Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Baptists, C.O.G.I.C., A.M.E........ All of these believing Churches and more still unnamed are divided and yet in one major way united: they all believer that JESUS CHRIST is Lord of all, and though some have a longer Canon of scripture than others, each believe essentially believe the same 66 books. Each one teaches that we will be a unified Church, but openly preach against each other and consider such unity a myth.......

......a myth that is, until now.....

The Anglicans and the Orthodox Churches are willing to come together and speak about unity with the Church of Rome, with certain issues being addressed such as female Bishops, divorce, and the like. A few years ago, the Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishops went and worshiped at the Vatican with the Roman Pope. My question to all the leaders here that are willing to step up and speak is this: Many of you are Pentecostal, and some of your Bishops are apart of the J.C.A.A.P.B. council. Many of you are C.O.G.I.C., and I believe Chief Apostle & Presiding Prelate Bishop Charles Blake attend the Vatican Meeting. As Protestants where would you stand with such?

-Would you as a Presiding Prelate be united with the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Churches?
-If you're the Apostle of your Ministry, where do you stand? would you want the Pope and the Orthodox Bishops to respect you as an equal?
-Is so, what terms would be brought to the table by you, as you would expect they would bring terms?
-What terms would you respect of theirs?
-Why wouldn't you link with them if not?


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Does not the Woman control the beast in Revelation. It said the beast that the woman sat on. The Beast in the Secular society or empire, and the Woman, and the man of perdition is the religious side of things. You just have to use what the Bible says, and then reference history.
You have it wrong. The woman is the religion, and the wine of her fornication is that bad doctrine. The Beast is the political power, which is the European Union, that the Woman or the religion will, and does control. Do not all the kings of the Earth kiss the ring of the woman's High Priest or Anti-Christ? Do not the people listen to their governments and if all governments say to worship the woman's image, they will. When the woman's High Priest, which Daniel calls the Abomination of Desolation, and Jesus calls him the man of perdition, comes to sit in the Holy place, he will cause the whole world to receive the Mark of the Beast, which is the RFID Chip. The Tribulation is only 42 months. Here is where you get 7 years, Jesus Preached for 31/2 Years before he was killed, and he is now the High Priest of the real Church. Do you think that the Messiah would let a man teach longer than him, and teach false doctrine longer, than the truth.? The False Prophet or ant-christ will teach his doctrine for 3 1/2 years. Add those up, and that is where your 7 year tribulation comes from, and again the woman gave you that doctrine. The Precepts of man.

If you want me to put up the scriptures on the 31/2 years. I will.
If you have understanding of the scriptures, you would see that Brother Watson. You do have understanding of theology, but not the scriptures.
Its almost like a twisted version of the mind of Martin Luther who declared the Pope to be the Anti-Christ, the beast himself. True, the Pope of his day was led by the spirit of anti-Christ, which was evident when he had his Cardinals tax the people for money to build his temple of worship, but what is being said here is a bit extreme.
Amen, Prophetess Barbara

Great post!
Sister Caral, Do you believe the Catholic Church to be the universal church of God of or is it Israel?
Was that the Father in the Wilderness that brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt?
I don't have to prove my GOD. My GOD is the GOD of all creation. My GOD is head of all things whether people like it or not......whats to prove when you hold such power?

Your God loves disobedient people who do not have Torah.
My GOD loves all, but does He tolerate the disobedient? Thats a different question.

Like I asked another man earlier, I will ask you: show the differences and similarities between the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ, if there are any. Please provide OT and NT scriptures.

Galatians 6:2... read that very carefully. You will see that the "torah of Christ" ONLY refers to "carrying each other's burdens." Thats all, and you cannot refute that. I challenge you to find me any other scripture that mentions the law of Christ being separated from the Torah of Moses.
For James

from Trevor


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