I want to ask all my brothers and sisters who love the Lord and are called by His name to join me in prayer and support for our brother Troy Davis. I just received this email from NAACP President Benjamin Jealous, "Troy Davis is an African-American man who has spent the last eight years on death row in Georgia for a murder he did not commit. There is no physical evidence tying him to the crime and seven out of the nine witnesses have recanted. It is believed that one out of the two remaining witnesses is actually the culprit.

New evidence and new testimony have been presented to the Georgia courts, but the justice system refuses to consider the evidence that would indeed clear him." Here is what we can do, first we need to go to the website provided by the NAACP and signed the petition and ask our perspective congregations to do the same. First and foremost we all need to go to God in fervent prayer, then we need to visit the website IAMTROY.COM in order to fill the brief form. Brother Davis is truly experiencing what is written in Psalm 109: 1-5, and I believe that it would be within God's will that we support he and his family in this crisis.

Brother Davis is scheduled for execution sometime next month, and so time is of the essence. If at all possible a prayer vigil would also be in order should you elect to carry out one at your place of worship. Again, let us assist this brother and his family as Christians and as God would have us.


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