In a moment of weakness we inherit the potential to make one mistake with long lasting consequences. I call this the Esau Syndrome. Selling our birthright for a bowl of porridge. Now his error may seem foolish to us, but all of us can land in situations where good sense and spiritual commitment get undermined by our own weakness.
One good defense against this type of temptation is to know and understand that Satan will strike at or in that moment. We are at our emotional, or physical limit. He understands we to our lack of resources to resist any offer. So he tailors his strategy to fit our supposed need. Wise believers should avoid becoming too tired, too hungry, too lonely, too angry (physically and spiritually) for in allowing this we leave the door open for Satan's short term solution. We get into unwise business deals, unsuitable marriage, bad living environments. Result is that what seemed a cheap quick solution now translate into a high price over a long life.
Too often as not we sell our “birthright” (God's plan for blessing) just because we do not consider the consequence. Very choice both right and wrong have good as well as bad scenarios. But in the end to what price? Make a habit of laying out the choices and then under neath write the probable out comes , take in the advice of those that may have been through the same field.
Ask : What are the consequences of this choice?
How will this choice effect me my relationship with God ? My family? My congregation? Me?
Can I live with my self tomorrow knowing what I did?
When we grow accustomed to evaluating decisions in this way we will be less likely to succumb to you know who's persuasiveness in our weakness!

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I know a lot of time we just don't want to wait; it seem like that sometime the word of god seem so far off from what we want and feel. I have learn the hard way that all things work together for the good. I learn that if I don't pass the test by listening to God I will go through it again or get myself in a place where it no longer my decision to make. I know now the meaning of lord you don't have to move my mountain just give hind feet. I think a lot of time we don't want to wait or suffer to gain anything. The lord promised us peace in the mist of the storm. How would you know real peace if theirs never a storm.
Well put


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