Is learning a crime?

I ask this because I was just told never to come back on Case Western Reserve University campus based on my presence. There was no crime, other wise I would have been arrested, I was using my laptop, in a lobby of a department called the Crawford building. The head of the Crowford building said I was using the energy from the outlet that Case Western Reserve students was paying after I asked him why did he call the security for a none criminal act. He told me there have been several complaints about my presence I always sit by myself, he than said the other complaint was that I used the phone, the phone sits in the lobby people sit and have lunch use the computers & have loud conversations, they also have long conversations on the phone. I'm talking about white people. He said there was a time about 4 months ago, I used the microwave in the lobby, I didn't know it was for staff an older white women told me not to use it, so I never did after that. I was told by staff about two months ago anybody can use the phone, the phone. I didn't have my cellphone on me today, so I made a quick call to a Mac PC repair, I even showed the security the flyer I had of the PC repair company, after the head of the Crowford said I was using the phone, the phone conversation took maybe 5 minutes, he than said basically it was because of my presence.
Now, I always sit and read in the lobby of this department, they have computers on the ground floor people come in there to use the WiFi security would walk through there and they never asked me any questions. I been doing this for maybe 4 months, never any problems.

I'm a African American male as you can see from my photo, I dress no different from what you see in my photo. The first time I was stopped by Case Western Reserve University police was because my laptop was plugged up next to another computer in the library an older white lady that worked there told me that it's against the rules to connect my laptop up to their computer. I told her my laptop was plugged up to the outlet not the computer. She than asked me, "are you a Case student?"
I told her "no". She than asked me to leave. I asked her why?
She than told me she felt better that I left because of my presence.

She than called the security, security checked me out. they did not see a problem they was very nice about it. They didn't see anything wrong with what I was doing.
Two officers was white the other was black, like I said, they was nice, there was no crime so they let me go. I than went into the the Case Western Reserve legal intern I spoke with the receptionist outside one black the other white, the black woman found it odd I spent my time reading, like today she said nothing can be done, basically, I have no case to file a complaint. The name on the card they gave me was [Milton Kramer Law Clinic Center 216-368-2766 fax 216-368-5137] .

This was about 3 weeks ago. Today, after what happened in the Crowford building
I went back to the Case Western Reserve legal intern and there was the same African American woman working there, she really couldn't understand why I chose to spend my time up at Case Western Reserve a positive place to be a place of learning, she told me there is nothing they can do because the other party worked at Case, but I should file a complaint.

Now mind you, before I spoke with her I spoke with a couple of African American males that work at the law school and one told me about the time he was stopped and the other had the same experience and a young lady said it's the norm for an African American male to be stopped by security because of staff calling the security, she also told me her boyfriend was stopped before walking with her. Now mind you, I speak to Case Western Reserve Security, when I see them. Case security never stopped me because I was a black man. I speak to staff at Case Western Reserve University, I even watch basketball games with some of the staff there.

Is learning a crime?
I ask this because I'm in the area a lot, mostly at Starbucks, but should I speak to someone? I could be stopped by Case Western Reserve Security and than held at the county jail for a month for trespassing.

I hope what was posted on this website had nothing to do with what happened at Case Western Reserve:

Yours truly,
Anthony Smith

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