Do "spirit beings" DIE! Of course not. That is why God has to make the place Hell. It will be a place, originally for Angels, but thanks to the sin of Adam, it will also be the final dwelling for ALL those that break the commandments, laws and statutes of God. God calls these people 'sinners'!

Death at Christ’s Return

Let's look at a few verses to see if there will be any flesh that DIE upon the Lord's return:

Zech.14:2. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle;
4. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives,
5. and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee.

From the above scriptures we know what event is taking place...the 2nd coming of the Lord.

Isa.13:9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

Sinners will be destroyed when Christ returns!

Jer.46:10 For this is the day of the Lord GOD of hosts, a day of vengeance, that he may avenge him of his adversaries: and the sword shall devour, and it shall be satiate and made drunk with their blood:

Christ’s’ sword will be made drunk with his adversaries’ blood upon His return!

Isa.66:16 For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many.

Many shall be SLAIN!

Clearly when the Lord returns ALL people will NOT be 'spirit beings'. There WILL be death when the Lord returns.

Death During Christ’s 1000 Year Rule

Something to remember is that when Jesus returns He will rule for 1000 years. His 1000 year rule will start the moment He returns. Let's search the scriptures to see how the earth will be and if there will be flesh and blood people living then.

[6] And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:
[7] But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.
[8] And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.

- So during Christ's 1000 year rule we will be able to tell when 'evening' comes,
although it will not be totally dark. This makes perfect sense because God’s Sabbath will still be
observed and His Sabbaths starts at evening on the 7th day.
- The earth will also have seasons; summer and winter.

[9] And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
[11] And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited.

- The Lord will be king over ALL the earth and Jerusalem will be safe.

[12] And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.

Clearly THESE people will DIE!

[16] And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.

- Along with seasons we will also have a way of telling 'years'. Again with keeping with God’s
commandment of keeping His feast days FOREVER, we must be able to know at what month to
keep them. This can ONLY be done if we are still able to know the beginning and ending of years.
- Christ's feast days will also be kept.

[17] And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.
[18] And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.
[19] This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

Now why would 'spirit beings' need rain? Flesh beings need rain in order to grow food.

Let's read how long the people of the earth will live during Christ's 1000 year rule.

[17] For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.
[18] But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.
[19] And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.

- Again we know the above scriptures is speaking of a time when Jerusalem will be lived
in safely.

[20] There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old;

- So the person that DIES at one hundred will be considered a child.

Now for those that think this is speaking about a time that has already happened let's read the following verses:

[6] The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
[7] And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
[8] And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.
[9] They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

A wolf living with a lamb, a leopard lying with the kid, a lion eating straw like an ox, all with a child leading them….as we ALL know these events have not happened. Most have not happened since the 6th day of creation. Along that same time frame was also the last time the earth was full of the knowledge of the Lord.

[25] The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

Again...the time spoken of in the above scriptures is during Christ's 1000 year rule.

Now for those that believe there will no longer be any 'flesh and blood' beings left upon the earth, let's read what happens after Christ 1000 year rule.

Death After Christ’s 1000 Year Rule

[1] And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
[2] And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
[3] And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

So Satan is bound for the 1000 years that Jesus is ruling on the earth. But notice he is loosed for a 'little season'. Now look and see what happened after Satan is loosed:

[7] And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
[8] And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and
Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

So there are STILL 'flesh and blood' beings even AFTER Christ's 1000 year rule. And will there be more death? Let's read:

[9] And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

These too DIED!


Let's review:

- Flesh and blood people died at Christ 2nd coming. Isa.13:9, Jer.46:10, Isa.66:16
- Flesh and blood people died during Christ 1000 year rule. Zech.14:12, Isa.65:20
- Flesh and blood people died after Christ 1000 year rule. Rev.20:9

The ONLY time when there will no longer be any 'flesh and blood' people is found here:

[12] And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
[13] And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
[14] And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Now I know there is a doctrine going around that says; Those that are thrown into the lake of fire will NOT be tormented forever, but will be consumed in an instant by the fire. Well let’s search to see if this is supported by scripture.

[11] And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
[14] And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
[15] And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Now we know the above event to be the 2nd coming of Christ. Let’s look at what takes place to one person, a ‘flesh and blood being‘, upon Christ return.

[20] And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Now we know the false prophet is a man made of flesh and blood. And flesh and blood beings DIE! But is that what happened to the false prophet? Did he DIE? Let’s read what happens AFTER 1000 years of Satan’s imprisonment and the final battle with Christ:

[10] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Did you catch that? Where the beast AND the false prophet ARE!!! So the beast AND the false prophet are STILL around after 1000 years. Still burning and being tormented. So we know of at least TWO ‘flesh and blood’ beings that were made ‘spirit beings’ that will be tormented FOREVER. But will he be the only one? Does the bible speak of more? Let’s read:

[15] For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.
[16] For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many.

Again we know the above event to be the 2nd coming of Christ. This is also the beginning of His 1000 year rule.

[23] And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.
[24] And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.

So the Lord will require ALL FLESH to come and give Him worship during the 1000 years. And while doing so they will be able to see ALL of those that transgresses/ broke His laws, and their fate. For their worms WILL NOT DIE, nor will their fire be quenched. And they will be an abhorring to ALL FLESH!!

Your final dwelling place has no bearing on your final physical state: ALL ARE MADE SPIRIT BEINGS and ALL WILL LIVE FOREVER. The only question that remains is if you will live forever in God’s kingdom, or if you will live forever in the lake of fire.

1 Cor.15:50 “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God…”

Something to THINK about!

- Where will ALL come to worship the Lord? Isa.66:23-24, Zech.14:16-21
- And what will ALL that come to worship the Lord be able to look upon? Isa.66:23-24
- So where will Hell be?

Seems to be A LOT of truth to the old saying, “Keep your friends close and your enemies CLOSER!”

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I get your point, good example, I didn't mean to imply that satan was running anything, but ones would be with him in torment, however good point!

Satan will be destroyed. He wont be screaming and hollering because he'll be on fire LOL
Evangelist Fugett, I believe hell is a literal place because Yahshua stated, "there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" thus eliminating the idea of the 'figuratively speaking' idea of 'genna' the greek word for the 'garbage dump' outside of Jerusalem.

There wasn't 'weeping and gnashing of teeth' among dead corpses thrown there. The 'worms' that were a plentiful there did die even if more populated but Yahshua's description of hell was 'where the worm dieth not.' I think he means the spiritual carcass of un-regenerated hell-gone beings.

Now that said, I've read many NDE'S i.e. "Near Death Experiences' and a plenty of them speak of a literal place called 'hell.'

If we as believers really believe in the 'devil and his demonic forces' we know they've got to exist somewhere. The Bible says, 'hell' as well as, being exalted in the here and now as 'principalities, wicked spirits, in high places.' Yet, Scripture speaks of eventually ridding them from the heavens and Earth and putting them in that place called 'Hell' so showing 'hell' has to be a literal place.

Finally, tell me what you think of this testimony of hell. It's fascinating to say the least.

Evangelist Fugett, I believe hell is a literal place because Yahshua stated, "there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" thus eliminating the idea of the 'figuratively speaking' idea of 'genna' the greek word for the 'garbage dump' outside of Jerusalem.

There wasn't 'weeping and gnashing of teeth' among dead corpses thrown there. The 'worms' that were a plentiful there did die even if more populated but Yahshua's description of hell was 'where the worm dieth not.' I think he means the spiritual carcass of un-regenerated hell-gone beings.

Yeshuah's phrase,"where the worm does not die", is sort of an hyperbole. When he said that, all he means is that worms were always present. He is not referring to some super, eternal worm that just lingers around for eternity lol. Its figurative language. This isn't some fantasy from dantae's inferno!

You are correct in saying that there aren't weeping and gnashing of teeth among dead corpses, but dead bodies weren't the only ones there. Criminals went to Ben hinnom, and so did infant children. This is where you'll get the crying and weeping and gnashing of teeth. Yeshuah spoke this way because they hear, but never understand. They see but never perceive.

When Yeshuah's enemies would hear his words about eternal damnation to Ben Hinnom, they would truly have to ask Yeshuah,"Why would someone go to Ben Hinnom, and burn forever? Wouldn't the body burn up, thus having it destroyed? That is a literal question to figurative language! Yeshuah would look at them and say,"You wicked generation! So, his figurative speech on hell hides the literal meaning of destruction, but the actual meaning is only revealed to them who, as he said, are his!

Now that said, I've read many NDE'S i.e. "Near Death Experiences' and a plenty of them speak of a literal place called 'hell.'

If we as believers really believe in the 'devil and his demonic forces' we know they've got to exist somewhere. The Bible says, 'hell' as well as, being exalted in the here and now as 'principalities, wicked spirits, in high places.' Yet, Scripture speaks of eventually ridding them from the heavens and Earth and putting them in that place called 'Hell' so showing 'hell' has to be a literal place.

The word "hell" is only a "middle age" term. There is no word called hell in Hebrew & Aramaic, even in Greek! I say that to say; when one honestly study this, they will find out that "Geenna" was a real place in Israel.

So, If Geenna was a real place in Israel, then Yeshuah's speech about eternal "burning" could not have been real; otherwise you would be force to believe that physical human beings will burn forever in a literal valley called Hinnom! Let us use our brains here. Yeshuah was speaking figuratively.
"Let's use our brains?" Here now, you use your brain to let Christ cleanse you from such disrespectful comments lest you come off as a crooked deceiver. I'll forgive you this time, but don't let it happen again, oh alleged, 'man of Yah or God' or whatever you allege is the acceptable name to call on the Most High God of the Bible and our Savior, Jesus!

Annnnyway, facts are facts, of which I noticed you didn't address with regard to the link I posted regarding the online video and book, 'A Divine Revelation of Hell."

Here is yet another testimony of someone who claims to have literally been to hell.

Now, granted you could or probably would call him one who is hallucinating, etc. but I give credence to such testimonies as they come from people all over the world. I don't think it's coincidence. There's something to it.

Now, back to your 'genna' er, uhm...brain talk. What of Yahshua's testimony with regard to Lazarus? Lk. 16:20-31. I think there is literal truth with regard to a literal 'hell.' I mean afterall, He did say, "he spoke in parables so that the WILLFUL blind wouldn't understand the truth he was proclaimg.' Ergo, his proclaimation of a 'literal' hell.

Revelation 20 speaks of the Archangel Michael binding the devil and putting him in a literal 'hell.'

Yes, the Torah speaks of hell/ Deuteronomy speaks of one 'burning to the lowest hell. (32:22). I know you can do a break down of the Hebrew or Aramaic or Greek meaning of 'hell' but the fact is, the Torah mentions a 'literal hell place of burning.'

Job as well speaks of hell, and moreso he speaks upon what in those ancient days they referred to as the 'pits' of hell. There are pits in hell. (Job 11:8; 26:6; 33:18,24).

Surely you have used your brain to comprehend that 'hell' is used throughout the psalms (Ps. 9:17; 16:10; 18:5; 55:15; etc.). The psalmist mentions the state of hell. Meaning, 'torment, anguish, sorrow' etc. exists in that state.

Ofcourse, the prophets spoke vehemently on what they believed was a literal hell. Isaiah or Esaias says, 'hell has enlarged itself' (5:14).

Ezekiel states, "They also went down into hell..." (31:17).

Now, that said, the literal 'word' for it may have as you stated been created whenever but it was created from the description of a place of 'burning anguish, sorrow, torment.' Again, a place called 'hell' 'the pits', or the original Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek equivalent thereof. It's still the same place of torment.

"Let's use our brains?" Here now, you use your brain to let Christ cleanse you from such disrespectful comments. Lest you come off as a deceiver. I'll forgive you this time, but don't let it happen again, oh alleged, 'man of Yah or God' or whatever you allege is the acceptable name to call on the Most High God of the Bible and our Savior, Jesus!

I was not being disrepectful. At least it was not my intents. You said that you will forgive me "this time." So, the next time I say something "disrespectful", you will not forgive me? Hmmm, is that the Spirit of Yeshuah that you so claim to have? I think you might wanna reconsider your words!

Now, granted you could or probably would call him one who is hallucinating, etc. but I give credence to such testimonies as they come from people all over the world. I don't think it's coincidence. There's something to it.

Just because someone claims to have had visions of "hell," does not mean that they were actually seeing it. I am very sure that the person grew up believing that a "burning hell" is where he would go if he does not believe in Yeshuah. That being embedded in him, he has visions, or "near death experiences". Science reveals that the experiences of life adds to dreams or visions. Near death experiences are no different. Biblically speaking, they were not seeing a picture of the actuall hell.

Now, back to your 'genna' er, uhm...brain talk. What of Yahshua's testimony with regard to Lazarus? Lk. 16:20-31. I think there is literal truth with regard to a literal 'hell.' I mean afterall, He did say, "he spoke in parables so that the WILLFUL blind wouldn't understand the truth he was proclaimg.' Ergo, his proclaimation of a 'literal' hell.

The allegory of the rich man and lazarus is interesting. In Greek, the word hell is translated "Hades." The Hebrew equivalent is "Sheol." These words simply means the grave. This allegory mentions fire, awareness, and fire. All of these are not literal. Why?

Because in the grave, unless you're buried alive, you will not be feeling fire, or aware of your state of being! In fact, this allegory isnt even about hell. If you read down to verse 31, you will see the actual meaning of the allegories. Allegories tend to do that. Go ahead and read verse 31. This allegory is referring to the ignorance of the Pharisees.

Revelation 20 speaks of the Archangel Michael binding the devil and putting him in a literal 'hell.'

The devil was thrown into Ben Hinnom. If you take this literal, then it would mean that the devil was thrown outside of Jerusalem in a garbage dump! THINK ELAINE! Its figurative. Satan will be DESTROYED, NOT EXISTENT!. He wont be in some trash dump feeling the heat.

Yes, the Torah speaks of hell/ Deuteronomy speaks of one 'burning to the lowest hell. (32:22). I know you can do a break down of the Hebrew or Aramaic or Greek meaning of 'hell' but the fact is, the Torah mentions a 'literal hell place of burning.'

Job as well speaks of hell, and moreso he speaks upon what in those ancient days they referred to as the 'pits' of hell. There are pits in hell. (Job 11:8; 26:6; 33:18,24).

Surely you have used your brain to comprehend that 'hell' is used throughout the psalms (Ps. 9:17; 16:10; 18:5; 55:15; etc.). The psalmist mentions the state of hell. Meaning, 'torment, anguish, sorrow' etc. exists in that state.

Ofcourse, the prophets spoke vehemently on what they believed was a literal hell. Isaiah or Esaias says, 'hell has enlarged itself' (5:14).

Ezekiel states, "They also went down into hell..." (31:17).

To sum all the above scriptures up, the word hell in Hebrew is "Sheol." Sheol is simply THE GRAVE. If you start to see beings coming up and speaking, things grabbing you down, then you'll know its figurative. Keep what is literal, literal; and keep what is figurative, figurative. STUDY THE WORD ELAINE!

Now, that said, the literal 'word' for it may have as you stated been created whenever but it was created from the description of a place of 'burning anguish, sorrow, torment.' Again, a place called 'hell' 'the pits', or the original Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek equivalent thereof. It's still the same place of torment.

Its all figurative. If you do not study to understand this, then you will always be in error in interpretating what is figurative, literal; and what is literal, figurative.
Oh James Pierce, I'm going to have to watch you. You're a divorced man aren't you dear? Or, if not, I'd love to commune with your wife on your expert ability to 'flip the script' if you will. I'm sure she's got tons of story.

Annnnyway, my point was not that I wouldn't forgive you again rather, I wouldn't speak again to you to put myself in a situation where I would have to 'forgive you.' THINK ABOUT THAT JAMES, THINK!

Now, back to the subject matter, I've done the whole concordance 'root word' decades ago so I'm aware of Sheol and Hades. Been there, done that.

Nonetheless, let me get all this what you allude is 'figurative' stuff straight. When Yahshua proclaimed, "I have the keys to hades and death' it was figuratively? (Rev. 1:18 )He, the second Adam didn't 'die' and go to hell and retrieve the keys from Satan, eh? By the way, when Yahshua died where did He go? Did He just lay there dead and then come alive proclaiming to have defeated death and hell? Think James, and after that, do tell, okaaay?

Also, if sheol is simply the grave, what do you suppose of the phenomenal of ghosts, spirits, hauntings, poltergeist, demon possession? Is that all 'figuratively' to? Yahshua did not cast out a 'legion' of demons into swine?
(Mk. 5:11-16; etc.).

When the demon spoke through the man and proclaimed his name 'legion' i.e. 'a thousand' was that all figuratively? If not, where is that demon today? If our Savior is able to cast out demons yesterday, why didn't the word of God proclaim them 'none-existing' or as you would say, 'destroyed?' In fact, if there is no hell, why didn't God just destroy or as you would allude make none-existant once and for all, the devil that deceiveth the moment he deceived? Why is such a evil spirit and his hoarde of demons still in existence? (Jude 6)

I mean honestly James, if you THINK about it, if there is no as Jude says, 'holding place of everlasting darkness' or hell for the demons then the Almighty would be cruel, or a liar to have His servants, proclaim otherwise, right?

Come to 'think' of it James, where is the serpent that deceived at? Why wasn't he immediately destroyed as you allude there is no afterlife in a hell existence? How come this same Satan shows up from Genesis to Revelation? (Rev. 20:1-3).

If it's only figuratively, and let the record proclaim, according to your 'no hell' theory then Satan is NOT to be bound into a place called 'hell or everlasting fire and darkness?' Wow, what are you some new deceptive 'god' on the scene? :-)

At any rate, If Satan is to be destroyed why does Scripture proclaim him to be unleashed from HELL, HADES, EVERLASTING FIRE, ETC., after a 1000 years? (Rev. 20:8-10). Is Scripture 'lying' or 'mistranslated' when it says, 'he will be tormented forever and ever? (vs. 10).


Oh, and by the way, with regard to the Howard Storm 'NDE' link I posted that you OBVIOUSLY didn't THINK enough of to read. Had you read it, you would have read that this man was a die-hard atheist when he had his LITERAL HELL experience.

THINK enough to check out the truth James, it'll set you free, ya know!

Oh James Pierce, I'm going to have to watch you. You're a divorced man aren't you dear? Or, if not, I'd love to commune with your wife on your expert ability to 'flip the script' if you will. I'm sure she's got tons of story.

How foolish of you! Where did you get that I am a divorced man? You must have been through a marriage trama or something to even think that! I am not even married. I rebuke you for even saying such words.

Nonetheless, let me get all this what you allude is 'figurative' stuff straight. When Yahshua proclaimed, "I have the keys to hades and death' it was figuratively? (Rev. 1:18 )He, the second Adam didn't 'die' and go to hell and retrieve the keys from Satan, eh? By the way, when Yahshua died where did He go? Did He just lay there dead and then come alive proclaiming to have defeated death and hell? Think James, and after that, do tell, okaaay?

How can one literally have a set of keys to death and hades? There aren't actuall keys to these things! I see that you are not using your brain here. Yeshuah was simply saying that He has the authority over these things. He has control of them. If you have keys to a door, then you have control over that door.. to lock it up, or to keep it unlock.

Where did Yeshuah go after his death? Elaine, He was DEAD for 3 days as He stated. He did not go down into some mythical hellfire and fight the devil, and stealing his keys. Are you living in clash of the titans? Its all figurative imagery. Something that you need to study. You probably wont because you are to scared to uncover something tha'll rock your current belief system!

David said in Sheol, NO ONE gives praise. There is no love, no awareness, no feelings, etc. You cannot work in sheol, because you're dead. Yehwah said that when a person dies, their body returns to dust, and their breath goes back to him. The formula is Body + Breath = Soul(Genesis 2:7). Yeshuah was dead for 3 days and 3 nights, and THEN the breath of life returned to his body, and he became a LIVING soul AGAIN. STUDY ELAINE! He defeated death and the grave BY HIS RESURRRECTION.

Also, if sheol is simply the grave, what do you suppose of the phenomenal of ghosts, spirits, hauntings, poltergeist, demon possession? Is that all 'figuratively' to? Yahshua did not cast out a 'legion' of demons into swine?
(Mk. 5:11-16; etc.).

That's a large topic that I do not have room to really get into. But, I can tell you this: A boy was "mute", and it was considered a demon. The body did not have some demonic being from nightmare's creatures inside of him, rather, he was simply mute. Another thing is that Satan can be anything. Even God was called Satan. That word simply means "the adversary." God was Satan to his enemies.

Many people claim that Satan, a demonic angel, tempts us. If you turn to the book of James chapter 1, it reveals to us that the Satan that tempts us is YOUR FLESH. When Yeshuah was being tempted, It was his FLESH. The phenomon with ghosts, and all of that, I do not believe in that actually. Sheol is the grave, as the bible reveals to us.

if there is no hell, why didn't God just destroy or as you would allude make none-existant once and for all, the devil that deceiveth the moment he deceived?

By your asking of this question, I could tell that you did not read my WHOLE response. I never said hell did not exist. I simply gave the 2 Greek words, and the Hebrew words for it. I explained them both, and you MUST know the differeneces to RIGHTLY interpret scripture. Yeshuah spoke in parables so that they wont understand what he says, and hear, but not get.

I mean honestly James, if you THINK about it, if there is no as Jude says, 'holding place of everlasting darkness' or hell for the demons then the Almighty would be cruel, or a liar to have His servants, proclaim otherwise, right?

Again, I never said that. But to answer it again. The demons will be destroyed. You have to go behind the language that is spoken. Their "holding place" is destruction. I know its hard for you to break out of the "100% literal bible" mindset, but Elaine, its time to GROW in your studies! Yehwah is not cruel. The evil will be DESTROYED. It wont literally be somewhere lingering.

Come to 'think' of it James, where is the serpent that deceived at? Why wasn't he immediately destroyed as you allude there is no afterlife in a hell existence? How come this same Satan shows up from Genesis to Revelation? (Rev. 20:1-3).

You must not read the bible Elaine! God will destroy all evil when that time comes. Actually, if you actually READ the bible, instead of reading excerpts here and there, you would have seen the fact that over 90% of the time, Satan, in YOUR understanding, is not even mentioned. The next time we see a "talking serpent," is only in Revelation. Satan is NOT what you grew up learning that he is.

If it's only figuratively, and let the record proclaim, according to your 'no hell' theory then Satan is NOT to be bound into a place called 'hell or everlasting fire and darkness?' Wow, what are you some new deceptive 'god' on the scene? :-)

Satan will be bound forever. You must look at the Hebrew and Greek behind the phrases "everlasting fire and darkness." Again, I can understand your mindset, because I was there, until I STUDIED!

At any rate, If Satan is to be destroyed why does Scripture proclaim him to be unleashed from HELL, HADES, EVERLASTING FIRE, ETC., after a 1000 years? (Rev. 20:8-10). Is Scripture 'lying' or 'mistranslated' when it says, 'he will be tormented forever and ever? (vs. 10).

If you actually READ Revelation, then you would have seen that he was released from the "Bottomless pit." This place was never seen as the grave, or the lake of fire. Go back and READ Revelation. Its fundamental for you. Scripture isnt lying, but its YOU that is lying and assuming, because YOU DON'T READ.

Oh, and by the way, with regard to the Howard Storm 'NDE' link I posted that you OBVIOUSLY didn't THINK enough of to read. Had you read it, you would have read that this man was a die-hard atheist when he had his LITERAL HELL experience.

I've read AND heard many hell experience stories. In fact, the most famous us the one that the miners heard voices from the ground. LOL it turned out to be a fake! Elaine, go ahead and believe your make-believe stories, and I will go ahead STUDY THE WORD IN ALL ASPECTS.
lol...oh my, my, the truth will tell. Okay, sonny, I get your babbling loud and clear. You can't answer the truthful message of the Word of God so you foolishly attack the messenger. Oh, and I might add, in a most humourous albeit ignorant way.

Had YOU really read my words you would have seen that I inquired whether you were married. I knew if you were, you had to be divorced. However, thanks for verifying that you have never been with a woman in a marital setting. It shows, believe me, it shows loud and clear which, I rietirate, was my point all along.

James you can't speak for Yahshua with regard to the reality of hell for you have more than shown that you don't even speak for Yahshua with regard to 'respect' for your fellow Christians, women, let alone, women who are your elders. Again, the truth will tell on you

Bottom line, I posted the link and YOU chose to ignore it because of the ignorance and folly you have now without a doubt shown all, that you choose to walk in.

How can we have an intelligent discussion about the reality of hell when you choose to show all you lack the intelligence to review the facts? You just ramble on about a 'fearful' state YOU walked in with regard to hell and assume the rest of us have that same 'fearful' delusion when in reality, we who know the Bible is truthful, accurate, and right in proclaiming there is a literal 'hell' do not as you are alluding you do, "shiver and shake" over hell's reality.

No, no James, we the righteous speak of the reality of a 'literal' hell and unlike you, it doesn't scare us so much so that we go through Scripture to seek to prove it's non-existence. Oh yeah, sadly, from your comments, I see someone really did a bad number on you with regard to the existence of the literal hell so much so that you went to these extremes to seek to prove it doesn't exist.

They, ofcourse, were wrong to spook you so dear James. However, let me set the record straight for you. There are we believers who know of the existence of hell as spoken of in Scripture but do not 'fear' it or seek to use it as a weapon to 'frighten' dear, precious, sensitive souls such as you to the point, that you 'strain at a gnat and swallow a camel of deception' to prove it doesn't exist. Shame on whoever did this to you! They were ignorant to the ways of God and I ask you to forgive them. In so doing, please know that that is not, nor ever was, the way to present the reality of hell to sensitive, dear souls like you dear James for as you have shown, it will 'scar' you in the most horrid of ways. Again, precious James, ask God to give you the heart to forgive them.

Well, all in all, I would that you would believe God's word with regard to a literal hell for if you are saved, then you have no need to fear it as it is not for you.

Finally, please read Howard Storm's testimony and not only that, check out other testimonies on that same link I posted. Please quit avoiding such truths as truth alone will set the captive free.

In closing, I rietierate, James, know of a certainty that you no longer need fear the reality of hell as you my dear child of God, are NOT appointed to such wrath. In other words, hell's reality is not mentioned in Scripture to frighten you into serving God. God loves you, in spite of 'hell's' reality.
Oh, and Jaaaames, once again, here is the link to the
Howard Storm' ATHEIST MAN'S testimony of his HELLISH experience.

Read it, and then do 'think' about it dear James.
Read my above post :)

Your ignorance in thinking you know me and how I deal with women is laughable. I wont entertain that. This topic has nothing to do with women, or marriage. Again, you must have been through some relationship or marriage problems, and you wanna lash out at someone else.

Keep that to yourself sweetheart. You do not know me at all. Yehowah rebuke you again! I'd love to have an intelligence conversation with you, but it seems to me that you cannot handle the heat. So, stay out of the kitchen!


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