Sin is breaking Torah. Why does Christianity insist on the double talk?

1 John 3:4,"Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness." If sin is breaking the law/torah, then why do Christians continue to violate it?

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The next post you place up there should either be the response, or you are simply playing games......

For the last time. Will your mind be open? Yes, or no?

You have opened your mind so much, your brains have fell out!!!

It does not matter because your mind is closed to everything. Many times, as I have watched your threads... you blindly have no idea what you speak. All that education you received, but no training in learning how to "pay attention" to text. Thank Yah I have no desire to atten seminary or anyone's "bible" college.
Anthony, Trevor . . .

You know it is a waste of your valuable time to ask James a question and expect to get a straight answer. It doesn't seem to fit into his vocabulary.

YOU SAID: Yah has nothing to do with your stupidity and ignorance.

WOW! Coming from a Yale graduate that is on his way to destruction if he does not repent and keep Torah so that he can stop violating it! May Yah bless you indeed and grant you salvation!

Spare me your hypocrisy.
Bro Watson, I see now that this youngsta is playing games, because I placed that statement up there 3 HOURS AGO for him and anyone else to answer (HEZEKIAH, ZEALOT X, or anyone who leans towards the Black Israelite side), and I still haven't gotten an aswer! All I keep getting is a stupid question of "will your mind be open?"

Its not a question of if my mind will be open James, because if it wasn't, then I would ask you to answer me! The question is will you stop playing with GOD and His servants????

Hah! So you just admitted to me that your mind is closed! You're a servant of Yah... Where are your works? Where's your obedience to Torah?

James tries too hard to be SO DEEP until he ends up out in left field all by himself, babbling. Think about it, half of the time he doesn't speak with clarity and he always responds with a question, which is why all of our questions still remain unanswered.
So deep that he's drowning!! I literally opened two blogs for discussion with this guy, and he's STILL playing the same game.

Never again.....


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