There has arisen an issue concerning the details of the New Covenant that our LORD and Savior YESHUA/JESUS has won for us by HIS blood and grace. Therefore, we are opening this discussion and starting it off for the edifying of the saints and the settling of the matter:

The subjects for this debate are along two lines:

-Jeremiah 31:31 and Hebrews 8: Do we still stand on the Torah?
-the Seal of the New Covenant: Is it still Sabbaths, Feasts, and Circumcision, or do we have a New Seal?

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Technically speaking, as an Apostle, I AM a politician elected within the Kingdom of GOD by JESUS CHRIST (You must not know what the office of an Apostle truly is, do you?).

How about reading the rest of my posted before accusing me of speaking without substance? If you really want substance, then why not join me in a discussion of the new covenant spoken by the Maker Himself in His book of Revelation? I have answered a billion and two different OT questions already. If all that you say is true, then SURELY it would be found in the Book that seals and reveals it all!
Trevor, this blog initiated by you was to address the two texts of Jeremiah 31 & Hebrews 8.
Those two chapters are the only two I will address in this blog. If you wish to discuss Revelation or any other text, let's start a blog specifically on that text.

With the rate things are going here, you are jumping all over the Bible and never addressing all the questions relavent to Jer. 31, or Heb 8.

Unless you have addresed it since this morning, I am still waiting for you to show us who other than Israel and Judah are written in the Bible designated as parties to whom YHWH directly is making a "New Covenant" with.

You suggested that there were others mentioned elsewhere in the Bible, but I havn't seen your reply as yet. If I have overlooked it, just copy and paste it in the "Reply" link on this message.

Regarding you being an Apostle?
Can you trace your apostleship back to the original 12 Apostles? If you can please start a new blog, listing all the men in your spiritual genealogy back to one of the 12.

Of what significance is it if the authority behind the hands laid on you, cannot be traced by, man to man to man, through the centuries to the original 12? Black people probably can't trace their spiritual genealogy back past slavery. Then you get into Protestant Europe, then back to the Roman Catholic church.

If you cannot list your spiritual lineage, I suggest that you refrain from using the term "Apostle".
Anna, you mistake me of being a Pope/Bishop following "Apostolic Succession" through the Papacy. I will start up a new blog just for you RIGHT NOW!
Me using scripture to battle scripture is EXACTLY what is to be done when one is not rightly dividing the Word of truth. I have said clearly, and I will say again that there is NO scripture that you can find, ESPECIALLY in REVELATION, to say that law keeping will be done in the new world to come! No Sabbaths, no feasts, none of that!

Find the scriptures! I already invited to you come into the Book of Revelation and we can go verse by verse, chapter by chapter, and I PROMISE you that Sabbaths and Levitical laws are not there, but Genesis is! If you want to say that Torah, meaning Book of Genesis, will be there, then ok, but Exodus? Leviticus? Numbers? Feasts? Circumsions? Sabbaths? Do's and dont's? Thats a heresy in itself!

And yes, I am an Apostle, not because I like the title, but because GOD has made me such, and has given me revelation for such an office, for such a time as this.

You have not read Rev 22:14 that shows the requirement for entering the city. rev 22,"Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." The commandments include all the Torah, Trevor.. just admit it! Its no need to go verse by verse in Revelation, because its not about the Torah, but about judgement on the nations, historically speaking, the roman empire. You are not an Apostle of Yeshuah if you throw out Torah.

Rev 12:17,"Then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus."
So you base your whole defense on but one or two verses in an entire book!?!? No true doctrine of GOD is a verse or two long, NOT EVEN THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!

Its not that im only using Jeremiah. Its just that you have not faced up to the new testament and its THREE DECREES. You only want to take out what you will. My question to you is,"Who was the new covenant made with?"

Another thing is that you still have not addressed the new covenant. I want you to define the new covenant decrees????

Your debate is about the new covenant, and we will start from Jeremiah, when it was first mentioned, and we will examine the decrees there. You have a hard time confessing to ALL THREE decrees of the new covenant, and so we will not be running around the bible. We will stick with the new covenant, and you will face it.
I never had a hard time facing anything James. The only one that had a hard time is you:

-you have a hard time with a salvation apart from he works of man
-you have a hard time with my answers, which I give direct
-you have a hard time with my questions, which you have often dodged
-you have a hard time showing that the Edenic period will not return, a time before sin and the Law
-over all, you have a hard time facing the fact that you don't have to try to be more Jewish, just more Christian!

This has to be the millionth time that I have stated that I do not believe in a works salvation. You consistently try to hold my feet to the fire on this, when I have denied belief in it. You are doing this out of pure ignorance.
You said circumcision, correct? If you hold to circumcisions, and Sabbaths, then you literally hold to works.

Apostle James did say faith without works is dead, but you clinging to circumcision have added to the new covenant what was not added. One minute you say its not required, the next you say it is. Acts 15 declares that it isn't!


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