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I percieve the Hr1022 bill is what prompted this video and of course it's posting was a must after our President was given the Nobel Peace Prize
I totally disagree, Evangelist. this video has been discussed long before the Nobel. Regardless of the timing, the video is still TRUE.
This is a hard pill to swallow for a the supporters of Obama. I must admit, it was at the last minute that I voted for him; not because he's black, but because I thought that he could bring about some much needed changes. And even then, I had some reservations.

So, let's look at the truth for what it really is. I am the first to admit, that I was in err. But, the bottom line is, it wouldn't have mattered who I voted for since we know where the REAL power lies. And, this too, is something I had suspected for a long time.
There is a film made by (I believe) he same people called "Zeitgeist".Its a three part video, with part two and three being absolutely, positively true and scary! Part one is twisted, speaking of Christianity being influenced by the world, and not GOD influencing the world. Its a good watch, for what its worth.
Thanks. I will look into it. I much admire men and women of God who are not afraid to SPEAK THE TRUTH! A sister in Christ just recently sent me a warning message about "sounding the alarm for man's glory." I have not yet replied because I have to make sure I do not speak from the flesh. But, I do know this, God would not have His people to be ignorant. I am sharing this "hard pill" of knowledge to make everyone aware and to encourage the body of Christ the urgency to obey the Great Commission. The Church was not established for the sole purpose of just "doing our good deed by attending Sunday worship service."

I am not in fear of what is going on today because I have the peace of God and I KNOW where I will spend eternity. My concern is for the unsaved.
Min. Jenine Warren, thank you for posting those clips. Unfortunately, those who have sacrificed their Christian values for fulfilling their dream of black equality will not accept them, and infact call them Right-Wing propaganda, even though your clips included quotes from Lou Dobbs (an old-school report like Walter Cronkite), Henry Kissinger, and even President Obama himself.

Clips like Zeigeist, and the Obama Deception have openly rebuked and exposed both Democratic, and Republican scandals, so this is not Right or Left, but straight forward news and truth!
Most importantly Trevor, the Word of God has the last say, see we look at men but it's a spiritual matter. we are in the last 7 year period of Daniel's prophecy. The US along with other nations will turn against Israel as prophecy states.

You know what? Our President doesn't have anything to do with it. Principalities in high places do, again, those principalities are not men, but demonic entites influencing things in the Spiritual Realm.

President Obama, was my choice for the reason Chaplain Harris stated, he represented change to me, and in prayer I casted my vote, knowing that Obama or Cain, literally have nothing to do with what is going on in the Spiritual Realm, however either one could have bettered or worsen conditions on health care, finances ... topical matters.

Prophecy is prophecy! and Obama, Cain and whomever knees shall bow. So no I have NOT sacrificed my Christian values in voting for Obama, and would not have sacrificed them if I had voted for McCain, I just don't see either of them relevent, other than issues that affect us here in the natural.
I agree. This picture of the NWO is greater than we can ever imagine and it is not about on any one person, group or nation on this earth.
Without the people submitting to their influence, control and use, these principalities and demonic forces could not have their agendas appropriated

Reconcile that sister with prophecy, wether one is influenced or not, God cannot lie, and HE said these times would come?
That is true, these times would come, but the point on this is

1) who are the players in this Prophetic game?
2) Regardless of the fact that GOD said it would happen, the judgment will fall simply because the people didn't have to be the pawns used by Satan.

Prophecy from GOD must be understood in the sense that they are predictive in nature, not manipulative. He didn't force Judas to evil, nor did He select Judas to be the betrayer, because it was out of the FATHER's own mouth that "For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye." (Ezekial 18). What JESUS did was "prophesy" about the events to come concerning Judas' betrayal. Likewise, this is what is happening now today.

You can pray that GOD gives people all the choices, but you cannot pray that GOD makes them choose a certain choice, because He won't force you to do anything.
He won't force you to do anything.

That's true Trevor, that's true
AMEN Bro. Trevor & Min. Jenine. I have said many times, Obama is not the NWO but only a pawn in this conspiracy game.


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