I was really trying to wait for you Ja Ja but I need understanding now;
For awhile now I have been on several Christian dating networks and I am getting the same game players, and constant demands for sex that I was getting on the Worldly sites. This has me totally confused. Christian men are not suppose to be basing a relationship on how much sex they can get this is just not my ideas of a True Christian man. I am looking for the man who lives by Gods Word but I am finding just the opposite. These men seem to be overlooking or forgetting the scriptures such as Corithians and Ephesians that tell them what they should be doing to refrain from sexual immorality.
They should be looking for a woman who has or is learning to live with the Character of God by letting the righteousness of Jesus live in them. Looks, sex and whatever else should not be a basis for a relationship. To me a persons character outweighs everything else.
How can one expect God to bless their relationship when they are in sin. You know God does not honor sin. I am tlking about the men here but their are some women who also need to check themselves. Are you lowering your Christian values just to say you have a man? Now please don't misunderstand me I have made mistakes too but then it came a time when I looked at those mistakes and said God help me? I now have made a total committment to God and will not give up my Christian values for anyone. If that means I will be alone then so be it. I pray everyday for God to show me if it is His Will for me to remain single if that is t he case then I will accept it and move on.
I really would like to hear from my true Christian Sister's and brothers out there.

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I agree with you Missionary Norfolk God is my all and all but he made us as creatures to be married and I preferr not to live the rest of my life without a mate. I have however talked with the Lord and asked Him to show me if I am not to have another mate. If that be the case I would accept His will and reconcile myself to the fact and just travel and do the Ministry God has for me.
Evanelist Parker I hear you loud and clear. I was once a victum of looking for love in all the wrong places but now I have c ommited mylife to God and that is why I am having such a hard time gettng a mate. I know it is because the men are not sincere in their walks with God and they then are not the men for me. It is frustrating but I can accept that fact now where at onetime I could not or would not. To God be the Glory that I am not what I use to be.
What your looking at when it comes to Men who should have a higher standard for their life in looking for a mate is not always the case saved or not they all play games these are the spiritual immature men who don't truly live by the word because they are just trying to get laid. Now these men look for women they think they want its always said i want a Godly woman and then when you present your self as such then you find out they really don't want that its all about seeing if they can get laid no faithfulness to God then they won't be faithful to you. You truly have to follow the lead of the holy spirit. Since i have been single i told the lord that any man i decide to give my time to who assumes to be Godly i want you god to show me if he is not right and when i did not allow the fact he look good, feel good, sound good. get in my way but i allow the lord to judge and he expose them every time so its just a matter of wisdom one thing i learned is you will ATTRACT WHAT YOU PUT OUT so the question is are there things in me that i don't know about that i am giving off that i attract theses kind of men. I realized it was true no matter how hard it was for me to admit so i did some serious spiritual cleaning and changed my standard and walked it out and now i find i am attracting a better quality.So sometimes its not always the man but some times US . Don't get me wrong there are just some men who choose to be that way but we must decide if our goal is to make sure we meet our Godly King then we must take a look at what are we truly putting out spiritually.
Miss Robinson I agree with what you are saying whole heartedly but to me just like in anything else we whould not play with others hearts if we truly live by Gods Word. These men should have a fear of what might happen to them when they play with the Sisters of God.
I do caring myself as a Christian woman and anyone will tell you that I lead a true Christian life. I have taken a look to see if I am putting out a wrong message but I am not I just have what God gave me naturally and for some reason men only see someone who is a sex object. I do not wear indecent clothes or anything like that it seems to be just what men have seen all my life. I have even had men tell me that I radiaten sex appeal what ever that means. I just pray for them a nd keep on moving. Now that I am walking in Jesus I can cut them off at the path.
See my previous comment. For those who are young waiting is not a problem but for those of us who are older
I would like to be a good mate for my husband and not someone who cannot even get around. that is why I will settle for not having a mate if God tells me that is what His will is. I would not want to marry a man I can not even take care of because I could not take care of myself. For me sex is what comes natural in a marriage it is not a necessity I have lived without it for a while now and will continue to do so if neccessary. I am talking a bout having a comapnion to come home to and Minister Gods Word with. God made us as loving and sharing people and wanting someone to share your life with is not wrong.


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