This is part 2. There was some confusion in part one as to why I go all over the Bible, and that is doing as the Lord says. So we are going to start out with how the Book has to be read. Let's go to Isaiah 8:20 We are going to read that one verse.

Now we read that if the teacher does not go to the law or the Old testament, and to the Testamony, which is the New testament then there is no light in them. Now we are going to read what is to the law and to the testamony. Go to Isaiah 28:9-13

So we read that Line had to upon Line Precept upon Precept, and it had to be here a little and there a little. That is to the law and to the testamony. Now we know why the teacher reads the scriptures in different places because it is the same Precepts. The title is The Fear of God Taught by the Precepts of men. Now we are going to read what happens when we don't follow instruction, and we despise our Soul. Remember in part 1 we read that if we refuse instruction, then we despise our souls. We also read that the scriptures are the instructions in righteousness, and for correction. We also read that accepting instruction in righteousness is the beginning of the Fear of God, and the beginning of knowledge and understanding. Let's go to Psalm 50: 16-23. Let's see what happens to those who hate instruction. We read some stuff already, but here is some more.

He said see how thou hatest instruction, and cast my words behind thee. If you hate instruction we cast the word behind us. We read this if we hate instruction despise our soul, and we cast the word behind us, and the scriptures are the instructions in righteousness. So when our Preachers come talking we don't have to keep the Law, that is not in the scriptures. The scriptures are of no private interpretation. we are going to read that. Let's go to 2Peter 1:19-20

Did we not read that the scriptures are of no private interpretation? No one can come along and tell you what the scriptures mean. They have to do a lesson based on subject and title, and it has to line up. I have not interpreted any scriptures. We read it for ourselves. Let's move on. Let's now go to 2Timothy 4:1-4 We will see why people are trying to interpret the scriptures. In the old times there was nobody interpreting what the scriptures meant. They just read them. Jesus did it, all of Israel. They just read it line upon line Precept upon Precept. Here a little there a little.

We read that A time would come when they would heap to themselves teachers having itching ears, and turn unto fables. I am telling that this time is now. Christmas is a fable, good friday is a fable. Easter Sunday is a fable. The rapture is a fable, going to heaven is a fable, halloween is a fable, The commandments being nailed to the cross is a fable. worshiping Mary is a fable. 7 year tribulation is a Fable. The time is now, and why are their fables being taught because The fear of God is taught by the Precepts of men. That is why they interpret things for you. Jesus loves everybody, but he knows you not if you don't keep the commandments. Let's move on. Let's go to Matthew 15:1-9
We are going to read why everyone has turned to fables.

See Jesus said that in vain you worship teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. Aint nothing new under the sun. The same thing is going on to this day. Jesus said well did Isaiah Prophesy, right, well let's go look at that prophecy. Let's go to Isaiah 29:9-13

So Isaiah was saying the same thing that Jesus was. The the Fear of God is taught by the Precepts of men. See this is how you get understanding. By reading the book. We read all of that to didn'twe? We know from what we read in part 1, all of the things that man does has nothing to do with what the Bible teaches, but we pass if for Bible, and it is all the imagination of our heart, what we think it means. Let's go further. Let's go to Jeremiah 8:3-7

So we read in Jeremiah that they choose death when you do follow the scriptures. So Between Part 1 and Part 2, we have learned that eternal life is Jesus' words, and the scriptures are instructions in righteousness, and if we despise instruction we hate our souls. That tells me that we need to follow what we read, and not what we interpret. If the Lord told Isaiah to write it down, he told all of the other Prophets to right it down. Remember we read that all scripture come from the inspiration of God. We read that the scriptures are of no private interpretation, And we read that if the teacher does not go to the law or the Old testament, and to the Testamony, which is the New testament then there is no light in them, and it has to be line upon line Precept upon Precept, here a little there a little. Let's go further. Let's go to Romans 16:17-18

See he said by good word they deceive the simple so the ones that heep to themselves teachers, who turned unto fables, teach the simple fables with good words, or smooth words. Do we not see that everywhere? We saw earlier what the fables were of our time, and we can see it in the Bible. Let's just show ourselves from the scriptures the Christmas tree, and see what the Lord had to say about it. I just threw this in here for a little flavor. Let's go to Jeremiah 10:3-10

Is that not the Christmas Tree, and did the Lord learn not the way of the Heathen, and that is just another word for nations. But we read about that Christmas tree. They just don't have to be cu down anymore they have those fake ones. There is nothing new under the sun. The Fear of God taught by the Precepts of Man. Who told us to do Christmas. MAN. The whole world does it, but the LOrd said learn not the way of the nations. Let's go further. Let's go to 2 Peter 2:1-3 We are going to read a little more about the false Prophet or teacher.

See!! The false teacher brings upon themselves swift destruction because they heep to themselves teachers, and turn unto fables, and we also read in Isaiah and Matthew that The Fear of God was taught by the Precepts of men. When I try to say that we are to keep the commandments people speak evil against the truth. I am not forcing anyone to keep the commandments, but is it wrong to keep the commandments. We read that the scriptures are the word of Truth, and the instructions in righteousness, and Jesus' words are eternal life. Jesus said in Matthew 19, if thou will get eternal life, keep the commandments. It is our own choice. Keep the commandments and rule with Jesus for 1000 years, or don't keep the commandments, and go to the Fire. Let's move on. Let's go to Matthew 24:3-5. See what Jesus has to say about this., and after that skip down to Matthew 24:11.

Jesus said for many will come in my name saying that Jesus is Christ, but will deceive many. Teaching Christmas, Easter Sunday, Sunday Worship, Good Friday, Halloween, ST. Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, Rapture, 7 year tribulation, going to heaven, Jesus being your personal savior, Nailing all the laws to the cross, tithing over keeping the commandments, worshiping Mary, forbidding to marry, Lint, Mass, The holy ghost being apart of the God head, teaching Paul said we are not to keep the commandments. Teaching we are not to keep the feasts of the Lord, the dietary law, the cleanliness laws. We are to keep all of these things, not those traditions, that man has put in the church. All those traditions are for filthy lucre. There is nothing new under the sun. I'm gonna throw this in here for a little flavor. Let's go to Revelation 18:3. We will read one verse.

Do not the Merchants get rich on Christmas, Black Friday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Easter? All of this is tradition of men, and the Kings have committed fornication by making these things acceptable to all, and the Pastors teach it is Biblically sound every Sunday, which is the wrong day because the Sabbath Day is the Lord's day of worship, where you have a holy convocation. Got your nice Easter dress or outfit that you just bought for Easter, and then you have to give extra in the collection Plate on a count that it is Easter when the Lord rose from the dead which is a lie because the Lord rose on the Sabbath right before sundown. We are going to stop right there, and finish this lesson out in part 3. What I recommend is when these all get posted, You should do the lesson over with all three threads, and get some good good understanding.

So Between Part 1 and Part 2, we have learned that eternal life is Jesus' words, and the scriptures are instructions in righteousness, and if we despise instruction we hate our souls. That tells me that we need to follow what we read, and not what we interpret. If the Lord told Isaiah to write it down, he told all of the other Prophets to right it down. Remember we read that all scripture come from the inspiration of God. We read that the scriptures are of no private interpretation, And we read that if the teacher does not go to the law or the Old testament, and to the Testamony, which is the New testament then there is no light in them, and it has to be line upon line Precept upon Precept, here a little there a little. We read about the false prophets, and how the merchants get rich off of religion because of those people who heep to themselves teachers, who are unlearned and of unstable rest, and turn unto fables, and teach those fables. We will end it off, we should have a great understanding of the Fear of God taught by the Precepts of men.

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Please give feedback, if I should even set up the part 3 Thread, Share what you have learned. This is the true fellowshiing with each other. Not tell each other what we fell, or what we think the Lord is saying to us, but what we read, and what we learned from what we read.
No comments on this thread. I am shocked.
Did Part 2 scare some people. Let's talk about these scriptures. What do you all think?
The bible says that the fear of God ,is the begining of wisdom. The bible also says to study and show yourself approved unto God.The bible says we recieve eternal life by accepting Chrsit Jesus as Lord and Saviour. No where in scripture do mankind teach you to fear God. The bible says that we are not saved/clean by ways and actions, but by the blood of Chrsit Jesus. The bible says to lean not on your own undestaning.but by every word that comes out ofthe Mouth of God. The bible says the the old testament revealed, but the new testament fullfilled.. The bible says that the sabbath was made for man,not man for the sabbath. The bible says what God has made clean, let NO MAN Call unclean.
Read those scriptures above.

That was talking about Peter calling no man common or unclean, not some food. It was a law against Jews associating with people of another nation. God had to prepare Peter for the Gentile to come to him to learn the word of God. You, Brother Watson, and the rest of you don't read. How can you lie to me, and say you have read, and we are coming up with different things in the Bible, than what is actually in them. You can not pull out one scripture that says there is a Rapture. You can not bring out 1 scripture that says we are to keep Christmas. You can't show me one scripture where it says keep Easter. You can't show me good Friday. You can't show me Communion. You can't show me anything you do in the Bible, and the scripture say that. I can read you why I do what I do. So, who is the false reader here?
Again, you are mad because you can not tell your imagination to the people without us letting the people know that you are a liar, or you are stupid.. Simple as that. Read one time where the Lord says we are to keep Christmas, Sunday, Easter, Good Friday, communion. Read me one time. Not anything that you have to interpret either. plain scripture.
Again, Read me in the Bible where we are to do Sunday, and Easter. One time


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