We are soon leaving 2010 behind and embarking on a brand New Year. As we propose to be better in all of our endeavors, let us first consider our health. "Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth" 3 John 2 (KJV).

We are faced with two of the most devastating health problems with Diabetes and Obesity growing faster than Aids and Cancer. It used to be almost a death sentence to be HIV positive or have any form of Cancer. With the many advances in medicines, we see people living longer and becoming Hiv/Aids and Cancer survivors.

Dr. Ann de Wees Allen( has given Boresha International(  exclusive rights to market her line of low glycemic products backed by 25 years of research(

When you realize that hundreds of African Americans die DAILY from Diabetes and almost 1100 die DAILY from Obesity you know that "WE MUST DO SOMETHING". To somebody those numbers represent a husband, wife, son, daughter, mother, father, sister, brother or significant other loved one, friend or maybe even a neighbor. Boresha International offers solutions to these devastating health problems.

For coffee lovers, we offer the World's only thermogenically fat-burning coffee and the first to be offered a USDA patent. BSkinny( is best served fresh brewed with six(6) cups of water and drank 30 minutes before breakfast in a 12 oz. serving. This begins four (4) hours of fat burning that has taken me from 289 lbs. and a waist size of 54 inches to 245 lbs. and a 44 inch waist. The 2nd cup of BSkinny can be consumed in the afternoon before meals. With these products you don't have to pay hundreds of dollars for additional food. Our BSkinny coffee comes with BSweet( 100% natural fruit infused sweetener. It looks, feels and taste like sugar but without the after taste other sweeteners have. It is safe for both Type I and Type II diabetics, children and can even be used in infants formula. BCreamy is our zero-fat, zero cholesteral, low glycemic creamer.

For tea lovers we have Nuvo Gene Tea, that not only burns fat but also reduces the size of the fat cell. A single packet in a 16 oz bottle of water poured over ice , becomes an unparalelled energy drink that starts burning fat for a four (4) just like the BSkinny coffee. As a matter of fact some coffee drinkers use the Nuvo Gene Tea as their afternoon energy beverage.

If you have concerns about High Blood Pressure, Menopausal issues or those of Erectile Dysfunction, try our ARG Matrix( It is endorsed by Major League Baseball as it addresses the issue of anabolic steroids and cuts down on the injury recovery period of those Million dollar producing Athletes. All of these products can be ordered online at or just call 925 676-1400 between the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00PM PDT Monday thru Friday and from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Saturdays.

With over 16,250 Distributors and over $1.5 Million in Monthly sales, this can be that source of extra income you need. Learn how to generate an extra $300 monthly, every other week, once a week or for those really motivated individuals DAILY! Feel free to email me for help and support and to accept our 10-Day Challenge. Go to and order the Challenge and greatly improve your health and lifestyle.

Darwin Ali, Coordinator #1851 707 205-9690   

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