I don't have children, but I see the concern from young women who are being targeted by criminals. A bad economy brings a high crime rate in any city and women become the target of criminals.

This post are for folks that have love ones that are in high school or about to go to college are in college. The poor economy is a good reason people should have some sort of protection with them, and I'm assuming that many people don't want their young daughters carrying a handgun. Don't think if I send my child to a "Good School," an all white school, that you want have this problem. And don't think because, hanging around the right crowd, it want happen to you.

Women's Personal Safety & Self Defense: They don't just offer personal safety items, but safety items you can use in your home, car or on trips. Carry a Personal Alarm wherever you go, give one to your mother, sister, daughter, or friend.


If you are sending them back to school with a Mac you can but them a Mac Theft Recovery Software Tracks Thieves

Young women should be aware and also know how to protect them self from "Date Rape Drugs"
There are some simple behavior modifications you can make to ensure that you do not fall prey to a rapist armed with a date rape drug. To protect yourself always follow these simple rules:

Don't accept open drinks, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, from others who you do not know or do not trust; this includes drinks that come in a glass. When in bars or clubs always get your drink directly from the bartender and do not take your eyes off the bartender or your order; don't use the waitress or let somebody go to the bar for you. At parties, only accept drinks in close containers: bottles, cans or tetra packs. Never leave your drink unattended or turn your back on your table.
Do not drink from open beverage sources like punch bowls, pitchers or tubs. Keep your eyes and ears open; if there is talk of date rape drugs or if friends seem "too intoxicated" for what they have taken, leave the party or club immediately and don't go back!

Learn how many Date Rape Drugs or out there and being able to spot the effects.

I myself have never been around any guys that ever would think of using a drug on a woman, so I don't know what kind of character you would have to look out for because it could be anyone you come across at a bar, party or just on a regular date.

I know it sounds corny coming from a man, but I get sick and tired of the police department putting pressure on every black male every time a women becomes a victim of a crime, and I'm tired of the folks around the black community living in the suburbs thinking every black male is a criminal every time there is a crime against a women. I'm tired of every time a white, black or asian person see a black person their black friends don't know, they call the police to have them checked out, like someone enjoy being stopped by the police or security. It's sad, because in my city police are also accused of rape, if that's hard to believe heres the news article. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2008/11/garfield_heights_police_off...




I repeated the thread to show the conviction.

So, like I was saying, don't think if I send my child to a "Good School," an all white school, that you want have this problem. And don't think because, hanging around the right crowd, it want happen to you.

Yours truly,
Anthony Smith

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