It is my concern that we as "Christians" Need to define better, what God said in the bible, and what man says about the bible.

Ask yourself?

Is the bible the inerrant Word of God? Does God change His Word! Have Christians changed God's Words and Taught erroneous Doctrine to those who have not read the Torah(First five books of the bible) in a bible they really can understand , in the language they speak; to compare what they have been taught by preachers, teachers, evangelists ????????????????

Please See Attached!

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I don't think anyone refutes the bible, The Word of God that Saturday is the Sabbath.

I praise God that now in Christ Jesus my rest is in HIM, always. For who knows what a day is?, a month? a year? with God?
Praise the Lord, everyone..

Yes, Saturday is the Sabbath of the Lord; we are to commemorate it and keep it holy in light of the Lord's mighty works in creating the heavens and the Earth in 6 days and resting on the seventh (or Sabbath); now, I hear a lot of people admitting and acknowledging that Saturday is the Sabbath, but yet they dont keep it and observe it to the Lord, like the Commandment says... Yes, our rest is in Christ, and He is our perfect sacrifice and we do have a better covenant; but Christ did not do away with the Ten Commandments, and the Commandments that He gave us (which coincide with the Ten already given)... He never did away with them therefore, we still are to observe the Sabbath as the day God ceased from all His labor; now, let me say in all fairness, everyday should be a holyday to the Lord, because we should live holy every day, and God doesnt care what day we worship Him or assemble, as long as we are living to please Him in holiness and righteousness every day, but He has not told us to forsake the Sabbath day especially... Jesus kept the Sabbath, and now that He has become the Lord of the Sabbath, we should praise the Lord of the Sabbath and keep the Sabbath itself... do no work therein and rest and keep it consecrated to the Lord!! Im going to tell you all, its hard for me to understand how we celebrate pagan holidays that God didnt even put in the Church to be celebrated such as Easter, Valentine Day (i really dont see at all how that glorifies the name of Jesus), Christmas and everything else that (according to Church history) the Catholics brought in; and these holidays have a pagan origin and yet we go along with it, but when we start telling people that the Sabbath is the day of rest to the Lord, rememeber it and keep it holy, then that's bondage and legalism... Anyway, like I said I dont believe God is against sunday worship, but He is against the factor of not commemorating and honouring the Sabbath that commemorates His mighty works of creation...
Bro Marshall,

One question to you, how do you know ones don't keep a Saturday Sabbath? what dictates in your mind a noncommemoration of the Sabbath?
Praise the Lord...

I want to answer your question correctly Evangelist... are you asking in my mind what does it mean to NOT honor the Sabbath? or are you asking how do I know people arent commemorating the Sabbath?
answer them both please, Pastor
Ok... Well, to answer your question to not honor the Sabbath is to exactly opposite of what the Lord says not to do on His Sabbath... There should be any work whatsoever done on that day because it is a day of rest unto the Lord... According to the Scripture, the following is true....

The Sabbath is for rest -------- Exod.35:2
We ARE to come together to worship the Lord ------- Lev.26:2
We are NOT to cook on Gods Sabbath ---------- Exod.16:23
We are NOT to buy or sell on Gods Sabbath ----------Neh.13:15-22
We are NOT to do our own will or pleasures --------- Isa.58:13

This is how God instructs us to keep HIS Sabbath. So, those that do the aforementioned, which I must admit is a lot of people, (but I really believe some simply dont know, and havent received the revelation of the matter yet), but if that's what being done we are not honoring the Lord on His Sabbath... Also, Evangelist consider this text here, I hope it helps...

[2] Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil.
[6] Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant;

So this covenant is not just for the nations of Israel, but for all those that join themselves to worship the God of Israel.

Pastor E
Okay, thank you for allowing me to understand where you were coming from. Let me suggest

That if we educate ourselves about why the Sabbath came to be, we can recognize why this commandment is not to those of us who are believers today.

The Sabbath was the first thing given to the delivered Hebrews that was a reminder of freedom from bondage, slaves as they were in Egypt, didn't get a day off.

Journeying into a new land work did not disappear, however the freedom to have a day of rest was a reminder to them of how far Yahweh had brought them. God being God would present this in the way of HIS creation of life

As you have it laid out

The Sabbath is for rest? the rest is a spiritual rest, this is proven because of your second one, we are to come together in worship, (don't tell me that there has never been a Saturday you didn't feel like coming together with some other folks, the physical rest was not there) in my church, you can if you want to, come together with the saints MON - SUN.

The days that I minister in prisons are Saturdays and Sundays, most of the time Saturday is a travel day to those prisons depending on the miles for service on Sunday, so you are saying that I can't travel on a Saturday to minister on a Sunday?

No cooking on Saturday? not a bad idea, but what if one hungry comes to you on a Saturday, you can't cook him anything to eat? You know that is why the Samaritan could help the injured man on the road, he wasn't bound.

We are not to buy or sell on God's Sabbath, leaves out buying someone food on that day as well?

our own will or pleasures? I attempt to do God's will everyday, and HIS will is always a pleasure.

See Pastor, you either have a mind free in Jesus, or a mind still in bondage to Egypt, or the law.

Gal 3:13

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law....

As I read your post and then some others that feel we should still adhere to the Torah, I perceive that you all are not in agreement with each other, Why?, because

Gal 3:10

For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them....

You all have pick out this and that of the Torah to keep, you are not in agreement.

Now of course you can come back and say, " well neither are Protesant Christians in agreement" but we all have the one mind in Jesus, all this other stuff, what name to Baptize in, doctrines, traditions, clothes, gender, authority, will pass away.

It will be only what God can see, your heart

You missed one thing. Those who attached themselves to the olive tree are to adhere to the same Torah. The Shabbat was given to Israel, which at the time included Hebrews & non Hebrews, was because they came out of Egypt.

The second reason Yahweh gave the Shabbat was because he blessed it, and sancitfied it at the time of creation. One cannot say that its not for believer for today, because if you, Evan, consider yourself apart of the olive tree, then you are under the Torah just like those who are truly apart of the olive tree.

Gal 3:13

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law....

Torah is a duality. It contains the blessing and the curse. Yeshua redeemned from the curse of Torah, which was death. The Shabbat was not a curse. Genesis says Yahweh blessed the Shabbat, and made it holy.

As I read your post and then some others that feel we should still adhere to the Torah, I perceive that you all are not in agreement with each other, Why?, because

Gal 3:10

For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them....

Hmm, Evan. You should eat this very scripture. Why? Because I am sure that you adhere to the 9 commandments, but not all that Torah says adhere to. Cursed it he who does not continue in all that Torah says. Evan, you might want to re-think your words, because if you are only keeping the 9, then you are in big trouble.
Praise the Lord...

Evangelist, in response to your reply I have to say these three things.. First of all, I am under no bondage in my mind or any other area of my life for that matter, because I believe that He whom the Son set free is free indeed. However, It is not up to us to rationalize or figure out why something GOD SAID is not for us today, because it doesnt make sense in OUR minds. God is all-knowing, and when He said what He said concerning the Sabbath, He meant it, and Knew what He said... it's amazing to me, as I stated earlier, that we'll believe in the Old Testament Scriptures that say we're the head and not the tail, the lender and not the borrower, above and not beneath, but we wont take the same Testament and accept one of the Lord's commandments. I would remind you Evangelist, that the word of God DOES SAY in James 2:8-12 that says...

8If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

9But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

10For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

11For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

12So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.

Now, if I ask you should we commit adultery? you would said, no. If I said should we kill then, you would say no? should we take the name of the Lord our God in vain? you would say, no? but if I ask you, Evangelist, should we remember the Sabbath and keep it holy? you will give me an explanation as to how it doesnt mean what it says in Scripture. And your definition or explanation of the keeping of the Sabbath, does NOT say what Scripture says about the Sabbath. It is what God says it is as written in the Scriptures. And once again, you seem to not have read the last scripture i posted about when God declares in Isaiah 56:6, when it talks about the sons of the stranger... that refers to those that ARE NOT apart of the Hebrew or Israelite people. Stranger is another word for foreigner.. and we, by flesh, are foreigners to the Israelite people, but according to the Spirit, if we be Christ's, we ARE Abraham's seed... which is makes us partakers of the same blessing they now enjoy, and also members of their family.... So when it says stranger... it's speaking to us.. and last thing... those that do keep the sabbath as the Bible says and how the Bible says, they are blessed physically, financially and spiritually.. the evidence is speaking for itself. Those that keep God's feast days, His Sabbath, baptize in his name above every name he possesses.. Which is Jesus, those that keep the ordinances of God, their lifestyle is better enriched naturally and spiritually than those that dont. And that is not an opinion, that's a proven fact. The Jews have knowledge that we need to know, and there are somethings they need to know as well, but we always want to witness to them, but when they impart what has handed down to them from the mouth of God himself, we refuse it because it doesnt fit our agenda, it dont sound right.. it's not about what we think, Evangelist, or how it ought to be in our mind, it's what God says... And to answer a few quick questions you have...

*Traveling on Saturday --- if you are witnessing, the Lord does not mind... however, you can also witness without traveling out of town; there are people right in your surroundings that need your witness. The observance of the Sabbath is actually a great witness, because believe when you are not going the way the world goes, they question and begin to wonder why you do what you do, which opens a door for you to tell them about the Lord.

*Cooking on Sabbath --- if someone comes to you hungry, what you are to do is since you dont Cook ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE on the Sabbath, you are to have your food ready Friday sundown, for the Sabbath, as well as your clothes ironed, and any other household chores INCLUDING SHOPPING...

*Buying or selling --- same explanation I just gave you...

There is no excuse to rest in Christ on the Sabbath both spiritually and physically... All things that God established, prophetically speaking are simply a type and shadow of the redemptive (saving work) of Christ Jesus to His people, and that's why we are to keep them; not because its a rule or governing order, but because of what it means as it relates to our salvation and the salvation of those that will receive Christ Jesus. To observe the Sabbath, points toward the rest that Christ has given us now that He has come and given His life a ransom for us. (just like those that celebrate christmas, claims that it points to the birth of Christ, the same for Sabbath except for a different reason)... To celebrate the Feast of Passover, points to Jesus being our Passover Lamb that shed His blood for the sins of the world; To celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread, points to the cleaning and deliverance of leaven (sin) out of our lives and letting God, through His power and precious Cross cleanse us from all sin; And i could go on and on, but all point to redemption and have a prophetic purpose. That's why new testament believers should do so, because of it's purpose, not because we ignore the sacrifice and coming of Christ... but all things are fulfilled in Christ, so when you celebrate these holy days and His Sabbath, they simply exemplify what Has taken place for us through Christ. God never intended for the Old Testament to be disregarded.. but for us to link the two together to provide a greater understanding. Every since Genesis, it's been about our Salvation; because God knew man was go mess up; so all of the feasts, the Sabbath, is a type and shadow of what was to come in Christ, and now that He's come.. we STILL keep them because they have become what Christ HAS DONE for us....

Pastor E
No, I keep it all when I act in the Love, of Christ, see ....

Okay.... an alcoholic, to break from the bondage of his addiction, he may keep a twelve step program, if he deters from it along the way, he falls?

Deliverance from it through Christ Jesus gives him freedom, he doesn't violate those steps, however in deliverance, he's free to be around drinkers, it doesn't affect him anymore, he doesn't go to the same places, the drink does not call anymore, it's the deliverance in Christ, that is freewill, to choose to drink or not.

I have a question. I have been trying to find the law within Torah that forbids us from buying and selling on the weekly Shabbat. Nehemiah talks about forbidding it, and then we find that they were in the 7th year Shabbat, and not the weekly Shabbat. Can you show me in Torah where we cannot buy or sell on the weekly Shabbat?


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