What will you do when the temple is built?

Will you take notice. Will you even care about it?

What will you do when the armies are gathered in Rome to move the Pope to his new home?

Will it be a concern?

What will you think when the so-called "Jews" start animal sacrifices?

Will you think of the book of Daniel, when the man of sin stops the daily sacrifice?

Will you start to get you and your family prepared?

And what about when the arid lands in the area outside of Jerusalem suddenly spring forth with life and water. Will you think......It is almost time!

And finally......what happens when the warning of all warnings happens?

What will you do when the Pope is placed in the temple in Jerusalem?

Will you do as Jesus told us?


If you do not......the following 3.5 years is going to be almost impossible to survive!

What will YOU DO??????

.Remember.....this when ALL of these things happen....and they WILL!!!!!

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I'd love to show you with power and demonstration if you let me. I want you to take deeper looks into what it really means to be obedient, and we can clear up your understanding of whats "fleshy." Is this ok with you? If so, then you can start with your questions.
" I'd love to show you with power and demonstration if you let me. "

O my - I have not stopped you.

Ok.. start asking those questions! We can start that way.
I have no questions for you.
But I do await the power and demonstration besides the debate over doctrine.

Tell me something to amaze me.
Tell me something to make me want to know who your God is and that I might want to serve Him.
Because if I am as pagan as you say I am - then you need to come with the goods...as Elijah said - the God who answers by fire - He is God.

I came with many goods, but it seems that you put up the Berlin wall between us, which is why I am inviting you to come with questions, because I know you have them.
No - you want to debate with scriptures.
Which is fine but my faith is pass OT laws written on paper.

The NT envoys had the goods besides the letter of the law.
But I will be quiet - Just tell me something 'amazing' that will stir up the desire in me to look into what you are into.
Why is it that when I ask questions, I get no answers?

Where will we go when we meet the Lord in the Air per Thessalonians?

Can you get 3 days and 3 nights from Good Friday evening to Easter Sunday morning?

Who are the Edomites/Esau's seed/Idumaeans/Brozrah ?

In Rev.2:9 who is the Synagauge of Satan?

In Rev3:9 who is posing as the Jew???

In the book of Obadiah,who was it that cast lots when Israel went in to captivity???)

In Ezek 35, what is Edom doing in Israel and Judah, if New Jerusalem is to come down from Heaven?

Why are the so-call Jews rebuilding the temple???

In Malachi 1:1-4, Why do the Lord hate these people, and what are they building that he's going to tear down?

In Gen25:21-23,Why is it that these two nations struggled in Rebekah's stomach?

Isaiah 34:5-6, Why and when is the Lord going to bath his sword in Heaven for this people for there judgment ???
No answers???? The Great Theologists can't answer these questions?
I will answer them myself.

Where will we go when we meet the Lord in the Air per Thessalonians?
We will come back down to the groud with the Lord, and the angels to take the Earth, and establish the Lord's kingdom on Earth in Jerusalem.

Can you get 3 days and 3 nights from Good Friday evening to Easter Sunday morning? No

Who are the Edomites/Esau's seed/Idumaeans/Brozrah ?
They are the people calling themselves Jews in the land of Israel.

In Rev.2:9 who is the Synagauge of Satan?
The people calling themselves Jews in the Land of Israel.

In Rev3:9 who is posing as the Jew???
The people calling themselves Jews in the Land of Israel, the descendants of Esau.

In the book of Obadiah,who was it that cast lots when Israel went into captivity??? The Edomites/Idumaeans/ Rothschilds/descendants of Esau

In Ezek 35, what is Edom doing in Israel and Judah, if New Jerusalem is to come down from Heaven? They are fulfilling the blessing of Isaac to Esau.

Genesis 27:38-40 And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father? bless me, even me also, O my father. And Esau lifted up his voice, and wept. And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.

Why are the so-call Jews rebuilding the temple???
Because they have not accepted Jesus as the Messiah.

In Malachi 1:1-4, Why do the Lord hate these people, and what are they building that he's going to tear down? He hates them because they did wickedly to their brother Jacob, and conspired with the nations that Israel's name might be no more in existence, and he is going to tear down the temple they will build unto Baalim, which the Pope will sit in.

In Gen25:21-23,Why is it that these two nations struggled in Rebekah's stomach? Because these nations was always at war with one another.

Isaiah 34:5-6, Why and when is the Lord going to bath his sword in Heaven for this people for there judgment ??? In the last day because the Lord is going to bring back Jacob's captivity for his names sake, and the nations have polluted the name of the Lord.
Matthew 12:36-40 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
What will I do? Do what Jesus said to do; When they say he(Jesus) is over here or there don't follow them. Jesus dwells in the temple of your "Heaers), not in TEMPLES made by mans Hands!
Jesus also said to "flee"! What will you do when the signs He said would happen, actually does?

Will you do what He says then?



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