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All I can say to your post is God can not lie! I believe his Word (KJV) to be the infallible Word of God and His Word is truth. I totally believe and trust in Him and every word He says. You may have been looking for more but that's all I have to say about it. God bless.
hey brother John,

I respect what you stated. The interesting thing is that Genesis was not the only creation story in circulation at the time. There were several creation stories that came before the book of Genesis was ever written. You had the babylonian creation account, Enuma Elish, and you had some Egyptian creation accounts, and several Sumerian creation accounts, one such as the Epic of Gilgamesh flood account, which has a handful of similarites with the Story of Noah.

When you read Genesis, and then examine these creation stories, you will see loads of similarities, and then you ask yourself,"If Genesis was not the only creation story in circulation, and many of the ancient near eastern creation stories came before Genesis was ever written, then what was the purpose of Genesis chapters 1-11?"
Brother James I am aware of the Babylonian, Egyptian and Sumerian accounts of creation and other stories. I'm not familiar with Enuma Elish but will check it out. What I'm aware of is that these groups mentioned are not followers of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob nor was God pleased in these groups. These were people of the world and had their own traditions and were more in line with satan than God. Babylonian Mysteries as it was/is called is the lineage for Catholocism and Babylon, Egypt are still going to have to answer to God for what they have done. The Sumerians whether before the Babylonians and Egyptians or after are all similar in traditions and probably one passed something on to the other. We know that conquests always lead to the conqueror putting their views onto the conquered. I also know that satan always tried to get there first in things to confuse mankind since he is the greatest deceiver of all time and continues to be. Personally I will take God's Word and views over mans any day of the week. I am one that truly believes that Gods Word wasn't written by men but by God through men He chose. I believe He is perfect the first time everytime and so there is no need to rewrite or correct or as some say to make the language easy to understand as though God didn't think of that. If His Word is undertandable to me and that is only because of the Holy Spirit then it will be that way for everyone. God is smarter than any human on the planet and trust me when He wrote His Word He knew what He was doing and I stand behind His Word. God bless you my Brother.
I believe that a true understanding of God's word, is to understand the culture of his people, and the culture around them, and also understand the bible languages.

Its very easy to say,"The holy spirit already showed me, or he will show", and we dont study ourselves. Studying the ancient backgrounds of Genesis has enlightened me.

It has showed me that the God of Israel is mightier than The Cannanite God Ba'al, Babylonian Gods, and other gods.
I agree with all you just said but I do believe if the Holy Spirit is teaching you the Holy Spirit will know better than man what to provide for you in understanding. In the New Testament it is the Holy Spirit that teaches through men and not man him self. If a person falsely states teh Holy Spirit already showed me or He will show me, then that person is not being led by the Spirit and is fooling himself. The God of Israel is the only God and all others are false. In God's blessings of allowing me to go through my what I call a spiritual journey I have studied Hinduism, was a Muslim, Buddhist, Episcopol and even Self Realization to find that what I was running from brought me full circle back to where I started. I pray that God continues to work in you and reveal Himself and His Word to you my Brother.
Amen brother. Praise Jesus that you came to him. Thanks for your prayers. and likewise. Bless you man
Be that soldier that is so desperately needed today Brother James. Let God continue to bless you and lead you to where He wants you to be. We need you in this world. Thank you for your kind words.
Yes sir. may the Lord help me in HIS truth. You welcome
Priase the Lord Bro Pierce,

Should there be a controversy with this version of the Creation account?
Its beautiful and exciting but who would have a problem with it - amongst believers?


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