Truths, how many times have you seen, or heard me write of truth? It is the quest to bring out the one truth doctrine in a faith that claims just that –one faith. But is Christianity a one faith religion in the United States or has man in our many agreements caused so much division with Christ body that though each “ denomination”  may call themselves of the Christian faith. The evidence that they teach different doctrines shows this to be false. How many heads and how many doctrines can one faith have before they are considered many small faiths? The answer to that is simple; a one faith religion will only have one doctrine it holds true. How can we teach the world the “truth” if we as the body look just as confused as they?

Note, that my point is not to bring down the Christian faith, I am a Christian man, but my argument is simply that a body that holds to the scripture of Ephesians 4, 5-6 It reads as this: One Lord, one faith, one baptism. One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. First recognize the word “one” all the way through the scripture. The author I believe is trying to tell us something.  My question would be this. Would one lord of one faith teach many truths about himself or the way of salvation? Of course not, why? Because that would only cause confusion and would hinder the progress of followers of such a faith. Why would, Jesus hinder his own work? He would not. The enemy of God my friends, has slipped in the very walls of our Churches, and each day we stay in this disobedience the worse it will get.

We run around and want to begin new churches all the time, while the Holy Spirit is saying we need to get the others right first. We don’t need more denominations, we need one united God fearing, God loving, God empowered people to show the way to Heaven, not simply to another building. To show them the path Jesus took. Look around us even today, how many different churches do we see? Can you tell me the one that is all truth? And please don’t say “they all have some truth in them” because that simply means they also have some lies, or some not so true things. I am here to tell you, there is only one truth and it is attainable. This is not my words, but scripture. Jeremiah 29:13 and you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart. Also in Matthew 7:7 we read Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Note here that it reads “you” must what? Seek, ask, search and knock, all of these are action words required of you to find truth.


God is not the author of confusion, Satan is. I write this today in love for a body I see in danger. How many people will slip through the cracks of our divisions and spend eternity in a Devils Hades. Because we were too proud to lie down our denominational names, and find a common ground. When each and every one of us knows in our soul that what I write today is real truth. There will be a time when the body will have no other choice but unite, let begin working towards that now. Go in love, and find a way to unite.

Richard A. Kent





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iam bless to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston


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