How much of what is current church practice is due simply to accumulated tradition, with little or no roots in Scripture? Can you think of any?

Here are a few things that come to mind:
-Sunday being the main day for worship (right or wrong) is tradition and not based on biblical instruction.
-Christmas is also.
-Pastor's wives being called First Lady.
-Spending gobs and gobs of money on the building while the saints live in poverty.
-Prayer lines based money denominations, such as $10 prayer lines and $50 prayer lines, etc.
-Paying people to play the organ

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Good thread Sister. I'm impressed.
Not all tradition is evil and "against" scripture. The feast of purim was not commanded in the Torah, but Israelites celebrated it throughout the centuries in celebration of Yahuah saving Israel from genocide by the hands of Haman in the book of Esther. Paying a person to play music... nothing wrong with that.
I never said any of it was evil.
But add to the list what you think has been institutionalized in the church v. what the early church did or did not do.
"...Paying a person to play music... nothing wrong with that..."

You are saying the early church paid the saints to play the harp and tambourines during services?
or are you saying that this is modern practice yet it is not an evil practice?
What are you saying?
The early didn't have electricity. Should we get rid of that too. Is that unscriptural because we use electricity in our churches? Out of all due respect, do you see how ridiculous this sounds?
Secondly, there is nothing worng or unscriptural in paying a musician to play music. Why are you splitting hairs? It doesn't make sense?
What's wrong with the "First Lady" title? Paul would probably call her the "Shut-up Lady."
Sunday worship? Christians can worship the Lord on any day. Take a look at Colossians chapter 2.

I never said any of it was evil - its just that some of the things we do are traditions of man instead of scriptural.
And your statement about Paul calling a sister "Shut-up Lady" is hilarious. I plan to share that. :-))

But I do think there is something 'bad' about paying people to play an instrument when I thought everyone was there to praise the Lord. Do they pay the choir now also in some churches?
I dont know - something is not right about that.

But more so than arguing, Brother Watson - can you think of somethings that we do now that is a tradition but not scriptural? It does not have to be evil.
Bro. Watson,

This 4TH COMMANDMENT c*&*@*p is getting darn right boring! I simply refuse to engage in any further debate on this particular issue.

With much respect for newview, it seems that when you start "splitting hairs" like this particular topic for discussion, it tells me that they cannot come up with any subject or issue with substance that will edify the Body of Christ. What does paying a musician or calling the the pastor's wife the "First Lady" have anything to do with leading a person to salvation and teaching them to live Christlike? Neither one of them are acts of sin.

Oops again.
I did not know that there were certain threads that could not be started just as long as they were not profane.
And all I did was make an observation and ask a question.
What is the problem with that?
I love delving into why we do what we do.

But more importantly - why would anyone get upset about shining a light on what is biblical and what is a tradition of man?

And I never said that calling a woman First Lady was evil. I do understand that in our culture everyone needs a title to seem relevant - especially in the black culture. I guess its soothing.

And paying for someone to play the organ while everyone is singing to the Lord - please tell me what is right about that? I am NOT sure that it is wrong but it does not seem right.
So help me understand - how it is Sister.

My apology if I misunderstood you. There is nothing wrong with the title "First Lady" and there is nothing wrong with paying a musician.

Some churches place their musicians on paid salaries as oppose to giving them a love offering. By putting them on staff obligates the musician to fulfill his/her duty as they would if they worked in the secular world. Still can't say that it's right or wrong, but that seems to be the gist of it. I like the idea of having musicians on board for musical worship but I wouldn't think that not having a musician would interfere with the Word going forth; at least it shouldn't.

In Peace,
"...By putting them on staff obligates the musician to fulfill his/her duty as they would if they worked in the secular world. Still can't say that it's right or wrong, but that seems to be the gist of it..."

I see.
But the problem with that is - if they have a gift to play the organ - wouldn't they be obligated to return to the Lord the gift He gave them in the first place? Shouldnt we lavish our gifts on the Lord?
Why don't the ushers get paid?
Good point, since I am an Usher! LOL

Personally newview, I wouldn't have a problem sharing my gift wth the church for free, but I cannot speak for others.
@ Sister Newview

When you shine light, it pulls the skirt off the hypocrites, and if you are a hypocrite, it is thrown in your face that you are doing wrong. Nobody likes to be told what they are doing is wrong. Did not Cain say, "Am I my brother's keeper, and he knew that he slew his brother.

You keep bring up the differences between the Word of God and the traditions of men.

I got your back on the scripture if you need it just email me.
@ Sister Harris

So you are saying that the what God commands is boring?

He commanded us to keep that 4th commandment or we will perish in the Lake of Fire.


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