Dear Married Couples in Ministry,

I would like to enphasize scripture when we are told to "Love our wives as Jesus loved the Church." How important is this to follow this command. How important is this for our wives to understand this through our actions, our words and our prayers. As husbands were are to exemplify Jesus' love to our wives, and this love is a heavenly love that is unconditionally consistent and never wanning. This love is uplifting, edifying, nuturing, growing, strengthening, habitual, wonderful, powerful, faithful and plentiful.

Men, we are so blessed to be granted the gift from God that we made an oath with. The beautiful, wonderful gift of having a wife, who can stand beside us, just as the Holy Spirit does. Our wives are absolutely priceless, and a treasure that we get to enjoy througout the day. The magnitude of knowing that God gave me a gift is overwhelming, and at least I can honor that gift by taking care of my wife the way God commanded. Men I emplore you, I challenge you to honor the Word of God by honoring your wife from the moment you get up, till the time you get up the next morning. Constantly tell her how much you love her, how much she means to you, how much you appreciate her, but do this through prayer, actions and your words. Not just because God commanded it... but because you feel it in your heart.

Brother Wilson

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Replies to This Discussion

Sister Mary I am glad my advice was received in the spirit in which it was written.
I believe you as other readers understand what I am saying.
The devil is busy enough trying to shatter marriages....let us not give him any more ammonition.
Continue being blessed,


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