Are Christians to love their enemies or shoot them?
If you are to shoot them because the government told you to - do you run over and share the gospel with them first?...or do you just shoot them or drop a bomb on a house from 1000 feet in the air and do it by the authority of Jesus? Which you know the scriptures say - in word or deed, do it all in the name of Jesus?
Does one bless the bombs that are to kill people down on the ground?

I mean how is an earthly war fought in the name of the Prince of Peace?
Somebody help me out.

Or at least help a soldier rationalize killing their enemy instead of feeding and clothing them as Jesus taught.

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Answer the question please. When the Roman Christians in the Bible believed, did the Apostles require for them to leave the Roman Army?
Bro Watson,

All I can say is Lord have mercy!
According to YOUR faith - be it unto you...
"...Finally, whether you want to admit it or not, if you woke up and saw a masked intruder standing over you, if you had a gun near by, you would use it...."

Did you not see my reply.
I just said that I would probably do exactly what you guys joyfully admit.

Then I asked - just because I did it would that make it right?

God is God. Not me. I did not sit on the mount and tell the disciples to love your enemies or to turn the other cheek.

You guys are tussling with God's words - Not my words.
Jesus said it - not me.

But then Bro Watson. You scare me - because your mouth is writing a check that your back may not be able to cash.

How can you say
“… that person has now become an enemy and he will meet two of my good friends------> Smith & Wesson. This situation isn't about Jesus, it's about the safety of my family.”

So that's how you see Jesus? -->According to YOUR faith - be it unto you.

But there may be a day that your enemy comes upon you and a Smith & Wesson has no chance against them. Your enemy may be in your home already or your enemy may be in your body or your enemy may be on a highway.
Then try to introduce your little friends to your enemy.
Oh no...THEN you would probably turn to the Jesus you placed lower down on your totem pole.

As I said before -
Let God be true and every man an liar
Lord have mercy ---- on you.
Hi again Newview, I'm still not quite sure where you are going with this but I'll do my best to answer. You stated, "Are Christians to love their enemies or shoot their enemies?'

Well, ofcourse Christ has given us an 'agape' love for our enemies. Now, the rest depends on the circumstances. If our enemies are hounding us or breaking into our homes, then ofcourse, Christians in this day and age, in this U.S. region have the legal right to defend ourselves and in that respect, you shoot the enemy to stop the wounded soul from wounding your loved ones. His time has come.

Now, do you say, "I shoot you in the Name of Jesus" before you do it? Well, it doesn't work like that, it's just that or those beings time to leave planet Earth and all such who mess with people in the U.S. will leave it, as in the U.S., the law allows for citizens to arm themselves against such evil.

As so, we pray for protection but IF God allows evil to come upon us, it is for a reason. The reason is, the inevitable destruction of all such beings whether we catch them in the act or we use law enforcement to assist us to catch them in the act. The fact is, when criminals or evil beings strike in an area where God has lifted up righteous law enforcement for evil beings then the reality is, the Christian is honor bound to do all in their power to bring about justice against such evil.

This is a good thing, and a good land to live in where 'justice' can be immediately executed. Or, where justice can be continously sought after and even if it's delayed it can and will be executed against evildoers.

In all these matters, the 'agape' love for our enemies' is not negated via the 'justice of God' that flourishes in a righteous, civilized, society.

In fact, we thank God that we live in a culture where righteous principles of justice are set up for all such good things come from God above. Make no mistake about that.

Just look at the many savage, primitive, backward cultures that exist to see that. In those retarded lands, wholesale slaughter, torture, ruthlessness and injustice is the 'satanic' norm. Righteousness is not able to rescue the innocent victims for such cultures have given place to the devil and as a result, havoc is constantly wreaked.

Why do you think they all want to come to the U.S. region??

I guess what I'm trying to say is 'agape' love that exists in our hearts because of Christ goes hand in hand with justice and righteousness of God that can simultaneously act itself out in our hearts and culture in which we live.

In the early church, justice amidst agape love acted tself out via the Holy Spirit killing Annanias and Sapphira his wife for 'satanic lies and deceits' against the righteousness of God (Acts 5)1-10).

Did the Holy Spirit love these people yet kill them? Well, yeah, if that's your question..How much more we?
"...Well, ofcourse Christ has given us an 'agape' love for our enemies. Now, the rest depends on the circumstances. If our enemies are hounding us or breaking into our homes, then ofcourse, Christians in this day and age, in this U.S. region have the legal right to defend ourselves and in that respect, you shoot the enemy to stop the wounded soul from wounding your loved ones. His time has come.

Now, do you say, "I shoot you in the Name of Jesus" before you do it? Well, it doesn't work like that, it's just that or those beings time to leave planet Earth and all such who mess with people in the U.S. will leave it, as in the U.S., the law allows for citizens to arm themselves against such evil..."

I dont have a problem with the laws of a nation to govern that nation. I dont have a problem with that.

But we (saints) have a hirer calling.
To each of you.

I can understand trying to save your skin. It would be a knee jerk reaction. Self preservation.

But for you to incorporate God having something to do with it AFTER He instructed the saints to do the exact opposite - blows my mind.

You asked me what would I do if someone was coming to hurt me - what would I do.
To be honest - I would probably do the same thing that you would do...BUT would that make it right?

The holy scriptures say - "Let God be true and every man a liar"

Why is it so necessary to make your reactions to situations - into something that God approves of?

If I kill in the name of Rome - I am WRONG.
If I kill or even show my enemies less than love - I am WRONG.

Because I have disobeyed God's instructions and I have grieved the Holy Ghost by not obeying His instructions.

I would rather go to God and ask for forgiveness than disregard His instructions given to us through His Son and saying 'so what' they are not for us.
He said turn the other cheek and you say things like this aint about Him.
He says love your enemies and you say bomb them and shoot them.
His Word says the weapons of His disciples are spiritual and not carnal and you say "yeah,but"

So are God's Words only important up to a point?
Who was Jesus speaking of when he told us to show love to our enemy?
True, we are to love our enemies. I can love you with a love of GOD. However, if you are my adversary, GOD never said to not address an adversary like an adversary. What did the Word of GOD from Apostle Paul say?

Romans 12:18 "If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men."

What you are talking about is when the limit has been passed. What happens when the boundaries of peace have been violated beyond the point of being able to ignore the incident? What happens when a violation calls for IMMEDIATE action and punishment?
"...What you are talking about is when the limit has been passed. What happens when the boundaries of peace have been violated beyond the point of being able to ignore the incident?..."

When is the limit passed for a disciple of Christ?
What are the boundaries for a Christian?

Why cant you just say "God is Holy and I am just not there YET".
Why wont you say "I still have some things to come up to but the Lord is not finished with me."
Why cant you 'let God be true' instead of forming Him into a golden calf of your own?
Why insist that God is in conspiracy with us - against His word?

Hold on Bro Trevor - this may be a shock to the soul but I must let you know -----> I am not perfect.
I know that hurts but it is what it is.
Now that it has been revealed - I would be a fool to think that my short comings - just because I believe in Jesus - are OK with God.
As a matter of fact - I glory in knowing that my God is perfect and He will perfect me on my journey in this tent.

So I ask you:
When is the limit passed for a disciple of Christ?
What are the boundaries for a Christian?
What are the answers to these questions in light of our weapons and our Kingdom are not of this world?
Trevor you do well at following your father the Devil. Everything you have said ever on this forum has been the imagination of your own heart. DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS FAKE APOSTOL. hE IS OF HIS FATHER THE DEVIL.
The Bible is a heresy huh?
Bro Hezekiah,

Whats your response to the topic of this thread?
My father the devil huh? Thats an interesting thing coming from a man who knows little to nothing about the Word of GOD. I often wondered what Bible you read, but now I wonder if you read it at all.

(You couldn't even spell the word Apostle right!)


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