Whats your thoughts on the high divorce rate between Pastors and there spouses?

The divorce rate is really high among Pastors and there spouses , in many cases both are Pastors together in Ministry. The divorce rate is very high in the world. Are we being a good witness to the world. Do you think two Pastors. or two Christians, can take the true word of God , prayer and counseling to save there marriage? Not judging just dialog.Lets hear your comments.

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Most excellent Scott, most excellent indeed.

Hey, how ya been? I haven't chatted with you in a hot minute my brotha.

Bless you man!
Hey Min. Tracy, I know been a minute. I'm good, neva' had a bad day in my life, just days of growth and evolution..:) I just returned about 2 weeks ago from Papua New Guinea for a 3 week mission trip. I'm still on high from that powerful experience, watching children struggle to read a bible in their huts awaiting for the sun to rise so they can see clearly the scriptures as they had no shoes, clothes and the basic necessities that we take for granted.

Then on my return the very day I got back home to the family, I heard from my wife that my 50 year old brother has lung cancer...*Ugh* He's going through chemo as well as radiation (double the dose) currently until January of 2010. And I may have to take in a 19 year old Haitian young lady who's own father threw her out of the house due to her getting pregnant by her boyfriend. She's 5 months pregnant and no place to go. So since my wife is going to be a mid-wife, she has accepted this sweet girl who is not even an american citizen, but has a green card...

And through all of this I'm getting my children prepared for school (praise the Lord) and still have to attain more partners to support my family in going to PNG for the next 3 years to help in Bible Translation so that they can have the scriptures in their heart language.

But other than that, I'm good...LOL Well you asked......:)

So how you doin?
Oh Scott, I'm ok my friend. Just "making it do what it do" on a daily basis.

You've got some wonderful things going on my friend.

Many many blessings to your family and to your ministry.
Bro Watson,

You said something very interesting:

I find it interesting that women are never commanded to love their husbands. But the aged (older) women are commanded to teach the younger women how to love their husbands (Titus 2:3-4), and (taking a deep breath) to be obedient to their own husbands (Titus 2:5).

I wonder, why aren't wives commanded to love their husbands? Does this mean that he will be in a loveless marriage with a woman who obeys him out of obedience to God alone yet no love for her husband?

Are women left to sing the Tina Turner song:

What's love go to do with it
Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken

...while they are being taught how to love their husbands? Is a woman's love the breaking of her will or developing of her desire for the man when the will to love is not there nor the desire? Meanwhile the man is all mushy and sacrificing and loving to a woman who an unloving robot towards him? She says, "I love you because I am commanded to love you"

Does the woman receiving love cause her to love? Does the man sacrificing guarantee him a loving mate?

I've known women who felt trapped in a marriage to a man that they didn't love (same with men feeling trapped in a marriage with a woman they didn't love). They got married for the wrong reasons (many wrong reasons for getting married... so don't get stuck on the sex part of it). After they married the "feelings "weren't there as they had hoped and now they are just ... stuck and bitter and resenting themselves for their wrong decision. One likened it to being in jail for a crime you committed. And now you have to obey the rules of the warden. God's rules for marriage don't change just because you made a mistake. But man oh man, what do those couples do who are in that situation? Should they "fake it till they make it"???
I have a few things to say concerning your comments:

- A lot of women refuse to submit simply because they feel its a curse word! There are women that do not even take time out to learn how to love their mate, because they find out that in those classes the word submit is painted all across the walls. They think sex, cooking, someone to order around, and a back rub are all we want, but thats far from the case for men of GOD who love their wives.

- I agree that FAR TOO MUCH TIME and money is wasted on a wedding ceremony! The women get so caught up with the idea of walking down the isle and saying "I do" that they could care less about the marriage! I remember a funny scene in The Color Purple: Ms. Sofia just married Harpo and before he could kiss his new bride, she was turned around to start running her mouth with her friends. All he received was a sad lookin hug from his father as if to say "good luck son, you'll need it!!" Its time we saints stop looking to just scream out "I's married now!" and start looking to act like you're married! GOD knows I need help with my future marriage........

- Co-Pastor type of team leadership is FAR from a trend! Its biblical to the bone! Regardless if the female is officially deemed co-Pastor or not (or in a few cases the man deemed such), the two shall be called one flesh. If you respect him, you respect her. If you respect her, you respect him. They have to work together, otherwise one will come home and dump all their drama all over the other. As far as competition, I push my fiance to be as good and even better than me! If a man has competition issues, he needs to STEP DOWN from his position, because he has no right to feel such a way! I would LOVE to stand up and say "if you think I'm good, you haven't heard my wife! She runs circles around me!!" As an Apostle and Prophet, I could care less about the pulpit anyway. Its over-rated. The work is truly elsewhere and not 20-40 minutes on Sunday. If she is receiving more support, then let her lead in the areas that she is strong in! Its hard enough to get any real support from people nowadays, so at least one of them are being supported!! What type of fool wants to hinder the ministry in order for him to shine!?!?! This is a prayer answered!
Its all up to the calling of GOD. I have seen a couple that had the wife as the Apostle of the ministry and the husband was named the Bishop.
I have the same about many Churches, denominations, and "traditional" Church doctrines....
1Co 12:28 "And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues."

Where does it say in God's Word that some are in the church 'Co-Pastors'??

I guess being a pastors wife isn't enough 'dese dayz....LOL
If you ever learned about being a shepherd of sheep or goats, you'll know that you can't do it alone. You'll need more shepherds, and they all have to work together allowing one to take the lead.

The Church in its original form considered a whole city the Church. A Church had multiple Bishops over it, then later organized and broke it down to one leading Bishop over a region with others under him. Co-Pastoring is like co-piloting. JESUS sent all His servants out to by two, so why try to break HIS formula?
Co-pastor. Isn't it part the five and a half fold ministry? ;)

Although I have to agree with Rev Luckett, who are we to question someone calling?
It is a little like trying to come against 'Thus saith the LORD.'
LOL @ the "5 1/2 fold Ministry"!!!

I wont think for him but, I'm assuming that's what he meant.


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