Obesity and African Americans

Why are so man pastors and church leaders obese?

Why do pastors rightfully preach to others regarding addictions to alcohol, drugs & tobacco and for gambling, yet they neglect to speak against their lown lack of self control when it comes to their own appetites which are out of control evidenced by obesity and ill health secondary to obesity?

Those in ministry, especially should set an example in all aspects of life, including principles of good health. They themselves should have abundant health based on living the Biblical lifestyle and non-Christians should be able to see the difference in the health of the Believer and the non-believer.

But tragically, except for the Seventh Day Adventists and Mormons, who live an average of 7 years longer than other Christians, and this is not the case for the typical Black Christian, who is at the top of the statistics for obesity and ill health.

Here are some general statistics about Blacks in general.

African American women have the highest rates of being overweight or obese compared to other groups in the U.S. About four out of five African American women are overweight or obese.

In 2005, African Americans were 1.4 times as likely to be obese as Non- Hispanic Whites.

From 2001-2004, African American women were 70% more likely to be obese than Non-Hispanic White women.

In 2003-2004, African American children between ages 6 -17 were 1.3 times as likely to be overweight than Non-Hispanic Whites.

Obesity leads to a myriad of health problems and conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, heart attack, gall bladder disease, knee replacement, renal failure resulting in kidney dialysis, etc.

Those who who are in leadership, called by the titles, bishop, pastor, apostle, evangelists, etc., if these statistics apply to you and/or your congregation, and if you are not addressing these issues with your congregation, then your leadership, by default, is leading possiblyb yourself and many to an early grave.

Leaders, I admonish you to study, and to pray for the wisdom and direction from above to enable you to be an example to your people, to come out of obesity and the resulting ill health resulting from it.

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