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College Students Fellowship on Gramblng State University Campus

Started by Presiding.Bishop Dr XJoshua Th.D. Last reply by Presiding.Bishop Dr XJoshua Th.D Jun 28, 2022. 1 Reply

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Comment by Moses Thiari on January 14, 2010 at 12:42am

Such surveys have increasingly continued to emphasize on the need to tap the input of the youth in all the socio-economic fabric of the society. Likewise, there is a growing disquietness within the church arising from the fear that the youth have not been fully integrated in the day-to-day business of the Lord. It is actually believed that the reason the promised revival in the House of the Lord has not seen the light of day, is because the youth church has been mostly neglected. This rampant neglect of the youth church has as a matter of fact created a vacuum in the hearts of the young believers thereby causing them to look for other means of satisfying their void. This is the living testimony that lack of Wisdom still largely persists in the church, the congregation of the Lord. Most of what goes on in the youth churches today demonstrates a complete departure from spiritual understanding, knowledge and wisdom. That is the reason sexual sin, rap music, reggae music, rock music, ndombolo, drug addiction, alcoholism, pornography, immorality, dirty language, slutty dressing, filthy dancing, name it, can persist among the christian youth. It is also a reflection of the fall and misinformation that prevails among their Pastors. What todays youth Pastors have not known, is that there is a vast difference between spiritual wisdom and the knowledge that they are imparting into the youth. For example, knowledge describes the accumulation of facts and information, old and latest. Such knowledge as is being downloaded on the youth church today include the excesses of this world portrayed in the social internet network that have now become a youth fad in the church. Also the aping of any form of new age dancing that seems to establish in the youth church today, among others. While wisdom on the other hand, describes why things work the way they do and evaluate what things are most important. Knowledge is known for being mostly quantitative while wisdom is qualitative. Todays youth need to understand that they may have knowledge about many things that actually have little bearing on spiritual life. Yet wisdom is largely concerned above all with the key issues of a spiritual christian life. The bible, the Word of God, can make us spiritually wise because while it contains most information about creation, its primary emphasis is on understanding and knowing the nature of our Creator. What the youth church has not grasped today, is that it is the knowledge of the nature of our Creator that will navigate us towards His requirements upon our lives. Moreover, while the bible gives us some insight into life in the ancient world, its main purpose is to prepare us for eternal life with God Almighty. No wonder, the scripture says, “all these things happened to them as examples for us. And they were written down to warn us who live at the time when this age is drawing to a close.” (1 Corinthians 10:11-12). The mistake that most youth churches, Pastors and sheep alike make, is to merely master the facts of the bible including scriptures. And yet God requires that His Word may make itself at home in our hearts by becoming part of all what we think, all we say, and all we do. When Gods Word becomes fully inter-woven into the very fabric of the lives of todays christian youth, that is when their lives will become transformed and revival set in. Absurdly, a closer look at the youth church today reveals a conspicuous absence of the Word of God and His corresponding wisdom, in what the youth think, say and do. It is for this reason that the Holy Spirit is now pleading with the youth church to awaken that they may not be left behind in this mighty endtime revival.

The stagnation that is manifesting today in the spiritual lives of our christian youth across denominations is a clear sign that they are not being fed on the rightful spiritual food. Spiritual growth that is so much longed-for in todays youth churches can only come about by the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will always put the youth church on a strict and lean spiritual diet of righteousness and holiness, as these are the only attributes that matter to God. Ultimately God has a good future planned for the youth, the reason for which His Word says that the young men and women should learn to be self-controlled; and sound in faith; and in endurance; and purity. When well taught and embraced these admirable spiritual character traits will definitely yield spiritual growth and transformation in the youth church. Nevertheless, the christian youth ought to know that spiritual growth comes when we turn our attention from our own desires and invest our lives in Gods priorities. The bible consistently reminds us that the human heart is constantly tempted to replace the worshipping of God Almighty with idolatry, namely the worshipping of things. The advent of post-modernism that has encroached into the adult church has also hyped up these forms of idolatry even among the christian youth. An erroneous concept is right now being circulated in the church of Christ world-over, that the acquisition of more money, things and wealth is a symbol of not only approval from God but also His anointed. This form of idolatry has for long plagued the church into spiritual doldrums. While all this goes on in the youth church, we are also warned by the Word of God that the love of money is at the root of all forms of evil. However, the greatest moment of breakthrough that can ever take place in the youth church is the day when our young men and women will live the scripture that instructs them to flee from the evil desires of their youth and pursue righteousness. One of the most important impediments to spiritual growth in the youth church today is the peer pressure that sets in early in life, causing most of them to go in one direction whether wrong or not. In view of this, the christian youth should understand that our outlook on life depends very much on our inlook. The reason why todays youth have fallen prey to fears, pressures, anxiety, anger and even depression, is because their general outlook is mostly shaped by the world around them than the Word of God. Whereas for those remnant christian youth who meditate on Gods Word and allow it to take root in their hearts experience peace and the goodness of God Almightys favour over all aspects of their lives.

This is because, when well taught to the youth church, the Word of God teaches what is true, rebukes sin, straightens the believer through correction and teaches them to do what is right.


Nevertheless, it is very important to teach the youth how to occasionally withdraw from the peer groups and pressures and spend sometime in prayer. This can often be done with the parents as they teach their youth the biblical basis of the day-to-day living. It offers a very critical and optimal moment to begin in-building into the youth biblical values in such institutions like marriage and relationships. Maintaining such a spiritually healthy rhythm of withdrawal and engagement with the public, will most obviously rear the youth into the footpath that Jesus Himself followed. More often than not, it is what the youth are taught that they will always stick to even into adulthood. The treasure here comes out of the fact that there is a profound link between solitude, spiritual growth and power. This actually is why Jesus led a life on earth that seemed to follow an alternating rhythm of involvement and withdrawal from the very onset of His ministry to the time of His death. The baptism of Jesus, typically hailed as the inauguration of His ministry, was immediately followed by a lengthy period of solitude in the Judean desert. During that time of prayer and fasting, Jesus was then able to offer His Firstfruit unto God His Father in heaven even as the Lord ministered to him in the wilderness. The Word of God says that upon being baptized, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness (Luke 4:1). Even most importantly, upon His victory following temptation during that time, the Lord returned from the wilderness filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:14).

Withdrawal & Engaging

It is noteworthy that, the Greek word for power, dunamis, from which we get the word dynamite is the same term applied to the Holy Spirit power as described in the book of Romans chapter 1 verse 16. And that is the reason why training the youth to develop a healthy and regular rhythm of withdrawing and engaging with peers, will always offer God the ample opportunity to minister to them and empower them for ministry. It is equally vital to recognize that when Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer, He was able to more clearly identify evil influences, to clarify His priorities and motives and to reflect on Gods Word and His requirements. Now, this becomes the time of soul-care that will bring strength and spiritual refreshment to the youth so that they can serve God and even those around them. Moreover, it is no doubt that in this kind of rhythm, the time the youth spend with others will usually help direct their prayers in solitude. However, this principle endures for all believers, young and old, Pastors and sheep, alike. This is because even the disciples of Jesus had to wait in solitude in the upper room until the Spirit came at Pentecost and empowered them for ministry. Withdrawal from public engagement surely becomes a very critical principle since it causes both the youth and adults to wait on the Lord. This is the true meaning of spending quality time with the Holy Spirit. Well, one may say that the ease of the youth adapting to this rhythm of solitude and engagement will most obviously depend on their inherent individual personalities. It is true that some people may tend more towards involvements with others, while others towards withdrawal. But regardless of their preferences it is always important to maintain a balance of involvement and withdrawal. Even a diurnal rhythm of one building time in solitude and reflection into their day, what it has been, and what they went through, may prove very crucial in helping them improve their next day. Teaching the youth these fundamental principles in christian walk will surely impart on them a life-long foundation of christian living. This is especially vital because many things in life can be lost but the disciplines that these practices bring into the lives of the youth, are of eternal benefit. Here, I am more concerned about the disciplined and attentive believer that the Holy Spirit will mould out of the youth who cherish this pathway. Mark you, attentiveness to this type of life-changing Word will always fill the mind of the youth with the timeless truth of God that never passes away. This particularly teaches the youth to disconnect from the unscrupulous materialism that has today corrupted the young generation. The treasure unveiled by this truth to the youth, is for them to eventually learn that in life no matter how much loss of material they may encounter, the endless Word of God will always be their pillar of support, restoration, and revival for moving on. In all this, emphasis should be laid to the youth that service unto the Lord will always bring them great treasures in heaven, “where they will never be eaten by moths or rust and where they will be safe from the thieves” (Matthew 6:19-20). Maintaining the healthy rhythm of spiritual solitude greatly will help the youth to get right at the feet of Jesus, because at that place they become teachable and instructible. This most vividly brings to mind Mary whose attentive presence at the feet of Jesus turned out to be a most important act of worship, about which even Jesus himself said, “that she would be remembered throughout the world wherever the gospel will be preached.”

The discipline of this nature therefore gives the youth the ambitious task and privilege of always focusing their time and energy on things that will yield eternal reward. Deliberate effort has to always be made to train the youth to continually strive to be Spirit-filled and walk in wisdom. The youth church should be carefully instructed that walking in wisdom involves being able to recognize that God Almighty will hold them to account for their every action, including the so-called white lies that have been tolerated among believers today (Ecclesiastes 11:9). Gods judgement of Ananiah and Sapphirah offers a unique platform and even in the history of the church, while its message remains universal. The fact that God Almighty punished their sin with immediate death, helps to bring out and highlight the gravity of lying. It also carries with it a unique universal message that would help in reminding the youth that they cannot pretend to be totally devoted to God and yet get away with it. God desires that we willingly surrender all our lives to him. And He knows the extent of our hearts true devotion unto Him. This becomes a key lesson to the youth church because it articulates that trying to lie to God and yet appearing more spiritual than we actually are, may cost us our lives, like it did Ananiah and Sapphirah. There is no better time to teach this lesson to the youth church than now in this dispensation of the greatest falsehood. Even most important is to teach our young people the attitude of repentance and confession of sin to others and God whenever they error. That Peter confronted Ananiah and Sapphirah head on, upon lying surely validates both the youth and their Pastors on the fact that God has zero tolerance towards any sin whatsoever. Emphasis is hereby laid on taking responsibility to call sin as sin, and not a spade, a big spoon. This kind of honesty is as necessary today, as it was in the first church. Sad though, that by letting the youth get away with lies, most Pastors have inadvertently helped create pathological liars in this crooked, corrupt and depraved generation.

Now, regarding the act of service, it is imperative to clarify to the youth that there will always be two kinds of people on this earth; Guests and Hosts. Guests are those who will always expect to be served while Hosts are those that will perpetually serve others. The Guests are those that expect to be taken care of and served while Hosts are those that expect to care for others. The discipline of christian service builds on the premise that we as Christs followers, are always Gods Hosts in this world. The Apostles built forth a group of Hosts who could serve the practical needs of the community while being full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6:3). It is so critical to teach the youth that regardless of whether it is serving food or proclaiming Gods Word they should always strive to be Gods Hosts while showing love to the Guests. No matter what our task is, we should hence always sit before the Holy Spirit with wisdom, as we go about our work of serving others. Then, the others will hear and see the love of Christ in our lives in a practical way. This is what has not been taught to the youth over the ages thus making the church today entirely a population of Guests. Todays believers are always waiting to be served hence remaining perpetually irresponsible infants who cannot take authority and grow. As in any other spiritual practise, if we simply go through the motions, we will not only waste time and effort but we will also dishonour God and harm those around us. The Lord desires our total devotion to Him that we may grow from infancy to maturity in christian walk. Israel too had made the same mistake by merely performing ritual pascal services that were empty before the Lord. For that matter, God warned Israel about the dangers of empty asceticism. He called them to fast from self concern in order to care for others. The same thing we see in the church today, whereby the majority of christians expect to be served and cared for without taking responsibility of concern to the world around them. We see in the book of Isaiah, God calling for a fast in which we say no to ourselves in order to say yes to acts of service that are accompanied by mercy and compassion to others. Compassion and mercy most importantly involves pin-pointing out the sin that has plagued others. In that way, the lives of the youth can act as a mirror of the light of God that others can emulate.

Majority of the youth tend to be very intent and full of energy. It is the duty of the church today to tap on this vigour of the youth in order that when they serve the Lord, they would do it with all their hearts and accomplish outstanding feats for Christ. Such a character though can be intimidating to the dark world because it would literally send the youth evangelizing Christ into every corner of the society.

Treasured Spiritual Principles to the Youth

However, in order to guard the youth against the persecution that the world levies on evangelism, there are certain important spiritual disciplines that they would have to adhere to. Such spiritual disciplines can strengthen the youth church as they walk with God, while reminding them of their total dependence on Him. Firstly, solitude that has been discussed above becomes very critical for withdrawal to refresh, recharge and re-energize. For example, Paul withdrew in the Arabian desert for a time. That extended retreat was marked by solitude in which he meditated very intensely on Gods Word and spent much of his time in prayer. Evidently, this was exactly when he received his gospel message by a direct revelation from Jesus Christ (Galatians 1:12; Exodus 3). This time away equipped him for a lifetime of involvement in service that changed the world even to this very day. That teaches us as christians, and especially the youth, that lasting work requires extensive preparation. The second spiritual discipline that the youth need to be taught, is the discipline of prayer. When we deliberately pray regularly, God is compelled to act on our behalf. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus deliberately prayed three times (Matthew 26). Likewise, when confronted with what he referred to as the “Thorn in his flesh” Paul prayed regularly three times a day until the Lord delivered him. Prayer will normally give us strength and reassurance in times of need (Genesis 8). The third spiritual principle is service. God requires that all people serve Him committedly to preach the Good News where the Name of Jesus has never been heard (Romans 15:20). And this at the same time may involve making countless sacrifices for the sake of the gospel. Furthermore, the youth need to be taught the noble spiritual principle of stewardship. In that way, they would be very careful not to waste any of the Lords resources including money and time. In the bible, we see an example of this kind when Paul was very prudent not to waste the Lords money and refused to receive payment for preaching the Word to the Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 9:1-18). In turn, Paul encouraged all the churches in Corinth to participate in helping the church in Jerusalem that was devastated by famine and poverty. In that way, he thoroughly taught them the importance of observing a strict culture of discipline in good stewardship with the Lords resources that includes the Word. The other very important spiritual discipline that the church needs to engage the youth on, is that of regular bible study. The youth must always be taught to become students of Gods Word. But in so doing, they should be warned not to simply study as a matter of academic curiosity but as an act of worship. The Lord is vastly wealthy in knowledge, understanding and wisdom. He is absolutely capable of enhancing our comprehension of His mighty Word. This is the foundation of evangelism as directed by the Holy Spirit. But, beyond these treasured principles, it is important to clearly lay to bare unto the youth that even extraordinary people become totally incapable of living holy lives apart from the power of the Holy Spirit. Regardless of how well implemented these principles are, they will never achieve their desired end except that they be placed under the constant pulse of Gods power working in and through the youth. Therefore, as the young people begin to undertake Gods high calling in their lives they need to be constantly reminded to pay heed to the biblical admonition when the Lord said “After starting your christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to attain your goal and become perfect by human effort?” (Galatians 3:3). At the same time, the youth have to be constantly taken back to the fact that they can employ these treasured spiritual disciplines as a means of helping them look to God Almighty. That can only mean that responding to the call of God will always prompt us of our constant dependence on the Holy Spirit as it helps form channels through which the Spirit can work. The best gift then, that the youth can ever give the Lord, is to allow themselves be these channels through which God can work. To become vessels of honour purified, made holy and separated for His noble purposes (2 Timothy 2:19-21). When the youth church will carefully follow the above mentioned spiritual principles, in conjunction with fasting and worship, then the vessel that the Holy Spirit creates in them will essentially have been separated from the world. We are being evoked here about the lives of the Hebrew boys, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. In their youthful age, Daniel resolved to live a life of separation from the world by refusing to defile himself with the royal food and wine. As a consequence, he asked the chief official permission not to defile himself in that way. Daniel then kindly requested the Chief official to give them nothing to eat except vegetables and water to drink. The fact that after ten days the Hebrew young men looked healthier and better, greatly underscores the gravity of the youth observing a separated life from the world. Notice must be taken here that when God said healthier and better, He meant it in the spiritual context. This becomes a key spiritual milestone that if grasped by the youth, would explode the biggest revival in the history of the church. It is because the worldliness that has menaced todays church will have essentially been defeated. That defeat will only come from a deliberate rejection of the world by the youth with its corresponding post-modernism in the church. Joy unspeakable must have animated in Gods heart when He looked at Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, on the tenth day and appraised them as being spiritually healthier and better. Green vegetation was not only a command given to Moses as a food the Israelite should eat, but also represents health and healing. It is incredible to see how the youth of today are being scourged by the ugly syndrome of obesity, both in the spiritual and physical realm. There is so much junk spiritual food that the youth are being fed on today in church. And these involve ndombolo, rap, reggae, rock, the so-called youth nights, sheng, sagging trousers, so-called modern slutty dressing and immoral dancing, DJs into the church, social holiday camps and social networking on the internet etc. These have led to such a tremendous unhealthy spiritual obesity in the church of Christ. The spiritual lives of our youth today are consequently unhealthy and stunted. The irony though is that the same has perfectly replayed itself in the physical. The church ought to teach the youth on the importance of a total spiritual separation from the world, however unpopular. Because the truth always hurts, most believers often try to protect themselves from it. Confronting the truth is as important today in the church as it was in Israel. At one point in the history of Israel, they lived a life characterized by hiding away from the truth. One such case was when the Lord sent Isaiah the Prophet, to the people of Judah to tell them the truth about their sins. They then refused to admit that they had failed and chose to defiantly go on with their lives. Unfortunately in doing so, they also refused their deliverance and healing that the Lord had intended for them. This becomes a key lesson to the church today, the youth inclusive, that our spiritual revival will only proceed to the degree that we open our hearts to the truth regardless of how painful that may be. This, the youth need to be taught, that they may always open their hearts to the truth of God that rebukes sin. Most of the youth churches today have nurtured and condoned sin, causing a generalized state of spiritual numbness to evil. But God is calling the youth church to come out of sin by following the right role models in their lives.

The majority of the christian youth today seem to face the same danger of following leaders who are ungodly as role models. It reminds us of when Israel was faced with terrible destruction and Gods truth was their only real pathway to their deliverance. They were surrounded by false prophets who claimed that the people had nothing to worry about. People were only too glad to believe those kinds of messages of falsehood because false prophets offered the people an easy way out when actually the way did not exist. Todays youth have fallen into the same trap of following the wrong role models. There are many behaviours that have crept into the church as a result of this. Such conduct involve the rampant drug addition that is almost sweeping away an entire generation of youth. Our young people often begin using drugs by just a simple experimentation from their seniors. This has then gradually developed into the horrendous monster of uncontrollable drug addiction. Pathetically, the adversary has now managed to catch the youth from a very tender age of high school when they are absolutely innocent and experimental. So it is with alcohol consumption among the youth. All these are significant problems that have claimed the lives of our youth today hence refusing to see the truth and address them will only make things worse. The truth is that the youth have for a long time sustained an empty void in their hearts, a void that the church has not filled with the true Word of God. As they attend church services, it is absolutely clear that they see Pastors who are their role models engaged in the vanity of pursuing earthly things and wealth. Not only do they observe that vanity, but also hear the Pastors directly confessing of living to self. This has become a very serious problem within the youth congregations as they have no one to turn to for godly counsel. And it is grossly unwise to proclaim peace when actually there is no peace. When such problems exists, we need to admit and respond with appropriate action. Many of the church leaders and parents today tend to look the other way pretending that everything is alright in the youth church. That will only lead us into deeper slavery and the eventual destruction of the church because so goes the saying, “to destroy a forest, you only need to damage the young trees.” The other vices like HIV/AIDS, homosexuality, pornography, and even devil worship have too infiltrated into the lives of our youth today. The tragedy though is that the church leadership have responded with psychological counselling and therapy which has drawn a serious lamentation from the Lord. They have turned to Egypt for deliverance instead of seeking the help of the Holy Spirit as their solution. But, if God could take unruly Israel from Egyptian slavery and strengthen her to become one of the greatest nations of the ancient world, then what can stop the Lord from revamping this terrible lawlessness that is being practised by the Pastors in the house of the Lord. And one can only imagine the level of grief that our Lord Jesus goes through when He sees his Bride, the church, whom He purchased at such a high cost and made a covenant with, drifting away into self-afflicted destruction. I believe that there can still be hope, since here we are reminded of how Jehovah God also made a covenant with Israel, similar in many respect with a marriage covenant. But rather than being devoted to her as her provider, the wife (Israel) became far more interested in prostituting herself to others. Still in all that, Jehovah sent His Word to Israel promising to restore her from the slavery of diaspora, only and only if she turns away from sin and returns to him. We must also realize as a church that our relationship to God is key to spiritual vitality and renewal only in so far as our heart will be repentant.

Preparing Our Youth For The Rapture

The youth need to admit their helplessness before God can intervene on their behalf. First, they need to recognize that their spiritual resources have been plagued with sin and iniquity. Secondly, the youth Pastors need to come out clear that they are spiritually destitute and cannot find God through todays standard methods of worship in presenting sacrifices. Thirdly, the youth church needs to recognize that she cannot rely on courage and self defence because her iniquity is too great a foe to overcome. This is because most youth churches have turned out to be sexual sin clubs at which sexual sin is committed in the parking lots and church compounds during night vigil prayers. Equally, Pastors have chosen for themselves some girls in the youth church for sexual sin, lust and defilement. Pornography is likewise too great a sin inside todays youth church. Even at university level, the christian union that ought to be the example of Christ in that community do routinely observe Friday night movie sessions in which sexual sin is the agenda. Hence, once the youth church admits that she cannot do anything to save herself, then our young people can now turn to God to mercifully rescue them from the sin that has encroached into todays church.

Probably the initial question that runs through the mind of todays youth as they begin to walk right with the Lord, is “When will I attain the full stature of Christ Jesus?” As it is in the physical reality when the young people try to imitate the dressing, talking, walking and behaviour of their parents, so it is in the spiritual realm when they cannot wait to be like Jesus. Such a novel longing can only come from an imprint that the Lord must have embedded into their spirits to let them know that, it is not yet done until the church be like Christ. To be like Christ is to be rapture-ready. In the proceeding segment I examine on a step by step basis some of the important keys that the youth can engage, in order to revamp the corruption that has plagued their generation, and prepare for the Coming of the Lord.
Comment by Bishop Gordon A. Humphrey Jr. on January 13, 2010 at 3:12am
My Dear Brother and Sister,
I am joining Brother Ali to raise awareness about Obesity. 400,000 people deaths a year from Obesity means that over 1400 people have succumbed already this year. Please encourage your church to join the 30-Day Healthy Church Fitness Challenge. We can't continue to lose people at the rate of 46 people an hour.
Comment by Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness on January 13, 2010 at 2:43am
My Dear Brither and Sister,
I have claimed this year as a Breakthrough Year for me and "my ministry" to raise awareness about Obesity. Every year over 400,000 people die from Obesity. According to the World Health Organization, 1/3 of all people over the age of 15 are either overweight or obese. Boresha International, Inc.( has a line of USDA patented low glycemic products which are the result of 25 years of research of Dr. Ann de Wees Allen( These products offer a solution to Obesity. Please go to my website and order a 30-day supply of either the BSkinny Coffee or the Nuvo Gene Tea. Please encourage your church to join the 30-Day Healthy Church Fitness Challenge. We can't continue to lose people at the rate of 46 people an hour.
Comment by Careca Akarue on January 7, 2010 at 3:48am
Happy New Year! 2010 is a year of International Door$ and the Internet is one the major doors. - Stay connected and put your faith online.

As you know our 1 million souls by 2010, had successfully done five crusades, and on Monday our partner ministry- Glorious Fountain Ministries, which I am part-time worker, coordinating their Youth ministry, informed me that they want to see Youth Ablaze (name of youth arm of ministry) to involved in our 1 million souls project.

Their involvement has lead to provision of quality instruments which the ministry has already for ministry work and more youths will involve to save lives. Our impact will far better and Goshen Church has been relief from stress of arranging crusades venue, the embarrassment of our poor equipments. Praise the Lord

Next crusade is schedule for 18th -20th January 2010. Keep us in prayer. Please join the Nigeria Group and invite you love ones and friends. Shalom

Careca Akarue.
Goshen Ministry International
Spypeid: liberty4africa

Comment by Christian Promoter Shawn Papi on January 6, 2010 at 7:58pm
If you need help with marketing & promotions. I SPECIALIZE IN SPREADING THE GOSPEL THROUGH PROMOTIONS & ENTERTAINMENT ! Sign Up & Join & Fellowship With Us at

Please add your church, ministry, business, or community event, etc. to my "EVENTS LINK" so my 10, 000+ contact network can see your activities!
Comment by Christian Promoter Shawn Papi on January 6, 2010 at 7:56pm
If you need help with marketing & promotions. I SPECIALIZE IN SPREADING THE GOSPEL THROUGH PROMOTIONS & ENTERTAINMENT ! Sign Up & Join & Fellowship With Us at

Please add your church, ministry, business, or community event, etc. to my "EVENTS LINK" so my 10, 000+ contact network can see your activities!

Comment by Christian Promoter Shawn Papi on January 6, 2010 at 7:56pm
If you need help with marketing & promotions. I SPECIALIZE IN SPREADING THE GOSPEL THROUGH PROMOTIONS & ENTERTAINMENT ! Sign Up & Join & Fellowship With Us at

Please add your church, ministry, business, or community event, etc. to my "EVENTS LINK" so my 10, 000+ contact network can see your activities!

Comment by Christian Promoter Shawn Papi on January 6, 2010 at 7:55pm
If you need help with marketing & promotions. I SPECIALIZE IN SPREADING THE GOSPEL THROUGH PROMOTIONS & ENTERTAINMENT ! Sign Up & Join & Fellowship With Us at

Please add your church, ministry, business, or community event, etc. to my "EVENTS LINK" so my 10, 000+ contact network can see your activities!

Comment by Pastor DC on December 30, 2009 at 11:30am
1 Corinthians 4:18-21 (King James Version)

18Now some are puffed up, as though I would not come to you.

19But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will, and will know, not the speech of them which are puffed up, but the power.

20For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.

21What will ye? shall I come unto you with a rod, or in love, and in the spirit of meekness?
Comment by Pastor DC on December 29, 2009 at 9:36am
Matthew 6:24 (Amplified Bible)
24No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be [a]against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon ([b]deceitful riches, money, possessions, or [c]whatever is trusted in).

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