This thread is designed to show that the doctrine of Hezekiah and others that YHWH and Yeshua (The Messiah) are the same person is false. Hezekiah has consistently railed against me for not believing what he believes (even though he is in the minority of Israelites) but he has a tendency to cry foul every time I invite him to debate it out fairly. I have even advised him that he can take some time to study first before beginning the debate. I believed I was being fair. He attacked me further and then ignored my posts. Now he is accusing me again and posting texts at me. So I would like for Hezekiah and any one else who agree with this false doctrine to step up and have a reasonable and rational debate. No argumentum ad hominem. No immature games. Just text and commentary.

And for Hezekiah.... I know you detest commentary but without supplying it I have to GUESS what your interpretation is. Stop assuming that what you read can only say one thing; what YOU think it says. Explain why you believe it says what you believe it says.

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No prob....

The term Christ referred to the Messiah. You know of who the Messiah was to be. Do you remember the prophecies of who He was born to be? The Messiah was not to just come with the power of GOD backing Him like other Prophets, He was to actually BE the wisdom and power of GOD manifest in flesh. He was/is GOD sent down from GOD, according to Hebrews 1.

Adonai and Elohim was not only used for Yah or Yahushua. They were used for angels and judges as well. Adonai was also used to replace the name of "Yah." I used those Hebrew words only to give you the meaning, and not replacing the Greek word. The bible is a Hebraic book no matter what language its written in.
So what are you saying, James? Lets be blunt about it, and stop the Hebraic dancing around. What was Thomas saying when he spoke the words "My LORD and My GOD"? Should the scriptures say "in a more accurate interpretation" "my angel and My Judge"? True, the term GOD does mean Judge, but JESUS in the Book of Revelation reveals Himself as the GOD Almighty, or "Judge Almighty".

So what was Thomas saying James? PLEASE explain this one away...........
Why can't you give us a quote from 1 Clement? That's what I'm asking for. No offense but you can say Clement says this all day but until you can show it your claims are empty. Just like I can't tell you YHWH utterly denies any possibility of another god without ever being able to provide a quote from him actually doing it. I really didn't think I was asking too much from you. Was I wrong?
You are now playing games, because I just said hat your quote is a Trinitarian quote in itself. Why are you asking me for what you already provided?
LOL, what quote that I quoted is Trinitarian? Repost it for me and I'll explain how you misunderstood it. Because EVERYONE of my quotes was against a plural god doctrine. And even if you were confused by one quote there were other quotes that were much clearer. So now that we have your evidence boiled down to what I myself found from a short and simple skim, now your job is so much easier. Apparently I've done all the work. So now all you have to do is show me which quote you misunderstood.

see that,s that "No commentary" Bru Zeal,
2theNcrease of Knowledge&Truth-Your-BruthPharoah
You poor thing . . . you seem a little confused.

Which one are you . . . .KuntaKenta the slave? or, BruthPharoah the Egyptian King?
those i don't wish to debate /because in overstnding if i think yahshua was the god in the old testament and submit to him and his commandments / and you submit to the the god of the old testament /then we worship the same god /
and we went thru a alot of scripture ,i learned things from you,but i was not convinced,never the less you hav a pretty good argument, it's just that i know there is to many scripture to debunk the plurality(2 in the Godhead) it' would be never ending when the most important think taught, is the righteousness of YHWH thru his law
Thats why you're in error anyway,because the Word of GOD is for you to UNDERSTAND, not overstand. People who overstand it think that they stand above the knowledge of GOD. understanding means that you stand obediently under the knowledge of GOD Almighty.
You have to have an overstanding to have understanding. If you don't have an overstanding thought you will believe a lie.

This is where the gift of discernment comes into play - to confirm whether or not it's truth or a lie.


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