We are living in very ecumenical times right now as it relates to Christian ministry. I am interested in receiving feedback on the issue of positional doctrine. Since being ecumenical calls for persons and churches, of different denominations to fellowship, (and fellowship amongst believers is good), I'm curious to know, if and when, are ecumenical relationships bad and/or unhealthy?

In Romans 12:16, we are admonished to be of the same mind, in
1 Cor. 1:10, we are admonished to have no divisions among us, in
Eph. 4:14, there are doctrines that are the results of tricky of deceitful men, and in 2 Tim. 3:16, all scripture is inspired by God, yet we are sharply divided in many areas of doctrine:

Carlton Pearson has a very divergent doctrine, Benny Hinn has a unique doctrine, the Full Gospel Fellowship (Paul Morton) has a doctrine, PAW has a doctrine, Dr. James Cone has a doctrine, Southern Baptist have a doctrine, COGIC has a doctrine, Methodist (AME, CME) have a doctrine, Creflo Dollar & Kenneth Copeland share a doctrine, T. D. Jakes has a doctrine, Dr. Tony Evans has a doctrine, Joel Osteen has a doctrine, Bishop College had a doctrine (the doctrine of Harry S. Wright, Manuel L. Scott, Sr., C.A.W. Clark, Sr., E.V. Hill, E.K. Bailey, etc.)

Can any two churches of divergent believes about Jesus, the Holy Spirit, salvation, eternal security, and the Holy Bible truly worship together and is it healthy?

In a purely doctrinal conversation, what do Dr. Harry S. Wright and Bishop Paul S. Morton have in common, if the following is true: the hold divergent views on about salvation, function and purpose of the church, the Holy Spirit, and the superiority and authority of the Holy Scripture?

What do Dr. Tony Evans, Dr. Ralph D. West, and Dr. Joel C. Gregory (Group A) have in common with Bishop T. D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, and Benny Hinn (Group B) if the following is truth: these two representative groups hold divergent views about the Trinity (the Triune God).

Amos 3:3 (KJV) Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

All feed back is welcomed.

P.S. - Poll Question:

Would it be healthy for my congregation to hear Ralph D. West, Joel Osteen, Carlton Pearson, Paul Morton, Jeremiah Wright, T. D. Jakes, and William Shaw all in the course of one week?

(Please respond to this question with a simple yes or no, thank you)

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Replies to This Discussion

I'm sorry, Pastor McGregor. Your poll question cannot be answered with a simple forced-choice matrix. It's poor social science research and the answer you get will not be true or helpful. Besides, based on the wording of the question, only those with knowledge of your congregation should answer.

I personally feel that Christians need to be armed with strong biblical teaching that's based on sound exegetical study. Then they can hear and discern for themselves what is truth from error.
While I'm sure that your personal feelings are appreciated by all who read, I wish, from a purely biblical standpoint, to ask, does that Holy Scripture, being the only important and significant authority, teach and tell us what is truth or does the Holy Bible leave it to us to decide truth from error?
Understood and noted!


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