Jimmy Carter explains the real reason for the Anti-Obama hatred i.e. same old, same old, RACISM!

Hi blessed believers, as warriors of Christ we know we must withstand the devil's evil worked through the hierarchies of our time, just as he has always worked through hierarchies to bring about his evil, even going so far as to use the wicked, wretched Jewish Pharasaical and Sadducee hierarchies to plot to kill our Savior (Jn. 18-19).

Well, fast forward to the REAL REASON for the 'Obama is the Anti-Christ' rhetoric pushed by none other than the so-called Christian right and their demonic southern brothers who are doing all they can to bring about a race riot.

Former President Jimmy Carter has laid it out for what their deceitful hate is really all about. A BLACK MAN. They hate Obama because he is black.


He's right on the money ofcourse. We with 'eyes to see' know that is the real reason behind all these 'hate-fests' allegedly done in the name of Jesus.

As you all have noticed, it is strictly white southerners spewing the hate. Not that it hasn't infected whites everywhere. Not all whites mind you, but strictly the demonic possessed racist faction.

Funny how the majority of blacks, browns, yellows, reds whether they are born-again Christians or not, do not have this incensed, demonic hatred towards Obama. It is strictly whites who are as demonically enraged as they were during segration when they lynched and killed blacks and allies who sought to break their demonic stronghold.

Mind you, these fools were not enraged when Bush and the Republicans sought to altogether alleviate the Middle Class.

They were not vociferous when Bush and the Republicans brought this country to an economic collaspe and then suggested of ALL things, that Congress 'bail out' i.e. 'takeover' the automobile, and banking industries.

No cry of 'socialism' then. It is strictly when Obama had to do it to save American jobs of which factions of the Republicans solution was 'let it fall.' Let Americans lose their jobs. In other words, if they had had their ghastly way, more than 10% would have lost their jobs.

Anyway, bottom line, African/American leadership wake-up! This is a dangerous hour that is upon us. These racist devils mean to incite a race war and it is none other than one of their own southern brothers who has come out to WARN whosoever will.

As so, let us unite, pray down the Holy Spirit's fire to deliver us not only from white racist evil allegedly spewed in Jesus name but also from their flunky black slave children who are aiding and abetting them in ideology and in some cases, deeds.

Not to mention, that these same Republican filth have let in this sinister, demonic Middle Easter army with their Latin American, Asian and African allies. Yes, they would that such filth wreak havoc so they can come riding in like the Lone Ranger and knock out the Democratic majority led by a black man whom they insist on teaching is the Anti-Christ.

Shameful, Cowards! The Lord Rebuke Them All!

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Hahaha....Octomom hate, whew, I thought they were going to 'lynch her.' In fact, Gloria Allred and that sect have gone on a campaign to take them babies away from her.

Now, granted in Octomom's case there is some shenanigans on her part. Still, the hate and criticism was astounding to say the least. By the way, to this very day, there are legal manuverings still going on by white feminists to get the kids out of there.

"'We'll take'em and raise em' our way" is their motto, and who knows but they may prevail.

What a end-time, hateful world, eh? :-)
It was interesting and funny at first about her but then I started noticing how hateful they were. And its always about money for them.

I tell you - when they get in their mode...everybody better duck and pray.

Duck and pray - duck and pray.
....Now, granted in Octomom's case there is some shenanigans on her part....

But wasnt that what they are always screaming about DONT abort DONT abort DONT abort.
So now here this woman that had all these babies - they were fine with it at first but then they noticed that name and where her people were from.
I guess some babies need to be aborted just not white ones.
"I guess some babies need to be aborted just not white ones."

That line says it all for me!!!
Yes it should say it all for you.
Because the point I was making is the HYPOCRISY of these people that are SUPPOSED to be standing against abortion...they dont care all babies - they only care about the white ones.
NOW do you get my drift?
King wasn't pro-abortion, which a BLACK-KILLER! Abortion does what KKK members dream of and Obama sanctions it!
If anybody should be called a 'Hitler' and baby killer if should be the mothers that kill their babies.
The government does NOT force any woman to kill her child.

And I dont see your outrage for the little babies that have been blown out of the wombs of mothers over seas in the name of spreading American Christian Democracy.
Wheres that outrage, brother?
Why dont I see self hating blacks posting that the former president is an evil man for starting a war against Iraqis and killing toddlers and the elderly and women dodging bombs?

Thats hypocrisy.
Thats not hypocrisy because YOU NEVER ASKED MY OPINION ON THE WAR!!

Also, the government doesn't force a mother to kill her child, the government just makes it legal.Thats a Hitler move. She's considered a "proud Nazi citizen".
...Also, the government doesn't force a mother to kill her child, the government just makes it legal.Thats a Hitler move...

You aint seen a Hitler move......YET. Ask a few Jews how the pogroms started.
Then thank Steele and Sowell and Beck and Hannity and Rush and FOX - they are brewing for something.

They are pulling a rope-a-dope on you brother...
It wont make them think of you as more of a Christian than other black folk.

You will just be a good Uncle Ned.

By the way saints - there has got to be something we can do about Rush.
I say hit him in the pocket the way Beck is being hit in his pocket. Sixty of his advertisers have pulled their ads from his show because of his horrible racist statments. Thats HALF of his advertisers!! Yay!!!!
Now lets go for El Rushbo...
Do you even understand exactly HOW Hitler came into power? What political moves he made? It just so happens that the moves he made Bush started and Barak Obama picked up on and continued!!
Whoa! How come I didn't see this dynamite before! Yep, Rush the 'dope addict' must be stopped. Not because he doesn't have the right to freedom of speech rather, because his 'freedom of speech' is full of lies and deceits.

It's incendiary against righteousness. And worse, it's blessed by the so-called Christian right. It was none other than Hal Lindsay who announced on his show that 'he doesn't see racism in the conservatives or Rush Limbaugh' rather, that nutcase sees it solely in the bad old liberal.

First of all, there problem is they have dehumanized the 'liberal' and the Democrat to the term 'liberal.' As so, it causes them to NOT acknowledge human feeling and thought. See, they themselves don't have it, so all who oppose them is reduced to a title i.e. liberal.

Ergo, if someone who votes Democrat speaks of an true ill going on in America, they simply dismiss it as 'ah, a liberal talking' and in so doing, violate God's innocents who are suffering ongoing injustice. It's all so wretched.

Yet, these are the end times and Yahshua's word proclaims, 'the love of many will wax cold'. Exhibit A those godless false-church Christian right or so-called anyway.
A) Yes I am just as passionate with those women! Those that aren't educated on the subject should be, but there are PLENTY OF YOUNG LADIES that are educated on the subject, and they STILL go out and do it rebelliously. Thats murder on both parts! Don't worry I'm no hypocrite, because I hold all parties accountable, including the Churches they attend, and the fathers of the babies aborted.

B) I don't care if its black, white, Chinese, or ANYONE. A baby is a baby, and abortion is WRONG. The reason why I focused on black baby abortions is because abortion has been the #1 killer of blacks since 1973 and yet they cry racism against Barak Obama. If I support abortion and abortion is the #1 killer of my people, I'm no different than the KKK member that hangs black people. I went to prison and saw a Corrections Officer with a tattoo of a white baby holding a black baby by a noose. Whats the difference between that and abortion?


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