Reggie White... from Preacher of traditional Christianity to Torah Truth Seeker

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2theNcrease of Knowledge&Truth
Thanx for sharing ,i believe they murder him to many would of followed him
I was reading Galations this morning and I advise you to as well.
What a beautiful account of an individual that thirsted, this was beautifu!!! All Praises to YAH
Reggie White was a powerful brother. Ohhhh I wish he was still alive. He would have been truly powerful, especially with the Torah & Messiah behind him. He was one of very few Christian preachers that stopped, thought about their beliefs, and go back to the drawing board. Like MANY Christian preachers, their main book is the New Testament, but Reggie felt that he was missing a core part, and so he decided to study the Old Testament, and that changed his whole concept of New Testament hermenuetics.

He realized that if you want to know Yeshua Messiah, you must know the father. If you want to know how Yeshua obeyed His father, then you go the Torah and practice it. By doing that, you will be doing what Yeshua did. You will be walking as Yeshua walked. Christians run to Romans & Galatians as if Paul told them to not keep Torah, but, the question would be,"If Paul wrote Romans & Galatians telling them to stop preaching Torah, then why did Paul say in Acts 24:14,"I admit that I worship the God of our fathers as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect. I believe everything that agrees with the Law and that is written in the Prophets???"


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