On my way home from work I began to comtemplate on this topic. Here on BPN I have been involved in, and observed many a discussions, some have gotten heated and some have been in fun. Some have been informative and some have not. Many have been repetative, and every now and then you will get a fresh topic that sparks a lot of interest. But I have also observed this not everyone believes the same thing. So my question is this when do we draw the line? Not everyone that we call brother/sister (in Christ) is. I heard a man say this about the faith some things we can debate vigorusly but we dont have to divide over it. But somethings dont line up with the Word and therefore should be divided over below I will list a few things that I belive are debatable if you have some or want to chime in please do so!

But ultimatley the foundation of every conversation needs to line up with this question that Jesus asked (highlighted means where or focus should be):

Matthew 16:13-18
When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? [14] And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. [15] He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? [16] And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. [17] And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. [18] And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Here we see that the church was built on the foundation of the answer to this question!

So here we go:

Can salvation be lost?- Debate
Women Preachers?- Debate
Adherance to the Mosaic Law?- Debate
Certain Interpretations of scripture?- Debate
Name of God/YHWH- Debate
Can salvation be lost?-Debate
Speaking in tounges?- Debate
Tarring for the Holy Spirit?- Debate
When you recieve the Holy Spirit?-Debate

Is Jesus God?- Divide
The way to salvation?-Divide

What say ye?

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Here the difference one told me what to do "Love the Lord your God" but I see throughout the history of the people of Isreal they never got it right, the other showed me what and how to do it. So are the commands on the surface the same? YES! But they are different in delivery. I know you'll come back with something else, but I did take the time out to answer your question, it would only be polite for you to answer mine.

What do you mean by drawing the line? I need that answer to properly answer the question. Now, to address your response; Yehwah always had a remnant of people that truly loved and feared Him by keeping Torah. He ALWAYS had a remnant, even in Israel's captivity times. The commandments on the surface, and the delivery is the same. If you add or take away from Torah, then you are sinning.
Here is what I mean, just because a person names the name of Christ does not mean they are saved or that you believe the same thing. In order to figure out what they believe you have to dialect, but once they begin to speak contrary to what you believe the scripture is saying when do you draw that line and believe that person is talking hersey?

Well, the line gets drawn only when there's no progress. For example. Let's say that you say that Christians are not under the Torah. I prove that they are commanded to keep Torah by going to Jeremiah 31:31-34. Yehwah gives 3 decrees in the new covenant, and one of the decrees is Torah.

Then I prove to you from the NT that Torah is commanded. With all the proof shown, and you still insist on showing other scriptures, or trying to prove that Torah is not for Christians, then the line is drawn there to condemn you in heresey.

file that under "love your neighbor as you love yourself"... one never knows who is called to be a saint. If I dismiss them before they can be drawn then I'm the problem, you see?
"file that under "love your neighbor as you love yourself"... one never knows who is called to be a saint. If I dismiss them before they can be drawn then I'm the problem, you see?"

No I dont see. And what am I filing under "love your neighbor as yourself"?
your dealings with your "neighbor" i.e. with people in general
Ok but how am I to understand that in terms of this topic? I understand how I am to treat my neighbors but that is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people who may have a different view point of God than you i.e. dealing with a Muslim is easy to see where the differences lie, but when dealing with a person that may name the name of Christ but may have a view point that you dont see within scripture.
so what?! ... you would not talk to them? or to co-sign beating them or dissing them? or impose your viewpoint on them? I dont do that... neither should you brother
**** shakin my head if there were sand around "I" might write in it****
I think you may be miss understanding what I am saying. Nowhere did I suggest that you should not talk to anyone, co-sign on beating anyone, or dissing anyone so I am confused as to where that is comming from. Also wondering what you might write in the sand, as if I have brought an accusation against someone like when they brought the woman caught in adultrey. I thought my point was clear but it obvious to you it is not. So hopefully I can clear it up.

Starting point whom do men say that He is? If the church is built on this foundation and this foundation alone then this is the starting point. The church is not built on an ordinary man but a divine God that appeared in likeness of man. Now when the jehovah witnesses say that the word was a god, we easily see the contradiction and say with no problem a cult not following the Christ of the bible, or when mormons hold fast to saying heavenly father and heavenly mother had sex to create jesus we can easily see the contradiction and refute it. But who was Jesus talking about when he said to watchout for Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

There are people whom we may call bro/sis who have been feed by false prophets so now you have false sheep wandering around and you are calling them bro/sis but inwardly they are wolves. You cant impose anything on anyone, but you should also be mindful of who you call family, and thats the point and purpose of the disscussion to see where other people are willing to draw the line.
Should we debate people that come on the board and teach against Jesus being God?
Paul said if they dont bring the gospel that he brought to wipe the dust off of your feet.
Some people come on and denigrate the risen Christ right in the face of ministers, preachers, pastors, holyghost filled people and its no big deal...




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