How much of what is current church practice is due simply to accumulated tradition, with little or no roots in Scripture? Can you think of any?

Here are a few things that come to mind:
-Sunday being the main day for worship (right or wrong) is tradition and not based on biblical instruction.
-Christmas is also.
-Pastor's wives being called First Lady.
-Spending gobs and gobs of money on the building while the saints live in poverty.
-Prayer lines based money denominations, such as $10 prayer lines and $50 prayer lines, etc.
-Paying people to play the organ

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O so you are saying anything in the OT Law - the church does not have to pay any attention to - if - it's not specifally spoken of in the NT?
Or better yet - you are saying anything in the OT Law and the church follows it those that do are under the curse of the law if they follow it?

Are you saying either one of those?
God forbid, Yea we Establish the Law.
"...What I am saying is that what the Old Testament contains, the New Testament explains. What the Old Testament conceals, the New Testament reveals..."

Brother, do I hear a bit of Jesse Jackson coming through? LOL!!
That was cute. :-))
Go on witcha badself !
LOL !!!


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