Here is a challenge to the forum.

Does anybody know just where MOST of the practices that are done today in Black Christain churches come from?

Think about the Blacks here in Amreica today.

Everything was given to us when we were brought here. Things we once did were taken away and replaced with what our masters wanted us to have!

Our names were changed! Our language was changed! Our customs were changed! Our masters allowed us to keep NONE of what we had in the land of our fathers! Would it be unreasonable to think our religion was NOT what we practiced in the land of our fathers?

Where do you think our style of preaching came from? Was it something we copied or did we come up with it on our own? Did we peek through the holes of walls of the church? Did we learn it from the back rows and balcony of the church of our masters? Or is what most do today something that is unique to us?

Now what about this bible most of us read, the KJV?

Does anybody know who put it together? Who decided what books should be in it? What bible did King James copy from to make what most use today?

And what of the doctrines that most practice? Are they practiced because they were researched, studied and proved through the word of God? Or are they done because our parents did it that way, and their parents did it that way and all of the parents before them did it that way?

And where did "THAT WAY" come from? Was "THAT WAY" the way that was given to us like everything else?

Let's do just a little research and find where these things that we do came from?

Who tried to change God's Sabbath from the 7th day of the week to the first day? Do you know who it was?

Who gave you the idea that Heaven is your reward we you die, when ALL through God's word He says He desires to dwell here on earth? Do you know who gave it to you?

Who gave you the idea that Jesus died on a Fri. and was raised on a Sun., when Jesus Himself said He would be in the grave for 3 days AND 3 nights? Do you know who gave you that?

Who was it that gave you a concept that is IMPOSSIBLE to understand, pre-dates almost ALL of the prophets, is not found preached anywhere in God's word, was practiced by pagans for thousands of years and took over 300 years after the death of Christ, before anyone finally came up with an answer, that to this day is still a "Mystery"?

Who changed the start of a day from God's start time of evening to evening?

Who changed the start of a new year from God's start time of Spring?

Do you know what organization gave you all of these things?

That's organization is responsible for ALL of the things mentioned above; from the contents of the KJV bible to ALL of the doctrines and changes spoken of!

So do you know just where did all of this come from?

"Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way."

"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding."

"How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!"

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Brother, one cannot answer a question if he/she really does not know....


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