1 Tim 4:4-5,"For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer."

This scripture has been misunderstood when it comes to Yahweh's dietary laws. Christians always read into this text to fit their denominational, or personal beliefs.

The only foods that are "set apart(holy) by God's word, are the foods that are outlined in the Torah(Lev 11). Most Christians think that God has now let all Gentiles eat pork, shellfish, and all unclean animals, while his Jews adhere to his laws. This does not make Logical sense. If Gentiles are grafted into the Olive Tree with Israel, does that mean we are to adhere to the same rules that they do? Of course, for Jew & Gentile are ONE in Yahshua.

Again, the only foods that are set apart by the word of God are the foods outlined in the Torah. Christians only read into the text whats actually not there. Foundational wise, its not their fault, for they were not taught Torah foundations.

The vision that Peter had is another misunderstood scripture. Christians will tell you that God was telling Peter, a Torah-Observant Jew, that all unclean foods are now good to eat. That cannot be further from the truth. Those unclean foods that God showed Peter represented the Gentiles that God has called out as people unto himself, just like he called out the Jews.

I have to say that ALL followers of Yahshua are under ONE LAW. 2 law theology, in my opinion, is heresey. To say that the Jews follow this, and the Gentiles follow that, will always cause dividance among God's people. But, Yahshua's body is ONE, we are under ONE TORAH.

Galatians is probably the most twisted, to their own destruction book in the New Testament. The book of Galatians is about Judaizers that were forcing "Rabbinic traditions" on Yahshua's followers. One tradition, which was also the center of debate in Acts 15, was that one had to be circumized to be saved. Paul was not debating these men for telling them to observe Torah, rather, he was debating them because they were telling Yahshua's followers to observe man-made traditions. To my knowledge, Jewish dietary laws are not even mentioned in Galatians.

To be a follower of Yahshua and say," I think we should eat anything in moderation", sounds convincing, but in true exegesis of scripture, It does not hold water. As Yahshua's followers, we are to eat the foods that are holy by God's word(1 Tim 4:4-5). And yes, too much Pork can cause many health problems, but since Yahweh said do not eat it period, I think we should adhere to his Torah, for there are huge blessings for doing so(Duet 6, 28).

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No food, even in the OT is in reality unclean; it is ritualistically unclean., just like animals could not reality take away sin.

All the things were rituals not realities. They were symbols and have been abolished and replaced with realities.

Immoral behavior is a reality not a ritual...

All ceremonial law is abolished.

No moral law is abolished.

All moral law were generally observed even by gentiles. The moral law is written on the heart of every man.

Ceremonial law is instituted law therefore unnatural/not written on the heart.

Moral law is an intrinsic aspect of eternal life. Ceremonial law is not an intrinsic aspect of eternal life.

Paul was a Pharisee, even long after his conversion to faith in Messiah. These men were strick law keepers. Why would he write letters to churches telling them not to keep the law?
He would write letters to them saying that it is not necessary to keep the Torah because God revealed to Him (and Peter) that the Gentiles no longer had to take on Jewish practices to be one with the Jews as had been the case since the time of Abraham.

However, those who were Jews continue many of there practices because that is what they were accustom to.

Niether do or not doing was wrong as Paul argues in Rom 14 and in ! Cor 8...

One honors God by obervation of days, feast, etc. and the other honors God by not doing so BUT BOTH honor God, Jew in his and Gentile in his way.


There is no evidence in the scriptures saying that Paul was a hypocrite. Paul was teaching the new covenant, and one of the decrees happens to include the law of God given at mt. Sinai. Paul told the Churches to imitate him as he imitated Christ(1 cor 11:1). Well, Jesus kept Torah, Paul did so, and he wants us to imitate his actions.

The law is not only for Jews, rather, its for ALL who are living among them, and are under the covenant(Exodus 12:49). Eccl 12 says its the duty of ALL mankind to keep God's commandments.

Romans 14, you twist horribly. Keeping God's laws is not of opinion, rather, of COMMAND. God's laws is NOT in question in romans 14, or 1 cor 8. You do not understand what Eph 2, from a Jewish perspective, is even saying. If there's something that separated Jews from Gentiles, then it would be TRADITIONS, which was what the commands contained in ordiances/regulations. The sabbath, etc, did not separate. The prophets declare that God's house will be a house of praise for ALL peoples. Do not be deceived, Yuri.
James there is not one feast day-restriction, food-restriction, etc reinterated in the NT... I repeat NOT ONE!!!

Read my small article on the "argument from institution" to answer that
Does not Eph 3:15 say "Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances"...

How can the curse of the Law be the point of division between Jews and Gentiles? It cannot be! This is in fact a point of unity, for all are under that condemnation apart from obeying whatever light you've been given according to Rom 2.

Was not "the middle wall of partition between us" (Jew and Gentiles) the wall of the temple that separated the outer court (court of the gentiles) from the inner court (court of the Jews)? Was not the only way for a gentiles to enter the court of the Jews through the "ordinace" of circumcision alone with the ordinances that restricted the Jews from certain gentile practices?

Was not Abraham told in Genesis 17 to circumcise all the men of his household EVEN THE STRANGERS?

Is not this the dividing point... all gentiles who did not observe jewish ordinances were restricted to the outer court?

Is not this same observance of ordinances what the Judaizers were teaching that Gentiles converts must still do to be accepted in Christ?


I read it in context, and I came to find out that, if this chapter isnt referring to the written law, then the next thing is the oral law(tradition), that was also seen on the same level as the written law. Many laws(traditions) separated the Jews from the Gentiles. Gentiles couldnt even enter the synagouges of the day. The written law states in Exodus 12:49 that the Gentile must adhere to the same commandments as the Jew, therefore them being one in nationality. Gentiles need not to become Jews to be saved, rather, place their faith in Messiah, while at the same time, conforming to the obedience of the written law.

Gentiles are ONE with Hebrews within the New Covenant, and there is no separation. Christ is the high priest of the New Covenant, and all are ONE in Christ. They ought not be a separate community, but rather be a community of oneness in Christ, keeping the commandments of God, and placing faith in Jesus.
Absolutely... "keeping the commandments of God" AND NOT the commandments "contained or expressed in the ordinances" of the Torah: No circumcision, no animal sacrifices, no feast days, no ritual cleansing, no food restriction...

All of these things were physical signs/symbols to distinguish/seperate a physical people (national Israel) from the rest of the world... thus two men... These thing served as a wall of partition "in practice" which was broken down/abolished to create 1 new man OR i.e. 1 new mankind.

I'd love for you to show me where circumcision, feast days, ritual cleansing(baptism), sacrifices, and dietary laws were/are NOT apart of the "commandments of God????
They are "ordinances"...

Do you even know what an ordinance is???


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