Between a leader and people

Joshua's: Joshua 24: 1-28

Jehoiada's: II Kings 11:17

Hezekiah's: II Chronicles 29:1-10

Josiah's: II Kings 23:3

Ezra's : Ezra 10:3

Between God and man

Adam: Genesis 2:16,17

Noah: Genesis 9:1-17

Abraham: Genesis 15:18

Isaac: Genesis 26:1-5

Jacob (Israel): Genesis 28:13-22

Israel (the Nation): Exodus 19:5

Levi: Malachi 2:4-10

Phinehas: Numbers 2:11-13

David: Psalms 89:28,34

The Old Covenant (Sinaitic)

Instituted at Sinai: Exodus 19:5

Ratified by sacrifice: Exodus 24:6-8/Hebrews 9:16

Does not annul the Abrahamic: Galatians 3:16-18

Designed to lead to Christ: Galatians 3:17-25

Consists of outward rites: Hebrew 9:1-13

Sealed by circumcision: Genesis 17:9-14

Prefigures the gospel: Hebres 9:8-28

The New (Evangelical)

Promised in Eden: Genesis 3:15

Proclaimed to Abraham: Genesis 12:3

Dated in prophecy: Daniel 9:24-27

Fullfilled in Christ: Luke 1:68-79

Ratified by His blood: Hebrews 9:11-23

Rembered in the Lord's Supper: II Corinthians 11:25

Called everlasting: Hebrews 13:20

The New Covenant : Even a casual reader of the Bible soon discovers that it is divided into major sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. But how many readers realize that "Testament" is just another word for "Covenant" ? Thus the New Testament describes the new covenant ( 1Cor.11:25), or agreement, that God has made with humanity, based on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the Bible, a covenant involves much more than a contract or simple agreement. A contract has an end date, but a covenant is a very permanent arrangement. Futhermore, a contract generally involves only one aspect of a person, such as skill, while the covenant covers a persons total being.

God entered a numerous covenants with people in the Old Testament. For example: with Adam and Eve (Gen.3:15); with Noah (8:21,22); (2 Pet. 3:7,15) with Abraham (Gen.12:1-3); with Israel ( Deut.29:1-30;20) and with David (2Sam.7:12-16;22"51). The agreement with Israel was very significant, because it established a very special relationship between God and the Hebrews. They were made "His Chosen People" through whom He would bring a blessed hope to the rest of the world. However, because the recipients of God's law not keep it perfectly, futher provision was necessary for them as well as the rest of humanity. That's why God promised a new covenant through the prophet Jeremiah (Jer.31:31-34) knowing God means, in part, having a personal relationship with Him, thanks to Christ's work on the cross. Yet centuries before He came (Jesus Christ), Scripture was describing what that sense of personal intimacy with God would be like. The Lord priviledged Jeremiah with this vision of this "New Covenant" Jer.31:31), or way of relating to people, that Jesus Christ would initate. God intends that the hope expressed in Jer. 31 would be the experience of every genuine believer. The Lord promised that : * God's children would know Him (31:34). *God Himself would became Jesus Christ Teacher ( Jhn.5:19 ; 8:28 ; 12:49 ; 14:10). * His teaching would go beyond mere collection of moral percepts, and even beyond an external code of ethics, to the inscription of His Word ( His"Law") on the heart of His children, where it would shape their idenity and behavior ( Jer.31:33). The New Testament futher reveals that the words that God has promised to write on the hearts of His people are written by the Holy Spirit ( 2Cor.3:1-3), who enpowers them to live in a manner that reflects the very character of God. This profound truth of God's New Covenant is so significant that (Jer.31) is quoted 3 times in the New Testament ( Jhn.6:45 ; Heb.8:10 ; 10:16,17). Are you experiencing the close, personal knowledge of the Lord referred to by Jeremiah ? If not, is it impossible that in fact you have never come to know Him by placing faith in what Jesus Christ did for you ? If not, you can establish a personal relationship with God right now by calling out to Him, confessing your own sinlessness and thanking Him for the forgivness He extends to you as a result of Jesus'work on the cross.
The work of Jesus Christ brought the promised new covenant into being. When Jesus Christ ate His final Passover meal with the Twelve, He spoke of the cup as the "New Covenant in My Blood" (Lk.22:20), the words that Paul quoted to the Cointhians to remind them of the need to purity and properity in their worship ( 1Corn,11:25-34). The New Covenant in Jesus'blood rests directly on the sacrifical work of Jesus Christ on the cross (which was prefigured by Isreal's system of sacrifices) and accomplishes the removal of sin and cleansing of one's own conscience by faith in Him (Heb.10:2,22). So every time Christians celebrate the Lord's Supper, they remind themselves that God has fullfilled His Promse." I will be their God, and they shall be My people... I will be mercifull to their righteousness, and their sins and lawless deeds I will remember No more" (Heb.8:10,12; Jer.31:33,34). That's what Holy Communion is... us making that wonderful contract with God!

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Replies to This Discussion

* God is God, and we are His creatures - there is a great distance between us.

* even if we lived perfectly, we should only have done our duty. Luke 17 vs 10.

* we can never claim anything from God as a right.

* yet God undertakes to give certain things to us, upon certain conditions.

* this is a great act of condescension on His part.

* He chooses the gifts; He decides the terms.

it is not an agreement between two equal parties, each imposing conditions on the other. It is GOD binding Himself to graciously do certain things for His undeserving creatures, upon whom He lays certain conditions and obligations (conqueror and conquered). such an undertaking by God is called a "covenant" or "testament".


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