The Rising Of the New Church

As I looked to the Lord for direction for the year ahead, and for something to share with the Body of Christ, He showed me a clear picture and some principles which I would like to share with you.

The Emergent Church

I saw a city coming up out of the sea. It was covered with debris and creatures that hung onto it. But as it emerged, I saw all of these things being removed from it. It stood finally in magnificence, shining like gold, in purity and majesty.

The emergent church is about to be manifested to the world. It will be as a city coming up out of the sea. And as it comes up it will bring with it many things that have been hanging onto it. It will be like something that has been underwater and now surfaces. This always contains many things that were in the water that have attached themselves.

So the true church has been growing, hidden away from view. And it has attracted many things that do not belong to the correct pattern. This was not a problem before, but now there will come a separation.

Now the true church will be distinguished from the false. And those who have tried to use the New Move to work out their own agendas and patterns will be exposed. They will be seen for what they really are. For they have just hung on, hoping to be part of the big picture, but not even looking like the real thing.

The Lord will remove all of these ‘hangers on’ and purge His church to make her shine in all her glory.

A Separation of Leaders

As I came closer and looked at this new city of the Lord, I saw that there was a mixture of leaders who stood out. Some seemed to tower over the others, showing themselves to be someone important. They tried to take control and make things happen the way they wanted it to be. And when others tried to move on a different path, they tried to stop them.

I saw the Lord bringing a sword of division amongst these leaders, causing them to separate into two groups. This was repeated twice, until a final group had been isolated who were truly those leaders that were following God’s Order.

First Separation

The first separation that will take place will be amongst the leaders of the New Church. Many have tried to make themselves part of the New in an attempt to still be in control. But they have not embraced the new pattern, and they will now be seen more clearly. They will be shown for what they really are – old wineskins that are not able to hold the new wine.

Second Separation

The second separation will be amongst those leaders who hold wrong motives for leadership and ministry. And those who have tried to exalt themselves and coast on the New Move in order to make a name for themselves will be removed. God alone must receive glory in those whom He calls to the ministry.

Third Separation

The third separation will be amongst those who call themselves Apostles. The nature of a true apostle will be made clearer. Because from the time that it was recognized that End Times Apostles do exist, many have tried to join in who are not qualified to be called apostles.

There will come a greater understanding of what True Leadership should be in the Church. True apostles will be more easily identified and the false will soon fall away.

This situation also existed in the Early Church, and the Lord commended those in the Church of Ephesus who had tested and exposed false apostles.

"Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things says He that holdeth the seven stars in His right hand, Who walks in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; I know your works, and your labor, and your patience, and how you can not bear [endure, declare, sustain] them which are evil [Gk: 'Worthless (intrinsically such), i.e. (subjectively) depraved, or (objectively) injurious:--bad, evil, harm, ill, noisome, wicked']: and you have tried [Gk: 'To test (objectively), i.e. endeavor, scrutinize, entice, discipline:--assay, examine, go about, prove, tempt, tempter, try'] them which SAY [Gk: 'To assert:--affirm, profess, say'--Talk is cheap, ACTION and FRUIT speak louder than words] they are apostles, and are not, and have found [Gk: 'To find (literally or figuratively):--find, get, obtain, perceive, see'] them liars [Gk: 'Untrue, i.e. erroneous, deceitful; wicked:--false, liar']." (Revelation 2:1-2).

The Neglected Members of The Fivefold Ministry

I saw the members of the Fivefold Ministry standing as five men. And as I looked, I saw that the Apostle and Prophet were glowing and standing out amongst the others. I saw the Pastor, and he seemed to be huge compared to the others, but he was not glowing like the Apostle and Prophet.

Then I saw the Lord reaching out His hand and transforming the Pastor, until he shrank down to normal size, and looked no different to the others. After that the Lord began to breath upon those--the Teacher and the Evangelist--who were not glowing, and I saw them all transforming until they began to glow like the Apostle and Prophet.

In the end all five stood side by side and joined hands together. They turned to form a circle, and the Apostle stepped into the middle of the circle as the other four remained in a circle, with hands joined. Then the outer four reached out their hands towards the Apostle, and placed their hands on His head, thus joining all of their resources together. As they did this the Apostle grew in size.

The ministry offices of the Fivefold Ministry will become more distinct as the New Church arises. Each will be recognized by their distinct natures and functions. But the emphasis will no longer be on the Pastor. Instead, as each ministry office stands out in uniqueness, there will come a joining together, and the Apostle will rise up in greater authority and power, but not alone. He will only be able to take his full authority as the other four members of the Fivefold Ministry join together to work with him. HE WILL NOT BE A ONE MAN SHOW IN CONTROL LIKE SOME SORT OF KING SAUL!


[Greek Definition: 'a delegate, (specifically) an ambassador of the Gospel, (officially) a commissioner of Christ ["apostle"] (with miraculous powers): apostle, messenger, he that is sent.']

The gift of apostleship is the distinctive ability to provide spiritual leadership over a number of pastors, churches, and ministries that result in tangible fruit in ministry.

The unique, God-given ability to exercise strategic leadership and spiritual authority over large segments of the body of Christ for the purpose of greatly increasing the church’s impact in its work for the kingdom of God.

Apostles are the knowledge stewards of the Second Covenant. As they continue to fulfill their responsibility of ensuring that the doctrine is kept pure, the Body of Christ will continue to increase with the increase of God.

God bestows a measure of grace upon each calling, which enables them to fulfill their responsibility within the government of God. The apostles of the Second Covenant have the measure of grace which enables them in understanding and to steward the mystery of Christ in its entirety.

The Apostle is not far from the flock as the Prophet. Rather than being on the other side of the hill, the Apostle's only about three miles away, just on top of the hill. From this command point, the Apostle can see the big picture and study his map (the Word of God), looking for the next green pasture. The Apostle generally has no time for house visits (unless for meeting with the elders in a central location within a city) and small talk; the world is his church. Like Paul, the Apostle is never really satisfied. After Rome, he want to go to Spain!

His core word is "strategy" and his heartbeat is missions. He wants to see God's plans come true for the non-believing nations. Apostles are very much like army generals. They carry the main burden and responsibility for the advancement of the Kingdom. The Apostolic ministry is a founding ministry; it can create something from nothing, build a foundation in the desert. In many ways, the Apostle unites all other gifts. The Apostle may function as a supernaturally gifted problem solver and talent spotter. And if the Pastor is something of an equivalent of a spiritual uncle who is very caring, but not ultimately responsible, then the Apostle is the spiritual father who experiences both the joy and the agony of bearing the final responsibility. Apostles have a supernatural ability to build multipliable foundations and, like architects, mold the entire Kingdom movement in such a way that its form follows its function. Through the Apostle, followers/disciples of Christ are united in God's purposes and together complete the divine mission.


[Gk: 'a foreteller ("prophet"), inspired speaker, a poet']

The gift of a prophet is the distinctive ability to boldly declare the truth of God, regardless of the consequences, calling people to righteous living.

The unique, God-given ability to receive special revelations from God and to serve as a messenger, delivering those communications to those whom God directs. 

The unique, God-given ability to receive an inspired message from God that is then shared with others to bring encouragement, edification, or correction.

The Prophet is always out ahead of the flock of sheep, perhaps five miles beyond the next hill. The Prophet is constantly on the lookout, listening to God's voice and seeing visions of the future. It may actually be a good thing that he is often away from the flock, because few really understand the Prophet is not so interested in people and what they think of him, but rather in God's voice for the situation. Added to that, the Prophet often has a complicated and disorganized personality--exactly because he is so uniquely gifted. Can you imagine spending a relaxed half hour drinking coffee with Jeremiah? He would probably tear us apart and use the coffee for an illustration.

A Prophet's perspective is different from that of a Pastor. He hears from God and quite mercilessly questions everything and everyone, including the Pastor, from God's perspective. Questioning, however, is his healthy and God-given duty. For that reason, there is also a historical tension between the Pastor and the Prophet: one is a defender of the status quo, who wants to maintain the community; the other questions everything and is seen (rightly) by many as a threat, because he disrupts things and wants immediate action. In many pictures, the Shepherd has a stick in his hand, not only to tend the sheep and to keep away the wolves, but also to keep away the Prophets. And yet both the Pastor's and the Prophet's views are valid, because both are serving God and the same flock--one with loving attention, the other with a Prophetic view. Both are necessary!

The Prophet's motto is "Vision." Prophets often have the unique ability to hear and see what other cannot. These supernatural revelations need to go through a process of healthy interpretation in the church among other Prophets or Apostles (1st Corinthians 14:29-32 & Acts 21:4, 10-11) and application.

The Prophet receives a direct calling from God, and then usually sent "poured water on the hands of" the elder more mature prophet, as in the case of Elijah and Elisha (2nd Kings 3:11), the biblical way of expressing a discipleship relationship, where the younger Prophets were trained, traveling in schools, by more experienced ones.

Prophetic ministry is about providing spiritual intelligence, casting a personal and corporate vision, and empowering people according to God's calling.

The gift also helps the church in the long-term planning and seeking God for His guidance. However, not everyone with the GIFT of prophecy has the ROLE OR OFFICE TO EQUIP as a prophet. That would be like saying every pastor is an apostle. Rather than a local church, a prophet has the calling to the larger church. They have the ability to take the Word of God and speak to the church at large about ungodly lifestyle, warning them of His judgment and the need for repentance.

The responsibilities of a prophet is in tune with current events and has a burning passion about God's message for their generation. In the Old Testament there were false prophets who spoke lies and predicted events that did not happen. A true prophet had God's anointing on their life and was usually recognizable as a prophet. However, the rule was to test the words of a prophet and if found untrue, they would be stoned.

How much more do we need to be careful today? Not everyone who calls themselves a prophet today is really God's spokesperson. We need to test their words and ask God for discernment.


[Gk: 'a shepherd (lit. or fig.).' 'A superintendent, i.e. Christian officer in general charge of a (or the) church (literally or figuratively):--bishop, overseer.' 'To tend as a shepherd (or figuratively supervisor):--feed (cattle), rule']

The gift of pastor/shepherd is the distinctive ability to assume responsibility for the spiritual growth and Christian community of a group of believers.

The unique, God-given ability to nurture, protect, and to help bring to maturity, a group of Christians.

In a charismatic and biblical sense, the Pastor is by nature a Shepherd. Unlike traditional church Pastors, a house-church Pastor stands in the midst of a flock of sheep, and everything mills around him. He is by nature a very loving person who can create a family atmosphere. Relationships are highly important to him, simply because he is interested in the flock's long-term spiritual well-being. The good Shepherd knows the names of all of his sheep, as well as what they like and dislike. He is interested in every last detail about those he is caring for.

His motto is "Relationships are everything!" The Pastor focuses on our redeemed relationship with God and our relationships with others. He helps those in his flock function in this relational way as well by teaching them to eliminate hurt and trauma. In a more technical sense, Pastoral ministry is about member care and team building.

It's important to remember, however, that a person's greatest weakness almost always lies in the shadow of his or her greatest strength. The role of a Pastor tends to include a natural blind spot. Since he is so often focused on relationships, the Pastor is less likely to see the big picture. This is why the roles of Prophets and Apostles are so important to the church.

The nature of the true Fivefold Pastor will be seen. It will be shown to be different to what the church has seen through the years. And once the pattern has been made clear, training will commence for the new pastors. This will lead to a gathering of the flock under true shepherds who have been trained in the family environment. They will cause the church to become a united family like the Early Church.

The shepherd was the one who would watch over, care for, feed and attend to the needs of the sheep. The emphasis seemed to be on the long term care for the flock.

In the church we see that the pastor is a person who spiritually cares for and "oversees" the local "flock" of believers.


[Gk: 'instructor (gen. or spec.), doctor, master, teacher']

The gift of teaching is the distinctive ability to employ a logical, systematic approach to biblical study in preparation for clearly communicating practical truth to the body of Christ.

The unique, God-given ability to discover God’s truths and to communicate them in such a way that others can understand them and grow spiritually.

In relationship to the sheep, the Teacher lives at a critical distance from the flock, about a half a mile away. He sits at the vantage point that allows him to see which sheep might be struggling or unconsciously separating from the flock.

His motto is, "The truth and nothing but the truth!" The Teacher is interested in quality in the details, which he finds even more fascinating than big picture. He is often a "footnote" person in the truest sense of the word, someone who likes details and needs to know everything exactly. He has a passion for teaching itself, and his gift is to impart and empower others to teach others how to teach.

Like Jesus, his  Master Rabbi, the Teacher does not leave behind teaching notes, but he imparts his spirit. A Teacher is passionate about enabling newcomers to understand, explain, and finally defend the Kingdom of God to others.

There will be an increase of and return to teaching sound Bible Doctrine. The new teachers will arise to make the Word come to life. As a result the Body of Christ will find a new love for the Word. Growth and maturity will take place in the people, and the Church of God will grow strong.

In the Biblical language this meant to communicate the truths of the Scriptures so that those that heard put it into practice. Teaching makes difficult truths understandable over time. It is instructing with the goal of the pupil retaining and applying what they learned. In a person with this gift there is a real excitement in sharing Biblical truth with other people. They enjoy seeing people come alive when they get understanding. There is a burden to share the Word of God and help people apply it to their own situations.

The benefit of the gift of teaching is with good teaching the church is able to help equip the congregation for service. A person with this gift can teach the Scriptures, which according to 2nd Timothy is used to instruct, reprove, correct and train.

The model of teaching in the New Testament times was a master/student model. A teacher, achieving a mastery over the subject to be taught, would have a group of disciples. To be a teacher it was not good enough to just have knowledge. Students had to learn, which meant the teacher had to have the ability to communicate and instill the knowledge into those they were teaching.

A teacher would pour themselves into instructing and guiding their students. We see this model perfectly illustrated in the life of Jesus. He has a following of disciples, and would teach them on the road and in the sanctuary.

The responsibilities and role of an "EQUIPPING TEACHER" is different from the "GIFT OF A TEACHER." Paul wrote that God "gave these teachers" to the church, for the purpose of equipping the believers for service. You can have the gift of teaching, and yet not have the role of a teacher that equips the church for service.

The emphasis in this role is to pour your teaching into a body of believers in order to prepare and motivate them for service. As with the other equipping roles we are studying, there will be a definite calling on your life to exercise this role. Your calling may be local, regional or on a larger scale. Whichever the context, it will be obvious to those you teach that your are fulfilling a God-appointed role.


[Gk: 'a preacher of the gospel, to announce good news ("evangelize") especially the gospel:--declare, bring (declare, show) glad (good) tidings, preach (the gospel)']

The gift of evangelism is the distinctive ability to share Jesus Christ's good news of the kingdom of God with others in such a way that many non-Christians believe in Christ and are converted/made disciples.

The unique, God-given ability to cause others to be aware of their need for Christ and to then present the gospel in such a way that others believe it and accept it.

The unique, God-given ability to effectively minister in a foreign culture for the purposes of establishing and/or strengthening the church within that cultural group.

The Evangelist circles the flock closely but stays just far enough away that he doesn't smell like God's sheep pen. The Evangelist doesn't want to frighten the wild stray (lost) sheep away, but instead He wants to lead them to the flock. He has a single aim and passion: to help people find Jesus.

The Evangelist introduces a healthy outward focus to the churches, and is even involved in discipling new believers into maturity by literally ready the Gospel of the Kingdom to them, evangelizing them, and filling them with the Good News. Biblically, the Evangelist does not lead the extension of the churches, but instead works in partnership with the Apostolic and Prophetic people who bear the main responsibility  for laying the foundations of the churches. The Evangelist empowers others to be Evangelists, not in order to create Evangelistic enterprises in themselves, but so that the house churches can become or remain an Evangelistic movement.

A healthy Evangelist is passionate about the depth of conversion, the retention rate of new disciples, and the quality of discipling.

The true Evangelistic Office will become manifest once again as it was in the days of the early church. Signs and wonders will be common even in local churches. The evangelist will no longer be a superhero who travels around holding huge conferences. He will work together with the other Fivefold Offices in a stable environment, and under Apostolic Authority.

Some have translated the word evangelist to mean a traveling missionary. This certainly seems to be the case with Paul. Most evangelists do seem to travel from location to location sharing the gospel message. However, today with mega cities and mass communication a person can reach a multitude with the message without traveling very far.

But the Lord gave the fivefold ministry for the equipping of the saints! So what does that mean to you if you are called as an evangelist? It means that as an evangelist you should be igniting the hearts of God’s people!

The church does not need more evangelists to reach the lost, the church needs more evangelists to inspire the saved to reach the lost!

One evangelist can only do so much, but if he would maintain the fire in his own heart and then ignite the fire in the hearts of God’s people, the lost would be coming to Christ all the time!

Changes In Missionary Outreach

I saw the globe of the earth, as if I were up in space looking down upon the earth. And as I watched, I saw movements taking place. I saw men and women being moved from their country of origin to another country.

At first I thought that this represented missionaries leaving for a foreign land. But as I watched, I saw them remaining in the foreign land for only a short season. Then they returned to their homeland, and intense activity began to take place on their return.

I saw many people being gathered together around them, and some of these in turn being sent off like the first. They would go for a short season of training, and then return to their homeland to introduce the new concepts that they had learned.

The era of foreign missions, which was a pattern of the old system, will begin to fade away. It will be replaced by a more efficient method of reaching the nations. God will raise up workers in each nation and people and train them to return to their birthplace. There they will reach the people that they know and understand. And they will present the Word to them in a way that they will readily accept.

There will come a desire in the hearts of many who have emigrated to other countries, to return to the country of their birth. There they will fit in with the people and introduce the principles that they have learned. This will be true missionary work as God intended it to be.

No longer will foreigners risk their lives to bring the gospel to the heathen. No longer will women and children have to suffer because of the call. Instead the Lord will pull people from their cultures and archetypes, and train them to break free of these. Then He will send them back to their own people to teach them the truth.

The pattern will therefore work in reverse. Instead of the free nations sending missionaries to foreign lands, they will invite people from those lands. They will train them and then send them back. To do this there will come a change to the way leaders are trained in the Body of Christ.

The Local Church Structure

As I watched the New Church emerge, the Lord took me back to a vision I had some years ago which I entitled The Coming Storm. The Lord reminded me that this vision was in the process of being fulfilled.

In that vision I saw a storm bringing destruction to the large structures of the Institutional Church. I saw the Lord raising up many small ministries and specific individuals who would rise up as leaders.

Many interpreted this as a sign of the birth of the home church movement, but God has a bigger plan in mind. Although He is destroying denominational structures, He has not left the Body of Christ without strong leadership. The Fivefold Ministry Offices must rise up and lead the End Times Church to glory.

The local church will no longer be a physical building in the community, but the church amongst the people. However the future church will not just be a home church network.

The Home Church

The home church will become any gathering of believers to share the Word. It will include both social involvement and spiritual fellowship. Believers will meet together in homes, public places, workplaces and anywhere that they are permitted. Church will be seen to be simply a gathering of two or three believers, as Jesus said it would be.

But the pattern will not be that set by most home church movements. The church will not be split into little groups under mini shepherds. The early shepherding movement, though now officially dead, is still very much alive. It is alive amongst those who try to set up little master/disciple structures and call this the Bible Pattern.

But this was not the pattern of the Early Church, nor will it be the pattern of the End Times Church. The Church must be led by the Fivefold Ministry Offices, and not mini-gods in the form of little flock shepherds.

The Ministry Center

I saw buildings being raised up in locations all around the world. Some were simply large houses. Others were a collection of buildings on a piece of land. But each one stood in a place where it could be reached easily by those living in the community.

Then I saw people coming to these places to receive training and ministry, and returning to their homes. I saw in each place, facilities for training and resources that were available for anyone who would come to receive them. I also saw business activities, social activities, and a place to develop and use the Arts. There were printing equipment, music studios, and movie studios, and everything that is needed to produce materials to extend the Word into the earth.

The Early Church met in homes, but they also gathered together in the Temple. This is where the Apostles often ministered to them. Later as the Church scattered from Jerusalem, various ministry centers were created. One of these was in Antioch, where Paul and Barnabas were launched as Apostles.

Since the Fivefold Ministry Offices are given to the Church Universal, their function cannot be confined to a home church. They must operate from a larger structure, and this structure will be the ministry center.

The minister center will be a place of training, healing, and housing the leadership of the Church. It will not be a big church building, but it will operate in a physical location. This could be a piece of land with several buildings, but it could even be a large home. The early disciples of Jesus all lived together in such a place. It was there that the Pentecostal Outpouring took place, the UPPER ROOM!

Such centers will be built amongst the people of the community. It will be like the early Tabernacle of Moses. It stood in the middle of the camp, and the people all lived around it. The resident Fivefold Ministry will move amongst the people and also travel out from the ministry center. Then they will return there.

The Training of Leaders

I saw Leaders from the community coming to the nearest Ministry Center to receive hands on training for their ministry. I saw them come and access materials that were freely available in the form of books, audio CD’s and DVD’s. Each ministry center held the materials they would need to learn what they needed.

Then I saw resident members of the Fivefold Ministry taking such leaders and spending time with them each day, showing them how to carry out their ministry. I saw the trainee leaders being given opportunity to preach, to teach and to counsel and pray with people who came for ministry.

All training requires both theory and practice to be successful. So the training of all leaders and the Fivefold Offices must include both of these. The Ministry Centers will be centers of learning and training. They will hold all the resources needed for anyone who wishes to grow in the Lord. They will also hold all training materials for those who wish to rise up into the higher ministry offices.

Those who need to be trained for specialized ministry tasks will no longer need to give up their employment, sell their possessions, and travel to a place of learning. They will find all that they need in the nearest Ministry Center. The most they might need to do is to find a house nearby and live there.

From the ministry center they will receive hands on training from qualified leaders who are able to show them and shape them into something that the Lord can use. They will obtain knowledge, experience and impartation in this way, without even giving up their normal employment. And if they qualify and the need is there, they could become part of the full time staff in a ministry center.

Revival of The Arts

I saw all believers who were gifted or desired to develop their artistic gifts come to the nearest ministry center. There they were given the opportunity to receive training and to meet with others who shared their passion. And together they began to produce materials, using their skills.

I saw them using their musical talents to create new songs and musical recordings. I saw them developing their acting abilities and begin to write plays and screenplay scripts. I saw them being inspired by the Holy Spirit to produce materials that edify and build up. And then I saw them produce materials that will replace the offerings of the world.

I see the Church taking back the land that the world has captured. One of the major “land masses” that is controlled by the enemy and the World System, lies in the area of the Arts.

The Lord showed me that the Church will rise up and set a new standard in the arts. We will no longer follow the ways of the World, and allow the world to set the standards for what we do in the Arts.

The Church will create music that is anointed and ministers to the hearts. We will see Christian musicians and singers rising up who are not seeking to make a name for themselves. They will not follow the worldly ways of presenting their music. But instead they will seek to touch the hearts and meet the needs of the people.

There will come a displacing of the archetypes of Hollywood and the Music Industry. People will learn to act, write, play, sing and exercise all their artistic abilities for the Lord. The goal will not be to make money or become famous, but to extend the Kingdom of God.

Business Activities

As I looked at the city that resembled the New Church, I saw business activities taking place. I saw the wealth of the World coming into the Church, as God raised up men and women with business skills.

These businesses were not simply Christians who owned a business and poured financial support into the church. They were businesses owned and operated under the authority of the local Church. They not only provided employment for members of the Church, but they also produced enough finance to allow the Church to grow and reach out.

I saw money changing hands very rapidly in business, and pouring into the Ministry Centers. And from there it poured out to the needs of the people, just like the early church.

Let The Church Arise

As I continued to gaze at the Emergent Church, I saw it grow, until it seemed to full the whole earth. It shone with glory and began to reach into the darkest corners of the earth.

It was a Church Magnificent, a Church Glorious, a beautiful bride, ready and waiting for her bridegroom

I believe that we will see this church beginning to emerge and become more visible. It has been hidden away in preparation, but now it will come forth in power and glory.

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