filled the air, touching those who stopped, a young man came up and introduced himself and the choir. From a local church, these young people had come to share a message of love and hope.

They had come to help us remember our reason for this season.

With all the hoopla of Christmas parties, shopping, lighting decorations, Santa Claus, and preparing for Christmas Eve, it is easy to forget! With practically everything commercialized, it is easy to forget the Great Master Teacher, Wonderful Counselor, Miracle Maker and Friend.

It is easy to forget all he has meant and still means to humankind, but I, for one, hope we never do!

At this special time, unbeknownst to most people, the ethers all around us are spiritually charged with the most powerful healing radiance of our Beloved Ascended Master, Jesus. They are alive with the light of his life,

Christmas is the Season for Miracles, Wrought By the Master's Hand!

His streaming light can be seen and felt through the stillness of peace in the very air that we breathe. We can see it shining more brilliantly than any other time of the year on the faces of people. We can feel his love aborning in our hearts.

If we need peace in our lives, this is the time to achieve it. If we need love in our hearts, this is the time to draw nigh. If we need healing in our body temples, we have only to immerse ourselves in the living waters of life flowing through the Master's Divine Love right now.

Christmas is the Season for Miracles Wrought By the Master's Hand!

Whatever it is that we need, now is the time. Draw close and touch the hem of his garment.

During this sacred time, we have only to accept the power of his Divine Presence into our lives. We have only to walk upon his pathway shining before us. He is calling to us with hands outstretched, welcoming us home to the bosom of love.

The Divine Portal to the heavenly realms of higher consciousness has been thrown open. We have only to step in.

The light is streaming all around us.

We have only to look up and within. We have only to follow and we will be lifted into the higher realms where we may take hold of the Master's hand.

Peace will come. . .

Joy will come. . .

Love will come. . .

Our broken hearts will be mended; our physical bodies will be healed. Our wounded spirits will be renewed.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Christmas is the Season for Miracles Wrought by the Master's Hand. . .

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