The holy apostle Paul thanked God that he spoke in tongues - which is a gift from God. He said he spoke in tongues more than all of them.
Paul instructed the Church not to forbid speaking in tongues and in another place he says -> he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men, but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries.”

But is the gift of tongues given to EVERYBODY in the Church?

He asks these rhetorical questions as if everyone knew the answer already:
Does everyone have the gifts of healings? Did they all speak with tongues? Does everyone interpret? And in another place he said that he WISHED that they all spoke in tongues - as if they all did not have it.
What are your thoughts?
Is the gift of tongues for today?
Does the Lord mind if you speak in tongues at Church when there is no interpreter?
Are you even indwelt by the Holy Spirit if you dont speak in the tongues of angels/unknown tongues?

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I believe the gift of tongues refers to the native languages of the land, rather some cominonahonda jibberish that you hear in those pennycost too much churches
"...Why do you want to see some magic. Find you a familiar spirit, and it will show you some magic..."

Hez, I asked a simple question.
Have you ever witnessed people in your assembly speaking in another earthly language supernaturally?
No, I have not witnessed anything like that.
I know.
Now, please share ANYTHING miraculous that the Black Hebrew Israelitish diety has done for you ?

Please dont tell me about the sins you dont do anymore.
I don't worship dietys
Tell me about the miraculous...
We do Bible. The miraculous is when people start to hear the Word, and learn to keep the commandments of God.
Poor thing.
I am so not interested in your religion.
You could not boast in the miracles of God if you wanted to - because maybe God is not dealing with you guys.
You only speak about the letter of the law because you have nothing more than the letter of the law - wherein lies yall problem.
All natural and no power of the power of a living Jesus.
Please know that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that heals and gives gifts to the church and does all kinds of tangible miracles.
Hezekiah, flee your dry stale religion and follow Jesus.
I don't have a religion. I am a Christian by Doctrine, an Israelite by Jesus.
If you had true understanding you would see how foolish you really sound, but I suffer long as the Lord suffers long with his creation.
See..... you're stuck on magic. You want to worship a Magician because your faith is actually quite weak. You need to see things in order to have it strengthened. Did you not read when Yeshua was tempted by haSatan to perform miracles for him? Did he do it? Did he jump off a cliff? If not, why?

The sad thing is that most of what you see isn't even real. The stuff that is is mainly a product of belief and you simply do not know how powerful the mind is.

Matthew 24
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

2 Thessalonians 2:9
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
This is what I have told her Brother. She does not listen, and humble herself. She thinks this is a game.
And I wont listen to drivel, Hez.


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