Joblessness Continued to Rise In May In Nearly Every State

The United States of America is going to have to stop looking for successful quarters and get down to business with the greedy corporations and the justice system and change some laws give corporate America some tax cuts just to keep jobs in America & put Americans back to work.
The true of the matter about the high unemployment rates across America is simple, Government is going to have to change legal Ex-Felon Disenfranchisement Laws across America, most out of work Americans are not the laid off Auto workers, but the ex-felons and misdemeanor Americans that are soon to return to prison because they can't find work so they commit another crime. In some cases judges hand out a felony instead of a convictions that could have been a misdemeanor. With the high court fines courts are handing out Across America, Americans are going to need vaseline when they walk into court a simple traffic ticket could turn into a simple misdemeanor conviction that can affect your employment.
Government is going to have to see the connection with the criminal justice system and the high jobless rates across America. Instead of a news flash stating, "CRIME IS ON A RISE AS JOBLESSNESS RISE."
Government & the justice system are going to have to roll-up the sleeves and get down to business. Expand the job market and open-up more job training courses. Even a hard working honest Autoworker, college grad, high school grad. could become a criminal working in this recession.
Government & U.S. citizens Republicans, Democrats & Independents think out of work felons & misdemeanors don't effect their community until their a victim of one of these unemployed criminals, but than the thought from the victim will be stricter laws. Many homeless people are ex-felons & misdemeanors that can't find work, it's funny, these men and women sit there while doing time in county, state or federal prison spending a lot of time thinking their going to change their life, but when they get out of prison there is nothing but a drug infested community with a liquor store & dope boy on every corner & no opportunity outside the community. They become desperate they perpetrate another crime.
Felon exclusion laws impact not only individuals, but also communities,employers think hiring newly high school & college grads will boost the jobless rate, "WRONG!"
The national unemployment rate last month was 9.4 percent, and 18 states recorded rates that were higher.
Signs that unemployment pains may be easing in individual US states in April disappeared by May, when jobless rates jumped in 48 states and the District of Columbia, according to data released on Friday.
Rates With the Highest Unemployment Rates
10. Washington, D.C. /Tied
9. Tennessee
Unemployment rate:*10.7 percent

8. Ohio
Unemployment rate: 10.8

7. North Carolina
Unemployment rate: 11.1 percent

6. Nevada
Unemployment rate: 11.3 percent

5. California
Unemployment rate: 11.5 percent

4. Rhode Island /Tied
Unemployment rate: 12.1 percent

3. South Carolina /Tied
Unemployment rate:*12.1*percent

2. Oregon
Unemployment rate: 12.4 percent

1. Michigan
Unemployment rate: 14.1 percent

Yours truly,
Anthony Smith

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