Do you still observe the passover? And if so why??

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Mr G:
I just remembered this Blog and I see that you have not been back here either, so I will ask again:
Do you have the scriptures yet to support your keeping of Easter? Biblically, how is the date determined, and where is that to be found in the scripture?
Dear Brethren, I have been quiet for sometime, and these discussions aswell as many others, just echo opinions. Let us think on righteousness, judgement, justice and the likes. We are not goin to be judged on our race nor what men have accomplished in their interpretations. We will however be judged on our actions pertaining to the least of these our brethren, ref. Matthew 25.

You are correct. It is by our actions, which God will mirror against the law.
well, i think it's good to keep the jewish festivals if you can/know how to do it properly, but in my humble opinion, we need to be very careful not to go across the line of being 'hypocrites'. it seems that some christians especially in their 20-30s, are showing more interest to the jewish custom. i.e the 613 commandments, now, it seems that some are beggining to think that the man made rules are more important than the 'sacrificial love' which jesus showed us. some people associating easter with the fertility gods for example completely disgusts me. they do not understand the original intention of our ancient church fathers. the original intention of course was that, eggs were to represent 'the ressurection' not sex. also people who say jesus was risen on the sabbath also have no idea what they are talking about. do you think our church fathers deliverately 'lied'? when christianity began, the only people who could attack us were the Jews, as everything that are christian has to be undoubtedely hebraic. for example if the church decided to keep the jewish festivals officially, you can imagine the jews becoming the key people within the churches, as they would be the ones who'd know how to keep these festivals. However as we all know, that was not the will of our father in heaven, therefore by the inspiration of the holy spirit, our church fathers chose to make christian festivals in places of jewish customs and decided not to depend on jewish people for guidance. this was because church fathers were fully aware of the fact that the best keepers of these so called 'rules' were the ones who actually killed Jesus. (the high priest, the sanhedrin etc...)
this shows that satan, or the power of the darkness can even infiltrate people who are torah observant. we see this through out the history of israel. you can see further proof of this in acts, where so called torah observant jews decide to kill Paul (Rav.Shaul), thinking that doing so will bring them closer to G*d. Also in the time of Maccabean revolt, the jewish high priest was a fallen one. (controlled by ha-satan)
therefore in my opinion, all who keep these festivals should do so quietly, without boasting about it. Our God of Israel is not a God of 'Rule keeping', 'Magic' or 'Hocus-Pokus', but he approves people who show a tangible evidence of 'sacrificial love' towards another, with or without keeping of these festivals.
to conclude, i support keeping of these festivals as long as it remains a 'humble duty/service' in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ, not a 'hypocritial Hokus Pokus' or 'magic' where people think highly of them selves and feel that they are closer to G*d by keeping the rules.
You done started something now! Good post! You said tings I had not even thought of, but look out here they come.
thank you v. much rev. tho i'm just another unworthy servant...i love the jewish way, torah, mishna, talmud and all that....i have such a big heart for jewish people too....but i'm against the hypocrisy that's all. isa 29:13, hosea 6:6 say that we need to know the Lord, or else, keeping of these 'rules' could become just another 'magic spell' or 'idolatary' for us. To me, knowing the Lord is not about keeping the 613 in total literal bull headed sense, but it's about love. (1jon 1:16) a kind that would lay down his own life for a friend..peace, brothers...
(1john 1:16) = (1john 3:16) sorry, knew it had somekind of 16 in

just wanted to point out, AliYah~Daughter/Servant of Yah,
Jews culture was not al their own, they have their rabbibical or oral laws which they believe are inspired by The Laws that Yahweh gave and then their are some laws that came from the source: THE MOST HIGH YAHWEH.Laws from Him included the 613 but more than that...
Laws that didn't come from him were like those that said that we are to wash our hands a specific way etc. Study the authentic (Yahweh's Law) and you will know the counterfit (Man's Law)

yes, oral laws or mishna are sometimes/generally regarded as man made laws, but when the Lord spoke through Isaiah 29:13, “These people say they are loyal to me; they say wonderful things about me, but they are not really loyal to me. Their worship consists of nothing but man-made ritual. "

when he condemmed israel for following man made rituals in this verse, he was NOT refering to oral laws or the mishna. for we know that isaiah walked on the earth some 400-500 years before the 'silent years' (time between malachi to john the baptist), when mishna/oral laws were created by people who are now referred as 'sages' who later became a party known to us as 'pharisees'. so basically when isaiah lived, something called 'oral law' didn't even exist.
therefore the Lord must have meant that the isralites were following Torah(the one you refer as the one from most high) in a way that displeased him. i.e hypocricy. he considered this as 'following man made rituals' rather than G*d's. plz do correct me if i'm wrong here. thanks.
laws were originally given by the Lord via Moses for sure, yes. we all know that. but we need to ask the Lord for wisdom and guidence to be able to apply it correctly into our lives. i.e matt. 5:21-48, we see a revised version of the 10 commandments. where Lord Jesus gives us a correct interpretation of the law. interpretating the law correctly therefore is very important. for example, if you take what i said here and put it into a totally different setting, what i said here may not have the original meaning that i intended in this particular situation.
before Jesus gave this interpretation on the mountain, many isralites were misguided because they kept the law in a very literal sense, and did not understand what kind of character G*d is. G*d gave us the 613, and i do appreciate the holiness of it, but we need to understand the original intention of the author, and have a right mind/heart to make it work. In order to interpret the law correctly, we need to understand Adonai first.or what kind of person Jesus was/is. for Jesus said in john 14:9 'whoever has seen the son has seen the father' Therefore if you do not understand what kind of person Jesus was, when he walked here on earth, you are likely to misinterpret the law. Now, hosea 6:6 was one of the favorite verse of scripture used by Jesus when he was asked by pharisees why he was 'breaking the law'. infact he wasn't breaking the law. we all know that, as Jesus himself was/is/forever Torah incarnate, he can not break the law. the truth was that the pharisees were misinterpreting the law so that's why Jesus turned their attention to the 'heart of God' or the 'intention of the father' when Jesus wrote the torah. now, Hosea 6:6 reads,
For I desire mercy, not sacrifice,
and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.

this mercy which God wants us to remember is the same kind written in 1john 3:16 that says:
We have come to know love by this: that Jesus laid down his life for us; thus we ought to lay down our lives for our fellow Christians.
so basically in order to interpret/apply any torah command into our lives correctly, we need to have a heart of christ first, and this heart of christ is not the one which condemns, but it's the sacrificial one which encourages.
so all i'm saying sister, is that i do support and fully agree following/keeping the law but we need to have wisdom, guidance, and be able to be flexible with it. my point is that the law is important, but WE are more important than the law. We were not made for the law, but the law was made for us. therefore we need to put our priority on us. Jesus said the same thing, when he said The sabbath is for us, not us for the sabbath.
i hope you were encouraged by my messages. do let me know what your rabbi says about the mishna. shalom.
The kind of person he was here is one who respected the Torah and lived it…That is the kind of person…Shaul and Kepha the same…

I disagree with you man... these are Kepha's own words recorded in acts 15:10.

..So now why are you putting God to the test by placing on the neck of the disciples a yoke that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear?

Here Kepha(peter) actually admits that; he and anyone he ever knew (except Yeshua) came short when it came to obeying Torah. Furthermore, he says that anyone who forces putting these burdens on other believers is ‘putting G*d to the test’.

Do you follow the law of the land with the same concept? Are you flexible in paying your taxes? Would it be ok for your employer to be flexible in paying you? That is madness; you would be in that office in a minute…

lol..yes. Regrettably i also am a law breaker when it comes to obeying both torah and the secular laws. i admit it. i come short.
sorry, i try my best, but it seems that every now and then, i fail.
i consider myself as the worst of all here.
i must admit that i am far worse than any prostitutes, or even pharisees.
that is the truth. i am the one who killed Yeshua, friends. i would've done exactly the same as pharisees did if i was in their position. Or prehaps even worse.
but this is amazing, because Jesus said he came to save the sinners, a doctor is useless to people who are well.
if you look at the genealogy of Jesus, you will find a woman named ruth. she was a moabite. Now, the law says that no mobite will ever become part of God's people. why do you think that she is there?
also why did Yeshua let the woman go in John 8:7, the one caught in the act of adultery. the law says that she MUST be put to death.
why was abraham called 'righteous' BEFORE he was circumcised? Surely according to your doctrine, anyone who are not circumcised do not belong to G*d.

You make it work by following them…it’s that simple…

Is that so? I disagree. Following torah, or the commandment of the Lord is not simple. Most of the time it’s not a black or white experience like you suggest.
If you read john 8:1-11, you’ll see how hard it is to interpret torah correctly. Surprising thing is that the choice made by Jesus in john 8, was an unexpected one. Sometimes correctly interpreting torah means going against the literal meaning of it. One cannot interpret it correctly without the wisdom/guidance of Holy Spirit.

This was what I meant when I said one needs to have the ‘heart of Jesus’, (hosea 6:6, 1john 3:16) in order to fulfil torah in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.

Question: Who do you say is speaking in Hosea 6:6?

sorry, unlike yourself, i don't have a thorough knowledge of scriptures, but i guess it was the Lord who spoke through the prophet hosea to the people israel. as somewhere else in the scripture says that 'all scriptures are inspired by the Lord'

I’ll check out your other discussion threads some time & let you know, I’m little bit worn out by the long messages/discussions at the moment, but thank you for your kind guidance. It was helpful. Love. Ian.

Duet 30:11,"For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off."

Duet 30:11,"For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off."


as i said before, when you have the 'heart of jesus', guidance of the holy spirit, it is possible to obey them. but if you don't have the spirit, and keep the commandment literally, it could become hypocrisy. i'll say it again. i do support keeping the law, but i'm saying without the spirit of God(hosea 6:6,1john3:16) in you, you can be sure that you will be misguided/misinterpret them.
sorry you missed it b4.
anyway...i apologise i cant write another long essay. gotta to go now..


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