Newt Gingrich to Black People: Paychecks, Not Food Aid

I just applied for a Pell Grant, but other than that as a grown man I personally never been on any government assistance. Don't get me wrong, I been poor & struggled at times, but welfare, disability or any other government aid I never applied for or been on any government assistance. I'm not stupid to the fact that there are a lot of Americans that live off tax payers money in the form of assistance like welfare. Some folks live off welfare & section 8 housing for years, some even decades. Maybe if Newt had directed his statements toward all Americans that try & live off the welfare system for years, instead of just black folks, his statements wouldn't have sounded as bad.

I don't think about it, but I can't imagine the behind the door discussions that go on about the black community in Newt inner circle. I can't imagine what other groups these folks belong to that sit around discussing poor black folks. The way they target the black community we can all see that these folks see black folks as a welfare burden on America. What other groups do these folks belong to other than the Republican Party? What strategies do rich folks, rich folks that never been poor, have for poor black folks? I can see the shrinking of middle class in blue collar States. I can see jobs being outsourced & who has a large investment in these corporations. I can see government funding being cut in all areas like Pell Grants & especially inner city programs. I can see the lack of blacks being admitted into law school or college period. I can see how blue collar States like Ohio have collateral sanctions, the 800 laws that deny felons from basically reintegrating back into society, strip away their civil rights & stop them from finding employment. Basically forcing them to make bad decisions on how to earn a living for themselves. Which make collateral sanctions laws successful & also incarceration a revolving door & a cash cow for those that have a lot invested in prisons. I can see misdemeanor ones turn into felony fives. I can go all day with what I can see & that's still not half the strategy, I mean solutions, these groups have for the black community. If ya"ll read some of my other threads than ya"ll know how I was set-up by a government agent, a paid federal informant & others. I can see certain folks that work for the government are very, very smart with authority, but they're so smart that they can't see their own stupidity & with all the authority they have I don't think they care about making small mistakes or BIG mistakes. Their manipulation, influence & authority over others people with a tremendous amount of authority is the reason they don't care about making mistakes. It's power in numbers & folks like Newt have numbers & that's why Newt can make statements like this without realizing his stupidity. Don't get me wrong, Newts a very, very smart man, but Newts a man with a tremendous amount of authority, he's an administrator not an operator, he don't like getting his hand dirty. These statements don't make Newts hands dirty. Newt can't be brought down to ground level so Newt will never see his own stupidity.  

Here's the article:

Manchester, N.H.- The blogosphere piled up with headlines Thursday over a part of Newt Gingrich's campaign speech involving food stamps and the NAACP, which left the Gingrich campaign scrambling in defense to put Gingrich's comments in context.

"And so I'm prepared if the NAACP invites me, I'll go to their convention and talk about why the African American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps," Gingrich said earlier today in Plymouth, N.H.

After a few tweets about Gingrich's comments surfaced online, several blogs were written focusing on Gingrich's comments. Some headlines included "Gingrich Singles Out Blacks in Food Stamp Remark," "Newt: Informs African Americans They Should Not Want Food Stamps," and "Gingrich to Blacks: Demand Jobs Not Food Stamps." The Internet chatter ensued as writers discussed Gingrich's comments on race, saying he "called out the African American community."

Gingrich lead welfare reform as Speaker of the House in the early 90's and routinely speaks on improving poverty in America as a part of his "stump" speech. Though his comments are not always politically-correct or well received by some groups, Gingrich doesn't hold back in talking about his desire to help ethnic communities.

A portion of Gingrich's usual speech given to crowds includes a line in which Gingrich says more people are on food stamps under President Obama than with any other president. ABC News fact checked Gingrich's food stamp claims earlier this month, confirming that Americans on food stamps is at a record high, but mostly attributed to a weak economy.

"The fact is if I become your nominee we will make the key test very simple - food stamps versus paychecks. Obama is the best food stamp president in American history. More people are on food stamps today because of Obama's policies than ever in history," Gingrich said. "I would like to be the best paycheck president in American history."

Gingrich stirred controversy last month over his comments about poor children having no work habits or people around them to teach them how to work. Gingrich offered the solution that some school janitors should be fired and children should work part time within their school for money and to develop "pride in their community."

The Gingrich campaign immediately responded to the press over Gingrich's comments by sending out an email that said Gingrich's NAACP comments were an effort to reach out to the African American community. The Gingrich campaign pointed to Gingrich's book Real Change, in which

Gingrich was critical of President Bush's "failure to address the NAACP."  Gingrich said it was a "clear signal to the African American community that Republicans did not see them as worthy of engagement in dialogue."

Gingrich also chastised the 2008 Republican presidential candidates, in an appearance on Good Morning America, for skipping out on a forum hosted by Travis Smiley, which focused on the issues of black voters. Mike Huckabee was the only candidate to agree.

Gingrich said earlier this week that he was prepared to go into any ethnic community that would listen to his ideas. "There's no neighborhood I know of in America where if you went around and asked people, 'Would you rather your children had food stamps or paychecks?" Gingrich said. "You would end up with a majority saying they'd rather have a paycheck.


I don't know Newt could be on to something. Lol.

This is another case of Newt Gingrich trying to give his honest opinion & solution to what he see as a black problem. Newt says he would go to the NAACP & speak about why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps. Newt is also trying to pitch a new Social Security program aimed at helping young people, particularly African-American males. Newt is sometime amusing & I could be wrong here but during a recession wouldn't it be easier for the government to target & cut many folks off paycheck assistance than welfare assistance? Why would Newt go to the NAACP? Most of the black folks that are on welfare aren't NAACP members. Most of the NAACP members Newt would be addressing are established black people & been established for a very long time.

The facts:

Ebony wrote an article in 1992 calling Social Security the nation's largest welfare program, although many Whites prefer to call it a retirement plan. Ebony also stated in the article that Welfare critics rarely search the Social Security rolls for "welfare cheats," but train their sights on people getting Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Medicaid and food stamps, the relief programs with the most Black clients. Yet government figures show that Whites not Blacks make up the bulk of clients on these public aid programs; a fact that dispels the notion that Blacks are scheming for a free lunch courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Yours truly,

Anthony Smith

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When I stated If ya"ll read some of my other threads than ya"ll know how I was set-up by a government agent, a paid federal informant & others. I can see certain folks that work for the government are very, very smart with authority, but they're so smart that they can't see their own stupidity & with all the authority they have I don't think they care about making small mistakes or BIG mistakes. Their manipulation, influence & authority over others people with a tremendous amount of authority is the reason they don't care about making mistakes. It's power in numbers & folks like Newt have numbers & that's why Newt can make statements like this without realizing his stupidity. When I stated I was set-up it's been posted on this website by folks that copy & past a lot of what I have posted in the past in my experience with dealing with this matter.

For those that are interested click here->

Like I stated before, as a grown man I never been on welfare or any other government assistance. I knew some folks that were on welfare for a short period of time until they found employment & they were glad to get off government assistance because it was embarrassing to them. For other folks not so much. I don't have any children so I'm not gonna act like I know how it is to provide for a child as a teenager, but most of the people that received government assistance growing-up had kids at a very young age.

As kids, and I mean before teenage life, we always had a hustle so we made a lot of are own money so we use to crack on other kids because they were spotted at the store spending food stamps. So it was an embarrassment to be on welfare. That was until girls started having kids before they were teenagers than it became natural to see. Some girls would have kids & the advice their mother gave them was get food stamps. Mainly because they were female & way to young to work, but after a while they got comfortable with two checks the mother would get food stamps & her daughter would get food stamps. It's sad, but after a while it's two checks coming into one household & people do get real comfortable with that lifestyle, especially if they're living in the suburbs. You get that in blue collar states where the price of living is cheaper.

I knew some people that received welfare assistance & they lived in a Section 8 housing apartment, meaning they paid less than $100 dollars for rent, the section 8 apartment was in a suburb area. On the Eastside we talking about black people, but on the Westside you talking about white people living like this. They would live like this for decades. They lived better than most people that hustled or worked two jobs & paid rent or mortgage. When I use to hustled as a teenager I seen other people that would take food stamps. Some would shoot dice with food stamps. Lol. Some would play spades & gamble with food stamps. Lol. I'm not telling people nothing they already don't know. It was on the news years ago. A lot of Arab bodega style stores were trading food stamps for cash. They would give them $50 dollars for $75 dollars worth of food stamps. People started running their mouth too much & the stores would get raided. I heard they use a card instead of food stamps. I don't know.

Let me tell you a story, when I was a lot younger I use to be UAW (United Auto Worker). I was promoted to a higher position after someone retired. I was one of the youngest there. I had a better offer from Lincoln Electric on the table, but I was very, very young & at the time the tuition reimbursement sounded good & they had a union & the Chief engineer respected my opinion. I had a lot of talent in other areas so I was looking at other options in NY & other States, so I wasn't looking long term. This is way before I moved to New York & other States & later became a Researcher. Anyway, after a few years I was promoted & I had a pretty good position at his job, here comes the funny part. We got a new President, naturally he brings in his people, so we had a change in HR & they started hiring people they would've never hired. It was hard to get into the door even if you scored high on the test, but the new management didn't care. So it was two women one black & one white in one of the departments & both was on welfare. Which was strange because most of all the women that worked there made a very nice living & lived in the suburbs. The white woman had I think two or three kids. The black woman had five kids. At times I would have to manage them & since I was young I guess the black girl was over talkative. That's how I knew she had five children & was still on welfare & how much she made & the white woman business. They both received welfare even though they both had a job & you know what? Even though I had a higher position they both took home more money after taxes than I did because I had no dependents to claim on my taxes. They both had kids so the government took less money out of their checks! Plus they were receiving welfare.

Some of these black female writers need to stop. If they didn't know Newt & Newt was the same person, just not in the public eye, they would greet him with a warm smile while giving someone like me the high hat. They would adore having a conversation with Newt & feel very comfortable in his conservative environment while looking at me with a cold shoulder. I see this in Cleveland, Ohio all the time. This is what black people don't like, they don't like it when white folks make comments like "ALL BLACK PEOPLE" because they don't like to be grouped with the low lives. It cuts them deep if their white friends can't see the difference between them & lower class blacks. Not that white folks would make a comment like that around upper class black friends anyway. Gingrich seem to believe he's a victim of political correctness. Apparently, he doesn't get what's wrong with assuming that ALL BLACK PEOPLE want out of life is food stamps. Lol. ALL BLACK PEOPLE. Lol. If Newt would have said poor Americans or poor black folks upper class black people would mind so much.

I wish the Republicans would cut it out because with the President signing the
National Defense Authorization Act I maybe looking for another candidate to vote for. If the President is giving up all that power to be manipulated than what difference does it make if Democrats or Republicans are running the oval office?

Here's the article:
GOP Hopefuls Victims of Their Own Ignorance

Poor Rick and Newt.

Recently, these contenders for the crown of Republican presidential nominee have been catching heat for comments they made about wanting to wean black folks off food stamps.

A recap: Rick Santorum told a mostly-white crowd in Iowa that he didn’t want to make "black people’s lives better by giving them someone else’s money." And Newt Gingrich told a mostly-white crowd in New Hampshire that if the NAACP invites him to its convention this year, he’d go and talk about "why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps."

Now Santorum seems to believe he's being crucified for what he claims is a tongue-tie – he said "blah people," not "black people" – when it's clear to anyone who sees the video and grasps the context knows where he was headed with that.

And Gingrich seems to believe he's a victim of political correctness. Apparently, he doesn't get what's wrong with assuming that all black people want out of life is food stamps.

I agree. They are victims.

They're victims of their willingness to bow to stereotypes and ignore reality. And this kind of willful ignorance – if not out-and-out-racism – coming from top Republicans is yet another reason why most black people continue to spurn the GOP.

First of all, Santorum and Gingrich's belief that black people are content with food stamps and not jobs denigrates our history. Black people have always fought for opportunity.

We know this because between 1910 and 1970, there was this thing called “The Great Migration,” in which 6 million black people left the South for the Northeast, Midwest and West. They went there not for welfare, but for a shot at the industrial jobs that were springing up.

We know this because their migration is what helped to spawn the National Urban League, which, along with the NAACP, is one of the nation’s top black organizations in the United States.

It had its beginnings in 1911 to help black people fight the pervasive discrimination and substandard housing conditions that they faced in their new environs and for better jobs and opportunities. Even today, the mission of the Urban League centers on “economic empowerment.” That means jobs. Not food stamps. Not welfare.

Then today, we have what some are calling a “New Great Migration,” which began in 1965 but which accelerated between 2000 and 2009. According to U.S. Census figures, large Southern cities such as Atlanta and Charlotte experienced the largest growth in black people moving there from the North and Midwest during the last decade.

The New York Times reported that around 17 percent of the black people who moved to the South between 2000 and 2009 came from New York, and demographers say that the percentage of blacks leaving big cities in the East and Midwest is at its highest level in decades.

Many are young and college-educated. And they’re pulling up roots to go South for the promise of – wouldn't you know it? – jobs and a better quality of life.

Not food stamps. Not welfare.

It's possible that Santorum and Gingrich didn't mean any harm – although I doubt it. As I said last week, racial pandering has long been a part of the GOP playbook.

But even if they didn't, statements based on a belief that the only thing that black people want out of life is to be on the public dole degrade us by implying that we're so trifling and clueless that we need two white guys to teach us to want something better.

And if Santorum and Gingrich are among the best that the GOP has to offer, then that should erase any questions in anyone's mind as to why most black people are repelled by the Republican Party.

Because if their top guys are too lazy or callous to understand our history or reality before saying things that offend us, then how can any of us expect them to be sensitive to anything else?

Newt Gingrich is heck of a guy.

Did you see him at the debate on Monday night?  What's more frightnening is the response of the South Carolina crowd.

A bunch of dangerous racists.

I"ll watch some of the debate, they only tell the American people what they wanna hear. I find the Republican debate funny at times. I rather research the laws their talking about changing. You mentioned Carolina, I was just reading what Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday about voting rights, particularly for minorities, are under assault in some states. Just 4 weeks ago the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division ruled that South Carolina's voter identification law was discriminatory because it would make voting harder for minorities, who lack sufficient forms of government-approved ID. Justice Department officials weighed in on the law under Section 5 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which requires approval of proposed voting-law changes in 16 mostly Southern states because they have histories of discrimination.

South Carolina is one of 13 mostly Republican-controlled states that have approved new voting laws that include requiring government-approved photo ID to register or vote, shortening early voting periods and curtailing voter registration efforts by third-party groups such as the League of Women Voters or the NAACP.

In North Carolina, Gov. Bev Perdue vetoed a bill in June that would have required North Carolina voters to show a photo ID. The House failed to override the veto in July, but Republicans used a legislative maneuver to keep the bill alive for reconsideration this year.

Supporters of the new laws say they're needed to protect against voter fraud. Several studies and investigations - including a five-year probe by President George W. Bush's Justice Department - indicate that voter fraud in the United States is negligible, however.

Opponents view the new laws as a thinly veiled attempt to suppress the votes of minorities, the elderly and the young - key voting blocs for the Democratic Party.

An October study by New York University's Brennan Center for Justice estimated that the new laws would adversely affect more than 5 million voters nationwide, mostly minorities who lack sufficient government-sanctioned photo IDs or the materials to obtain the IDs.

"The spate of recent laws - the state ID laws, the laws that cut out voting on Sundays. The rationale of voter fraud - when we know the evidence of significant voter fraud is zero," said Norman Ornstein, a political research scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. "I'm left with the conclusion that it's an attempt to shape the electorate. I really view these as a modern-day equivalent of a poll tax."

Most of the Republican presidential contenders have derided the Justice Department's ruling on South Carolina's voter law as unwarranted federal meddling.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Sen. Rick Santorum and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have accused the Obama administration of turning a blind eye to voter fraud and President Barack Obama's re-election campaign of trying to steal the 2012 election.

There has always been a fear of black people uniting in this country and that is why they are making these statements because ther are many white people in these United States that truly believe that this president is Going to do something for black people and that is what the fear is- is that the playing fields might become a little better for blacks in this country.  Believe it or not there are many whites who hate the idea of black people coming up that more of us might live in more of the places they do and so forth and so on. That is why these companies are doing so well and not hiring because they want the American people to hate this President. They are sitting on their cash to use it to fund the republican agenda to ruin the Presidents chances of re-election.
Thinking about this right after the brother got into office they started to go after every organization that played a part in his election. Then the republicans united to stand against anything that he is for not to mention the fact that the whole while they had all of these different righti wing voices out there other-izing the president to make him seem something other than what he is so that the American public can never really accept him wholeheartly. When they ran to take over the house of representives they campaigned on jobs, but as soon as they got the house under their control they shifted the argument to stop the spending so that they can shut down any efforts of the government to turn this economy around. everybody knows that I order to make money you have to spend money this is true in many areas of life. This is how you know they are full of something else., because when they had the Presidency under Bush they had no problem at all with spending but now under this President the world will come to an end if we spend another dollar. And the argument about passing this bad economy down to the children and grandchildren is all bologna, because when you think of it most of these corporation and the persons making this argument are financially set and their children's children it is the working poor who should be worried not them. This is all a plan coming from the right wing party that read half of the Bible and gloss over the rest. For instance they are not for abortions., but will allow children to suffer while telling them to find the latter of success but they hav hidden the ladder and in some cases either destroyed the ladder or  destroyed the road that leads to it. I am not for destroying human life but I am also not with anyone who creates policies that make success more oppressive than possible. 
Then want to ridicule my people who they have stolen from-from the time of slavery by having us work for them with no retirement no kind of anything to hand down to their children, but will be the first to say that my people are for hand outs when it is a fact that their are more white people in this country on welfare than black people.  The reason they said black people is because they want to subconsciously plant the seed in the minds of those small minded people who have been fed through movies and television that all blacks are low life welfare recipients drug addicts drug dealers gang members. So in other words you have accepted a president who have come from this and is out to help this too. Although he is for the whole country. 
I could go on and on about this because I have followed all of this from day one. I have always  voted ever since I could but I have not always followed politics like I have, because I was curious to see how the world would react to the brothaa being president and I have seen a lot of dirty tricks so deep that when they will hurt their own  kind to create a deeper hatetred  in order to accomplish their agenda. Ohhhyeahh I almost forgot the greater form of racism is classism...

It's a race & before the gun fires one of the runners order everything to stop, while the race is delayed, the runner climb into a limo & is chauffeured driven very close to the finish line, the runner get's out & walks over a few steps away from the finish line & than orders the race to start. That's how some folks compete to feel superior over others, not all but some.


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