One of my accountability partners sent me this and I am moved to share it with us.


I was listening to this dude on facebook I really have no idea who he is, he was reading from some essays he had written.  He looked at a few things one of which seems to transcend
international borders.  I just want to pick up on it, not sure where I
will end up, but that is no surprise to any of you I am sure.

At a point on this journey towards God I reached a point were I despised testimony services.  I would go to these meetings and think I need to fabricate a story or at best use some hyperbolic
language to re-enact a mundane event in my week making it an epic move
of God.  I would sit and listen to these happy go lucky characters high
on Jesus and think I am not living in the presence of the most high, and
this was when I was reading my bible thrice per day, praying daily,
fasting regularly, attending every church service, preaching up a storm
every chance I got.  But when I turned up to a testimony service
whatever I thanked God for just seemed too normal to testify about.  

Another thing that bugged me about testimony services and just church gatherings all together, well I said bugged, but it still bugs me now, is the lack of honest confession.  Most times
the most severe confession you'll hear in a Christian circle has to do
with lack of proper devotional time or not sharing enough.  Once this is
done everyone who was probably willing to openly confess an obsession
with porn, sex, abortion, hatred, yeah you know those sins that are not
so "equal", closes up and finds their little kosher sin.  The ones that
evoke secret celebrations like "well at least I have never done that" or
"Thank you Jesus I am better off than that".  

Let me see if I can pull both paragraphs together.  It seems like most of the things we get up to in Christian circles are insincere.  We do not convey the truth that is demanded of us.  Our
testimonies are hollywood epics and our confessions are diluted and
acceptable jokes.  Let me not be judgemental, your struggle might just
be with maintaining a proper devotional time and you might have lived
everyday experiencing the magnanimous.  If you are in that bracket I
sincerely thank God for your life and covet the good things in it.  For
the rest of us, let us try to create an atmosphere of sincerity,  where
we tell the TRUTH without addition or subtraction.

Endeavour to be truthful.   I am not sure if this came out any different from the jumbled mess in my mind, but yeah, that's that.  And let me say I am mindful of the variables such as lack
of confidentiality and the rest.  But there has to be a group of sincere
friends somewhere that we can find and be real with.  I have such a
circle and celebrate God's provision of good nonjudgemental and honest

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