I see how it goes now. You delete truth because THE BLACK PREACHERS NETWORK only want testimonies and comments that praise THEM and flatter their egos. Anyone that post anything the does not kiss their fanny perpendiculars gets deleted.

I will tell you what I am going to do. I am going to write a internet wide blog detailing what is happening here and how you guys have cut yourselves away from the real black people that actually need prayer because you're cowards and God's army does not need cowards.

If for one second I thought I was challenging God's anointed I would stand down but you guys have no spiritual anointing for if you did how could one David stand up to 15,000 giants. When you deleted my first comment one giant fell to Davids sling shot. 1,499 giants remain.

Delete this comment and make it 1,498 giants remaining. In my blog post to come and in Gods name while using God's flaming sword of truth I will expose your egotistical self serving hypocrisy and with Gods blessing i will use my very word as Davids sling shot to slay you all.

In Gods name and until then

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I agree - take your gospel to Al Quaeda....
Get back to us on this board after you have had some serious dialogue with those touch cookies.

Godspeed, Mubarak!

I don't know what his problem is other than the fact that I was not interested in his commereical products (clothes, jewelry, etc.).

This is a ministry network, not a shopping network.

Peace in Jesus
I agree - take your gospel to Al Quaeda....
New View

I don't know what his problem is other than the fact that I was not interested in his commercial products (clothes, jewelry, etc.).
Chaplain Pat Harris

Among you 15,000 pastors, teachers, bishops, apostles, ministers, musicians, and overseers perhaps some of you are readers and critical thinkers. If so, let not those two above represent your collective and the best you can offer.

Consider the following statement from Raliegh Jones Jr.

Once again, BPN has quietly reached another milestone of 15,000 members. For all who have been interested in partnering, having a speaker listing, or advertising with us, you will be pleased to know
that I am now personally available with office hours daily to assist
you. God has moved on our behalf and now BPN is poised to advance like
never before. 15,000 pastors, teachers, bishops, apostles, ministers,
musicians, and overseers all coming together to call BPN a home for
believers in Christ. He is truly worthy to be praised and we are
excited to have you be a part of our family.

Before I write my blog explain my reasoning and logic, do you see what I see in that statement?

Chaplain Pat Harris is looking right at it and still don't see it. With true anointing not only will you see it but through your anointing you will also fee it.

I am going to leave you a clue from one of your own:
This is a ministry network, not a shopping network.
Chaplain Pat Harris
"...I am going to write a internet wide blog detailing what is happening here and how you guys have cut yourselves away from the real black people that actually need prayer because you're cowards and God's army does not need cowards..."

What do you mean by real black people, Mubarak?
Mr. Mubarak,

How does the products you sell interpret the Gospels or lead someone to salvation?
How does the products you sell deliver someone out of bondage of sin?

I am not against supporting Entrepreneurs, however, there is a scripture that says there is a time and place for everything (paraphrasing).

Black Preaching Network doesn't ring in the "Shopping Network" to me.

And name calling will get you nowhere.

Peace in Jesus
Once again, BPN has quietly reached another milestone of 15,000 members. For all who have been interested in partnering, having a speaker listing, or advertising with us, you will be pleased to know
that I am now personally available with office hours daily to assist
you. God has moved on our behalf and now BPN is poised to advance like
never before. 15,000 pastors, teachers, bishops, apostles, ministers,
musicians, and overseers all coming together to call BPN a home for
believers in Christ.

I see what you are saying Brother, and maybe they are practicing with the advertising profiles on here. Those 2 replied like that because of the tone of your thread. They are always quick to ask people who do they think they are for standing up for truth? lol. Don't worry Brother. If they actually start advertising all the time, we will see what the true point of this network is. I know it is not to bring anyone to the true Christ, but there are true Christians out here fighting the good fight Brother.

Peace be unto you
"...They are always quick to ask people who do they think they are for standing up for truth?..."

I did not ask him who did he think he was and to be quite honest I did not think that he was standing up for the truth anyway.
Besides, he said he was going to slay us with the truth...Thats not very nice.
Love us with the truth, share with us the truth, give us the truth, teach us the truth but no slaying.

Additionally, Hez, he called you a hypocrite and a coward. I am sure you were numbered with us.
That is fine Sister. He can call me what he wants to. I don't think what he was saying is wrong.
Why Hez, if anyone of us called you a coward and a hypocrite you would have had a fit...why are you giving him room?

Here you go again, twisting words.

You don't know me well enough to even attempt to speak on my behalf.

They are always quick to ask people who do they think they are . . .

Prove to me on any of my postings where I made the above statement.
You can disagree with me, you can talk about me, but when you starting lying on me - that becomes a serious issue with me; serious enough to end an amicable friendship!

Tread lightly Hezekiah . . . .you are teetering on the edge with me right now.

Speaking of a hypocrite . . .you just invited another BPN member to take her soliciting of legal help to another site because you did'nt think it was appropriate - yet, you are so willing to co-sign this blog.

Now who's the hypocrite?????
It is because 15,000 pastors, teachers, bishops, apostles, ministers, musicians, and overseers lack true God given anointing is why you can't see truth before you and why no man is blinder than the man that can see but refuses to.

I will reveal my logic and reasoning via an Internet wide blog within 48 hours.
You will fully and surely understand at that time how and why you are hypocrites and cowards.

Enoch Mubarak


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