By Mark Seay

In a supermarket, Kurtis, the stock boy, was busily working when a new voice
came over the loud speaker asking for a carry out at register 4. Kurtis was almost
finished, and he wanted to get some fresh air. So he decided to answer the call.

As he approached the checkout stand, a distant smile caught his eye. “The new
checkout girl is beautiful,” he thought to himself. She was an older woman (maybe
26, and he was only 22), and he fell in love.

Later that day, after his shift was over, he waited by the punch clock to find out her
name. She came into the breakroom, smiled softly at him, took her card, punched out,
and then left. Kurtis quickly discovered that her name was Brenda. He then walked
out just to see her begin walking up the road.

The very next day, he waited outside as she left the supermarket, and offered her a
ride home. He looked harmless enough, and so she accepted. When he dropped her
off, he asked if maybe he could see her again, outside of work. She simply said, “it
isn't possible.” Because he pressed the issue, she explained that she had two children
and wasn’t able to afford a babysitter. And so he offered to pay for the babysitter.
Reluctantly, she accepted his offer for a date for the following Saturday.

That Saturday night, he arrived at her door only to have her tell him that she would
not be able to accompany him that evening. The babysitter had called and cancelled.
To which Kurtis simply replied, "Well, let's take the kids with us." She tried to explain
that taking the children was not an option. And again, not taking “no” for an answer,
he continued to press.

Finally, Brenda brought him inside to meet her children. She had an older daughter
who was “just as cute as a bug,” Kurtis thought. Brenda, then, brought out her son,
in a wheelchair. He was born a paraplegic with Down Syndrome.

Astonished, Kurtis asked Brenda, "I still don't understand why the kids can't come
with us?" Brenda was amazed. Most men would run away from a woman with
two kids, especially if one had disabilities (just as her first husband and father of her
children had done).

Kurtis was not ordinary; he had a different mindset altogether. That evening, Kurtis
and Brenda loaded up the kids. All four of them went to dinner, and then followed it
up by attending a flick at a nearby theater.

When her son needed anything, Kurtis would take care of him. When he needed to use
the restroom, Kurtis would simply pick him up out of his wheelchair, take him, and bring
him back. The kids absolutely loved Kurtis.

At the end of the evening, Brenda just knew (deep down inside) that Kurtis was the man
whom she would marry. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.

A year later, they were married and Kurtis adopted both of her children. Since that time,
they have added two more children to the entire clan.

So what had happened to Kurtis (the stock boy) and Brenda (the checkout girl)??

Well, Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Warner now live in Arizona , where he is currently employed as
the quarterback of the National Football League’s Arizona Cardinals.

Is this a surprise ending or could you have guessed that he was no ordinary person?

Still clueless? Well, his career highlights and awards include: GFC Player of the Year (1993);
4-time Pro Bowl Selection (1999, 2000, 2001 & 2008); 2-time Associated Press NFL MVP
(1999 & 2001); Super Bowl MVP (XXXIV); Super Bowl Champion (XXXIV); Muhammad Ali
Sports Leadership Award (Jan. 2009); and QB in Super Bowl (XLIII).

In a recent interview with Gordon Robertson of, Kurt was asked, “You have heard
it all before: athletes who are quick to publicly thank God for victory or success. Kurt Warner
does it a lot, but what does it really mean?”

Kurt Warner confidently proclaimed, “When you stand up and say, 'Thank You, Jesus,' they think you
are saying, 'Thank You for being here. Thank You for moving my arm forward and making the ball go
into that guy's hands so that we could score a touchdown and win the game.' But, in essence, it is a
matter of thanking Him for the opportunity, thanking Him for being there in my life, for being the stronghold, for being the focus and the strength to accomplish all things, to accomplish anything, and to be where I am at, to have gone through everything I have gone through. It is a constant thing in my life. It is not just for something specific He did on the football field to help us win; it is for everything that He has done in my life up to that point and for everything He will continue to do in my life from here until eternity.”

Isn't it encouraging to read a story about a professional sportsman who is a Christian role model?

Go Cards!!! Win the Super Bowl!!!

(**Attached my FREE 12-page gospel tract, "Until He Finds Us". I hope it blesses someone for you.)

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