Good News! Researchers have finally discovered the fountain of youth in one of the most precarious places on earth; the temple that houses the blood cascading throughout our own bodies. Now there is finally evidence to support the fact that we must treat our bodies like the temple it is if not for the sake of ourselves then for the Glory of God!    “Do you NOT know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body. (Corinthians 6:19–20:)

Have you ever wondered why people who exercise always appear to look younger than their actual biological age? They live by a simple adage that the body is a temple and as a result treating it as such supports a study conducted at the King’s College in London which says that people who exercise for the sake of better health and fitness live longer and more youthful lives.  Scientists now have proof that you can live a longer and more prosperous life plus look young and vibrant while doing it with regular exercising. Analyses found from blood samples supports research that telomeres cells found in your DNA (which normally shortens as we age) shortened less quickly in key immune cells of athletes with a long history of endurance training. The results were simple, those who live by the golden rule of eating less and moving more will have the same length in telomeres found in those who are not health conscience but are 10 years younger!   God told us to worship our bodies and scientists are now adding credence to this testimony by proving at the very least from our molecular levels, we should do what we are told. Instead of treating our bodies like an old overcoat that you can simply toss away at the Goodwill while you head over to Macy’s to purchase a new one, realize the fountain of youth within you. Think about what you can do to honor God for one hour a day with basic forms of regular exercising that include walking, jogging, aerobic exercising, light weight strength training (you know the drill) and change your lifestyle by honoring something so precious and so costly that you only get one!


Have a happy, healthy, blessed day!

Crystal Adell

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