Some people here believe upon "Sola Scriptura", which means "By Scriptures Only". By definition, the Bible becomes their sole authority. This sounds good, but there is a problem: if you believe in "Sola Scriptura", then you must forfeit your belief in the Charismatic gifts (tongues, prophetic utterances, laying on of hands, Apostles, Prophets, angelic visitations, ect...). This extremist doctrine developed to counter the extremist doctrine that Pope Leo X used during the days of Martin Luther.

So the RAW QUESTION is: do you believe that GOD still does the miraculous, and that HE can use you to perform it? Do you believe in a GOD that still speaks Prophetically not only through His written word, but vocally by the mouth of His servants today (NOT JUST SERMONS)?

With this question, I especially direct this towards the Baptist believers for reasons that may be obvious, but not meant to be offensive, to them..........

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Hey, Trevor you just made my point! You follow a belief that is not in line with the text, the reformation, are any point of Biblical Christianity at all. To places my trust in something that changes like the wind such as (traditions, charismatic gifts, mystical insight) when man can get it wrong. I need something that is right even when I’m wrong the Scripture alone for me.
As I stated before the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Jehovah's Witnesses also follow this view. That is reason for me not too!
Actually, Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in this.

If you truly believe in what you believe, then the Pastoral, Evangelistic, and Teaching offices/gifts should be eliminated just as well. To do any of those according to what GOD wants requires the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT, which you reject. To do any of those things requires the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT, which you reject.
@ Brother Trevor

I would think you are the one who rejects the Holy Ghost because you teach masonic doctrine from The Mother of Rome. Most Masons are Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals, Lutherans, Apostolic, Mormons, Etc. The doctrine you teach is Protestant. I am sure you will say it is not, but that is what I have read. Would you like me to post a thread of you and Brother Watson's doctrine, and where is comes from?
Aren't you tired of calling me a Mason? Haven't we been down this road already? Post what you like,cause I can't stop you, but I seen that Bro Watson showed some clips about what you believed. How about those?
What is so funny Pastor Sweet, is that the scriptures that get it right all the time, say to despise not prophesy. The same scriptures that get it right also give FULL indication that the Spirit of GOD still speaks to people audibly. The question now becomes: "Is you GOD and FATHER silent now that HE had the Apostles write out the scriptures? Has the HOLY SPIRIT been mute for about 2,000 years?"
Bro. Trevor,

Aren't you tired of calling me a Mason? Haven't we been down this road already?

It appears Hezekiah must be running out of ammo. LOL, LOL, LOL

First you were condemned for not keeping the Laws, now you are a Mason - what's next?????
There's nothing left except to say that I'm the infamous anti-Christ come to drag you all to an eternal doom!
I love you both because I keep the commandments of God.
Blah, blah....

Tell me another lie.
I don't despise prophesy, I just know that we don't need any of the false prophets or apostles today. In fact because of the Scriptures themselves.
I am in TOTAL agreement with your statement sir! 100%!! We differ now with the identification of "False Apostles & Prophets". My interpretation states that some are false and some are real. Yours states that all today are false. The Bible does not support your belief, for GOD has never gone too long without Prophets in the land. This is pure Biblical history. Your standpoint comes from a time known as the "Dark Ages of the Church":

-a time when Popes fought for supremacy, arguing Apostolic Succession
-a time when Eastern and Western Christianity hated each other bitterly;
-a time when anti-Semitic feelings were the norm
-a time when almost all of the believes prayed to Mary and the rest of the saints
-a time when almost all of the believers didn't know the Word of GOD for themselves

These are the men that were living the most unholy of lives, and yet decided the Canon Law, decided the Canon of Scripture, and so on. All this, and yet they despised the Prophetic during their day. Despised meaning they rejected it outright. I would say that yes, you do despise prophesy as well as all other charismatic gifts from GOD simply because you reject them totally, and yet they are clearly apart of the New Testament scriptures and the ever-present ways of the HOLY SPIRIT.

What happened during Church History is the equivalent of what happened during the Book of Judges and the beginning of the Book of Samuel:

Judges 21:25 "In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes."

1st Samuel 3:1
"And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision."


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